Form Designer
  • 23 Oct 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Form Designer

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Article summary

Empowering Form Designer with Out of the box Forms!

These forms will be out of the box forms which are available for immediate use. These forms are existing forms at Platform level, Application level and Module level.


Initially, the User Form will be under Maintenance status. The Application Administrator must publish it for the first time.

Create OOB User Form

To view out of the box (OOB) form at platform level, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Platform Studio > select the required Application and Module.
    Figure: Platform - Form Designer

  2. Select the Designer as Form Designer. A Form Designer list page is displayed.
    Figure: User Form (Platform Level)

  3.  Click the numeric hyperlink under ID column.
    Figure: User Form (Platform Level)

  4.  The Form Designer details page is displayed.
    Figure: User Form - Form Designer Details Page

  5.  You can start creating your required form from here using the stepper process. For more information on how to create forms, refer Form Designer

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