GDPR Configuration
  • 21 Jun 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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GDPR Configuration

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Article summary

Configure GDPR

User persona: Administrator

Configuring a GDPR consent form in an application involves setting up the consent flow to ensure compliance with data protection regulations. This includes specifying the geographical locations and domains where the form will be active, customizing the consent messages to clearly inform users about data collection and usage, and providing options for users to give or withdraw their consent.

To configure GDPR, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to Apex.

  2. Select the Application Group for which you want to configure. Refer the below screenshot:

    Figure: Select Application Group

  3. Clickfrom the top panel.

  4. Click Platform Studio.

  5. Click GDPR > GDPR Configuration from the left panel. Refer the below screenshot:

    Figure: Select GDPR

  6. The following configuration screen is displayed:

    Figure: GDPR Configuration screen

There are three tabs in the GDPR configuration screen:

  • Map Locations

  • Consent Administrator

  • Messages

Map Locations

Specify the geographical locations and domain(s) where the GDPR consent form will be active in the Map Locations tab. This configuration helps in tailoring the consent process to meet legal requirements and user expectations across different regions.

Refer the below table for different fields and their description in Map Locations tab:




Select a Domain for which you want to configure GDPR consent form.


Type in the locations for which you want to configure the GDPR consent form in the auto-complete search bar. It will display relevant results in the dropdown list. Refer the below screenshot:

Figure: Search locations


If the Domain and Location are mapped, GDPR is enabled for the users of the mapped Domain and Location. If no Location is mapped and GDPR enabled, in such case, GDPR is enable for all the users of the Application. Domain is applicable for a multi-domain instance.

Consent Administrator

Add the Administrators who will be notified upon accepting or declining a GDPR consent form by an user in the Consent Administrator tab.

Figure: Consent Administrator tab

Refer the below table for different fields and their description in Map Locations tab:




Type in the name of the user whom you want to add in the search bar. As you type in the name, list of all the relevant users in displayed in the dropdown list. Select the right user from the list. Refer the below screenshot:

Figure: Search user

Add User

Clickto add the user. Refer the below screenshot:

Figure: Add user

The added users’ details are displayed in the tabular format along with their details like User ID, name, Email ID, and Location.


Clickto delete any added user.


Customize the GDPR consent form by selecting any relevant pop-up message, such as GDPR Acceptance, GDPR Re-acceptance, or Enabling/Disabling GDPR in the Messages tab. They can then edit the title and content of the selected message to ensure it aligns with their specific requirements and communicates effectively with users. This allows for tailored messaging that enhances user understanding and compliance with GDPR regulations.

Figure: Messages tab

Refer the below table for different fields and their description in Map Locations tab:




Select the popup message that you want to display from the dropdown menu. Following options for popup messages are there:

  • GDPR Acceptance

  • GDPR Re-acceptance

  • Confirm GDPR Acceptance

  • Confirm GDPR Decline

  • Disabling GDPR

  • Enabling GDPR

A sample screenshot is shown below:

Figure: Popup selection


Once you select the type of popup message, Title field is displayed. You can edit the title for selected popup message. Refer the sample screenshot shown below:

Figure: Title

Message editor

Add or edit the message content in the rich text editor. After you select the Popup, the message is automatically populated in the rich text editor. Refer the below screenshot:

Figure: Message editor

Click Submit after you have provided the required details in all the fields. Click Cancel, if you do not want to save the details and do not want to save the GDPR consent form configuration.

GDPR End User Flow

User persona: End User

The GDPR consent form flow for an end user typically begins with the user being informed about the data collection purposes, their rights, and how the data will be used. The user is then presented with clear and specific consent options, allowing them to agree or decline data processing activities.

They must explicitly opt-in to grant consent. Once consent is given, it is securely recorded and stored for compliance purposes, ensuring transparency and adherence to GDPR regulations.


GDPR must be enabled for the end user for the location to which the user belongs.

Accept GDPR consent

Following are the steps for an end user who accepts GDPR consent form:

  1. Login to Apex.

  2. GDPR Consent Form is displayed. Refer the below screenshot:

    Figure: GDPR Consent Form

  3. Scroll down the form, and click the check box next to I have read the above information and accept. Accept button is enabled only after you click on the check box. Refer the below screenshot:

    Figure: Accept/Decline button enabled

  4. As you click Accept, another confirmation message is displayed stating that you have provided the consent to see and store your PII data in encrypted form. Also, the message includes details about who will view your PII data. Refer the below screenshot:

    Figure: Confirmation - Accept GDPR consent form

    Click Ok to accept and confirm that you are providing consent. Click Cancel to go back to the previous screen.

Decline GDPR consent

Following are the steps for an end user who declines GDPR consent form:

  1. Login to Apex.

  2. GDPR Consent Form is displayed. Refer the below screenshot:

    Figure: GDPR Consent Form

  3. Click Decline. A confirmation message is displayed that mentions the users’ data will not be stored in Apex and they will be logged out of Apex. Refer the below screenshot:

    Figure: Decline - confirmation

  4. Click Ok to proceed without accepting the GDPR consent form.

Accept after Declining GDPR consent

After declining the GDPR consent form, you will not be able to use Apex. Next time to login to Apex, you will again see the GDPR consent form. You can accept the consent after declining it before.

Following are the steps that explain how the GDPR consent form works after you decline it and again log in to Apex:

  1. Login to Apex.

  2. Once you login to Apex after declining the GDPR consent form before, then a popup is displayed that mentions that you have previously declined GDPR consent and asks you to provide your consent. Refer the below screenshot:

    Figure: GDPR consent form popup

  3. Click Ok. The GDPR consent form is displayed. Scroll down the form, and click the check box next to I have read the above information and accept. Refer the below screenshot:

    Figure: Accept/Decline button enabled

  4. Click Accept.

  5. As you click Accept, another confirmation message is displayed stating that you have provided the consent to see and store your PII data in encrypted form. Also, the message includes details about who will view your PII data. Refer the below screenshot:

    Figure: Confirmation - Accept GDPR consent form

    Click Ok to accept and confirm that you are providing consent. Click Cancel to go back to the previous popup.

Disabling GDPR

To disable GDPR, please contact Apex support team.

If GDPR is enabled, then an info icon () as shown in the below screenshot:

Figure: Info icon

Clickingopens a popup that displays information about disabling GDPR. The following popup is displayed:

Figure: Disabling GDPR - info

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