


Active control is a type of switch that is represented as checkbox, where the user can select and clear as a Switch control action.


Adaptive Cards

Send notifications to end-users via MS teams. To facilitate such integrations, Microsoft has introduced platform-agnostic UI snippets called Adaptive Cards. These snippets are written in JSON and are adapted easily by any native UI.

Admin Form

The Admin Forms are configurable forms. The Application Designer designs the Admin form and an Administrator provide the values for pre-designed fields in Admin Form. For Example - Priority Form


A person who analyzes data, processes, or systems to gain insights or make informed decisions

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of rules, protocols, and tools that allows different software applications to communicate and interact with each other.

Application Programming Interfaces, which allow different software applications to communicate and interact with each other
Approval actions

Approval actions refer to the specific actions or steps taken during the approval process for a particular task, request, or decision.

Assertion Consumer Service

It receives and process SAML assertions from Identity Providers (IdPs).

Asset Code

Asset Codes are unique identifiers in the inventory, formed by concatenating selected phrases like Category, Location, Year, etc., in specified order.
For instance:
* Scenario 1: Choose CategoryCode, Location, and Year to generate an Asset Code in CategoryCode/Location/Year format.

* Scenario 2: Select Category, Make, and Entity to form an Asset Code in CategoryCode/Entity/Make/SequenceIDIncrementalByEntity format.

Asset Cost

Asset Cost refers to the total expenditure incurred by an organization for acquiring specific assets as specified in the purchase order.

Asset Reconciliation

Asset Reconciliation is a procedure employed by the IT teams to ensure the allocated Fixed Assets are still being used by obtaining an acknowledgment from the End Users and their manager for using the Asset. 

This keeps the Asset Inventory data updated. The frequency of the Asset Reconciliation process is decided by the Asset Managers.

Assigned to

Assigned to denotes the individual or team responsible for managing and resolving an incident, problem, change, or service request.

Auto Generated IDs

Aute Generated IDs are uniquely configured alphanumeric codes or numbers that gets automatically assigned to record. It gets generated by system without any manual intervention.


Base Cost

Base Cost refers to the initial or base price paid for acquiring an asset as specified in the purchase order. This cost represents the amount agreed upon between the purchasing organization and the vendor or supplier for the procurement of the asset.




A Bulletin is a feature that is available to send announcements to a large number of audience or targeted groups through various mediums such as WebApp, Email, etc.

Business Rule Designer
An interface or tool used to create, manage, and edit business rules within a system
Business Rules
Server-side scripting designed to provide specific conditions and trigger actions within a system, such as sending notifications, calling APIs, and updating fields based on matching conditions


Calibration Schedule

Calibration Schedule refers to a predetermined plan or timetable for verifying and adjusting the accuracy and precision of medical devices. Calibration ensures that medical equipment consistently produces reliable and accurate results, which is critical for patient safety and effective medical diagnosis and treatment.

Caller User Name

Caller User Name refers to the name of the person who reported or initiated the incident, change, problem, or service request.

Carousel navigation arrow

A carousel navigation arrow, in the context of user interface design, refers to the arrows or icons used to navigate through the content of a carousel or slider component.


Organized and grouped based on common characteristics or functionality.


Category refers to a predefined grouping used to organize and manage incidents, problems, changes, or service requests based on their nature or type.



Classification refers to the categorization of an incident, change, problem, or service request based on predefined criteria to facilitate proper handling and resolution.

Closure Code

Closure code is a predefined code used to indicate the reason or type of closure for an incident, problem, change, or service request.

A criterion or rule that must be met for a workflow to be triggered or an action to be performed.
Configuration Item

A Configuration Item (CI) is a fundamental building block or component within an organization's IT infrastructure that is managed and tracked in a Configuration Management Database (CMDB).

CIs are entities that have unique identification and have attributes and relationships that are relevant for configuration management and IT service delivery.

Contract Type

Contract Type refers to the type of contract or agreement associated with the procurement of assets through a purchase order. This designation helps organizations categorize and manage their purchases based on different contractual arrangements.

Core Flow
A type of workflow that represents the main or central flow of a process.
Cost Center

Cost Center refers to the specific department, project, or cost allocation code within an organization to which the expenses associated with the purchase of assets will be charged or attributed.

Focused on cost efficiency, minimizing expenses associated with table design.
Create User

Upon enabling this checkbox, the user is created if that user is not available in the database but wants to login into the application using the authentication method.


Data source

A data source is a location where data that is being used originates from.

Data Source

Data sources are critical components of report dashboards because they provide the information necessary for generating visualizations, charts, tables, and other elements within the dashboard. The choice of data source, its management, and the way data is transformed and integrated play a crucial role in the effectiveness and accuracy of the dashboard.

Database elements
Fundamental components within a database used to structure and organize data.

Default control is a type of switch that is represented as checkbox, where the user can select and clear as a Switch control action.

Default values
Predefined values assigned to specific fields or columns within a table if no other value is provided

Description provides a detailed account of the issue, request, problem, or change, including relevant information and context.

diary field

Diary field refers to a text field where you can enter notes, comments, or updates related to a specific incident, problem, change, or any other type of ticket. It's essentially a log or journal used to document actions, communications, observations, or any other relevant information about the ticket.

Discovery Import

Discovery Import refers to the process of importing data about IT assets into the ITAM inventory through automated discovery mechanisms.

DMZ network zone

DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) network zone is a segmented area of a network that sits between an organization's internal network (intranet) and an external network, typically the internet. The DMZ acts as a buffer zone that provides an additional layer of security by placing certain servers, services, and resources that need to be accessible from the internet in a separate network segment.


Primary entity in the platform topology which is required to create other components.

A way to categorize or group different areas or modules within the SymphonyAI application based on specific criteria or functionalities
Downward caret

The term "downward caret" typically refers to a symbol that points downward and is commonly represented as "v" or "V" in a dropdown menu or a normal menu.


E-mail parsing

Email parsing is the process of extracting relevant information from an email message and organizing it in a structured format that can be easily processed by software applications. This involves analyzing the contents of an email, such as the sender, recipient, subject, body, attachments, and any other pertinent data.

Elapsed Time

The amount of time that has passed from the moment an issue is reported until it is resolved.


Inclusive of or covering a wide range of elements, aspects, or perspectives.

Entity ID

Name supplied to the identity provider. It helps identity provider to verify that it is a trusted partner.


To "escalate" means to raise or elevate an issue, concern, or problem to a higher level of authority or priority.

Event Linking System

Event Linking System is a software tool that identifies and correlates related events within a system or across multiple systems. It enables the tracking and understanding of event relationships, providing insights into their sequence and impact.


Exchange Web Services (EWS) is an Application Program Interface (API) that allows programmers to access Microsoft Exchange items. This is the URL used by the system to establish a connection with a mailbox hosted on exchange.


Exchange is Microsoft's email and collaboration platform, and organizations may host it either in the cloud (such as with Microsoft 365 or Exchange Online) or on their on-premise servers.

Expiry Message

This message appears for expired OTP. It shows that the OTP has expired, to get new OTP click Resend OTP.


federated data model

A federated data model is a conceptual framework for managing data across multiple sources or organizations while maintaining a unified view for users or applications. In a federated data model, data remains distributed across different databases, systems, or locations, but it is accessed and managed in a coordinated manner.

Feedback Received

Feedback received refers to comments or evaluations provided by users or stakeholders about the service or support they received. 

Firmware/Software version

Firmware/Software version refers to the specific release or iteration of firmware or software installed on a device or system. It indicates the level of updates, bug fixes, and enhancements applied to the firmware or software since its initial release.


Fishbone analysis, also known as Ishikawa diagram or cause-and-effect diagram, is a problem-solving technique used to identify and explore the various potential causes contributing to a particular issue or problem. The technique gets its name from its visual representation, which resembles the skeleton of a fish, with the problem or effect being depicted as the "head" and the potential causes branching out like "bones."



Global Tenant

A Global Tenant is a Tenant, which is configured and available to the Local (Child) Tenants (referred to as Tenants) as the default configuration. All the Tenants under the Global Tenant inherit the configurations made for the Global Tenant.

Grant Type

Grant Type dictates how the client application obtains the access token from the authorization server.

  • Authorization Code is recommended for server-side applications. It involves redirecting the user for authentication and authorization, then exchanging the returned authorization code for an access token securely. This process, completed on the server side, enhances security.
  • Implicit is ideal for client-side applications, by providing the access token directly after user authentication. 

A structured arrangement of rows and columns used to organize and display data or content in a tabular format within an application or interface

Grid View

The Grid view are visually rich and displays the data in an individual tile or card format.


Hardware Variance

Hardware Variance refers to differences between expected and actual hardware performance. For example, a processor designed to run at 3.0 GHz might operate at 2.95 GHz due to manufacturing variations. Managing such variances is critical for ensuring product quality and reliability across industries like electronics and automotive.


Hostname refers to the unique label assigned to a device connected to a network. It serves as a human-readable identifier for the device within the network environment. 

Hostnames, assigned per organizational conventions, work alongside IP addresses for user-friendly device identification, offering a more accessible alternative to numerical IP sequences.



IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) and MEID (Mobile Equipment Identifier) are unique identification numbers assigned to mobile devices. These numbers serve as a way to identify individual mobile devices such as smartphones, feature phones, tablets, and other cellular-enabled devices.


Impact measures the extent to which an incident, service request, problem, or change affects business operations or services.

Incident ID

An Incident ID is a unique identifier assigned to an individual incident within an IT Service Management system for tracking and reference purposes.


ISBN barcode

An ISBN barcode typically employs the EAN-13 barcode format. This format consists of a 13-digit number, where the first three digits are the Bookland prefix (usually 978 or 979), followed by the group identifier, publisher code, item number, and a check digit. The barcode facilitates easy and accurate identification and inventory management.


URL that identifies your SAML identity provider.

Issuer OpenID

URL that identifies your OpenID Identity provider.


A collection of procedures and a framework for IT tasks including IT asset management (ITAM) and IT service management (ITSM) that center on matching IT services to business requirements is known as the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL).






KaiOS is a lightweight operating system designed primarily for feature phones, which are mobile phones that offer limited functionality compared to smartphones. KaiOS is based on the Linux kernel and is developed by KaiOS Technologies Inc. 

It is optimized to run on devices with minimal hardware specifications, making it suitable for affordable phones targeted at emerging markets and users who prefer simpler devices.

Kebab menu icon

The kebab menu icon  is a common symbol used in user interfaces to represent a collapsible menu or navigation drawer. It consists of three dots stacked on top of each other.



Label layout

Label layout is the arrangement and positioning of labels in the Rating control.

Label names
Refers to the names or descriptions assigned to data fields, buttons, or other elements within the application's user interface
Last Updated

Last updated indicates the most recent timestamp when an incident, problem, change, or service request was modified or amended.

License Key

License Key, also known as a product key or serial number, is a unique alphanumeric code or string provided by software vendors or manufacturers to authenticate and validate the use of their software product. It serves as a form of copy protection and ensures that users have obtained legal access to the software.

Likert scale

Likert scale is a psychometric scale commonly used to measure attitudes, opinions, or preferences of survey participants.

List View

The List view displays the data in a tabular format (rows and columns) with each row displaying multiple fields.

Local Tenant

All the Tenants under a Global Tenant are known as Local Tenants. The Local Tenants inherit configurations made at the Global Tenant level.


Location specifies the physical or virtual site where an incident, problem, change, or service request is occurring or needs to be addressed.

Location HOD

Location Head of Department (HOD) is typically a departmental manager or a designated individual responsible for overseeing the IT assets within a specific department or area of an organization. The responsibilities of a Location HOD in IT asset management may include Asset Ownership, Allocation, Utilization, Maintenance, Tracking, Compliance, and Security.

Location Manager

Location Manager is typically an individual or a designated role responsible for overseeing the physical locations and movements of IT assets within an organization. The primary responsibilities of a location manager include Asset Tracking, Inventory Management, Asset Movement Tracking, Reporting, and Analysis.

Log time

Log time refers to the specific timestamp when an incident, change, or service request is recorded in the system.

Logged by

Logged by or Requested by indicates the name of the individual or system that recorded the incident, change, or service request in the system.



  • Image width should be less than 300px.
  • Image height should be less than 48px.
  • Supported Image format: .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .bmp.



Mailbox is used to send and receive emails.

Main form

The central interface of the application, serves as the primary point of interaction for users.

 Example: Manage Service Request form


Make refers to the manufacturer or brand of the asset.  It identifies the company that produced the hardware or software item being managed. 

For example, for a laptop, the Make field might indicate whether the laptop was manufactured by Dell, HP, Lenovo, Apple, or another company. It helps identify the origin or source of the asset within the organization's inventory.

Manual Import

Manual Import refers to the process of entering asset data into the ITAM inventory directly through user intervention, without relying on automated discovery mechanisms. 


Manufacturer identifies the company responsible for producing the asset. It specifies the entity behind the design, production, and distribution. 

For example, for a Server, it could indicate Dell EMC, Cisco, Supermicro, or another manufacturer. This information is crucial for warranty, support, and maintenance tracking.

MDM Status

MDM stands for Mobile Device Management. MDM status refers to the management status of a mobile device within an organization's mobile device management system. Mobile Device Management systems are used by organizations to remotely manage and monitor mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and sometimes laptops, that are used by employees for work purposes.


Various channels or platforms such as email, SMS (Short Message Service), and collaboration tools like MS Teams are utilized for communicating information.

Additional information or attributes associated with the data stored in the table.

Model refers to the specific product or model name of the hardware or software asset being managed. It provides detailed information about the version or type of the asset within its product line. It specifies the particular version or variant of the asset.

multi select chip style

A multi-select chip style dropdown menu is a user interface element that combines the functionality of a dropdown menu and a chip-based selection system. It allows to make multiple selections from a list of options presented in a dropdown-style menu, and the selected options are visually represented as chips.


No Condition
A condition option where no specific condition is set, indicating that the workflow will be triggered without any condition.

Node on the timeline signifies a significant occurrence or a designated point along the timeline's chronological sequence.

Notification Designer

Feature within an application or system used by designers to create notification templates.


Out of Box

OOB integration, or out-of-the-box integration, describes a software system's capacity to easily connect and exchange data with external systems or components using pre-built connectors or APIs, without requiring a great deal of customization.


Parent Form

A parent form refers to a main form within an application that holds multiple child forms and act as a container to organize various popover forms or subforms.

Pending reason

Pending reason specifies the cause or justification for why an incident, problem, change, or service request is currently on hold or awaiting further action.

Pending Reason
A specific justification or explanation for why an item or task is still awaiting completion or resolution
plain text

Plain text is an input field where you can enter text without any formatting options or rich text editing capabilities. It's a simple text entry field where you can input alphanumeric characters, symbols, and basic punctuation without any additional formatting such as bold, italic, or underlined text.

PO Date

PO Date refers to the date on which a purchase order (PO) is issued by the purchasing organization to a vendor or supplier for the procurement of assets.

PO Number

PO Number refers to a Purchase Order number. It is a unique identifier assigned to a specific purchase transaction for acquiring IT assets or related services. PO number helps track procurement activities, including the purchase date, vendor information, item details, quantities, and associated costs.

Popover Form

A compact, temporary form overlaying the main interface, commonly utilized to present additional information or functionalities without requiring users to navigate away from the current page. 

Example: Reopen Request form, User Request Details form


Priority indicates the level of urgency assigned to an incident, problem, change, or service request, determining its order of resolution based on impact and urgency.

Proactive Problem

A proactive problem record focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of incidents and recurring issues to prevent them from happening again.

Proxy Server

Proxy Server is a middleman between a client device and the internet, forwarding client requests to servers and relaying responses back. It can provide anonymity, caching to improve performance, content filtering, load balancing, and access control.

Making a workflow available or operational for use within the workflow management system
Publish Life Cycle Form

The Publish Life Cycle of a form refers to the process of creating, reviewing, approving and release a form.


Publisher refers to the entity or company that develops and distributes the software. The publisher is the organization responsible for creating the software, maintaining its updates, providing support, and issuing licenses for its use.

For instance, Microsoft is the publisher of the Microsoft Office suite, Adobe is the publisher of Adobe Photoshop, and Oracle is the publisher of various database management systems and enterprise software solutions.


QR barcode

A QR (Quick Response) barcode is a two-dimensional matrix barcode consisting of black squares arranged on a white background, which can encode a wide variety of data types, including numeric, alphanumeric, binary, and kanji characters. 

QR codes can store significantly more information than traditional barcodes and can be scanned quickly and easily by smartphones and QR code readers.

QR Code

QR code (Quick Response code) is a type of two-dimensional barcode that can store a large amount of information, typically in the form of alphanumeric text. Unlike traditional barcodes, which are one-dimensional and can only store data horizontally, QR codes can store data both horizontally and vertically. This allows them to hold significantly more information.



RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker software that facilitates communication between systems, applications, and services by implementing the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). It enables reliable and scalable asynchronous messaging, supporting various messaging patterns for building distributed architectures.

Raid Controller

RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) controller for a server is a hardware component responsible for managing the operation of RAID arrays, which are configurations of multiple hard disk drives (HDDs) or solid-state drives (SSDs) grouped together for data redundancy, performance enhancement, or both.

Raid Level

RAID level refers to the specific configuration or scheme used to organize and manage data across multiple disk drives within a RAID array. Each RAID level offers different trade-offs in terms of data redundancy, performance, capacity, and reliability. 

The most common RAID levels include: RAID 0 (Striping), RAID 1 (Mirroring), RAID 5 (Striping with Parity), RAID 6 (Striping with Dual Parity), RAID 10 (Striping and Mirroring), and RAID 50 and RAID 60.

Rating Control

Rating control refers to a user interface element that allows users to provide ratings or feedback on a specific item, product, or experience.

Reactive Problem

Reactive problem record is triggered in response to incidents that have already taken place. When an incident is recognized as a symptom of an underlying problem, a reactive problem record is created to manage the investigation and resolution of that problem.

Redirect URL

URL used for redirecting the User to specific page after SSO.

Request Authentication Context

It comprises details on the type of authentication method used, the amount of assurance or security necessary for authentication, and any other contextual information that can be helpful in making an authentication choice.

Requested Authentication Context

In SAML, the Requested Authentication Context comparison methods define how the identity provider (IdP) evaluates authentication methods against those requested by the service provider (SP).

  • Minimum: IdP meets/exceeds SP's assurance level.
  • Better: IdP chooses a stronger method, surpassing SP's request.
  • None: IdP isn't bound to a specific level.
  • Maximum: IdP picks the highest assurance method available.
  • Exact: IdP strictly adheres to SP's specified level, rejecting others. 

Resolution Code

Resolution code is a predefined set of codes used to categorize the outcome or reason for resolving an incident, problem, change, or service request.

Resolution deadline

Resolution deadline is the specified time by which an incident, problem, change, or service request must be fully resolved, as outlined in the Service Level Agreement (SLA).

Resolution elapsed time

Resolution elapsed time is the total time taken from when an incident, change, or service request is logged to when it is fully resolved.

Resolution SLA

Resolution SLA defines the timeframe within which the service provider commits to resolving an incident or fulfilling a request after it has been reported.

Resolution SLA Met

Resolution SLA met indicates that the issue was resolved within the agreed-upon Service Level Agreement (SLA) timeframe.

Resolution Time

Resolution time is the total time taken to fully resolve an incident, problem, change, or service request from the moment it is logged.

Response Attribute

Response attribute refers to the data or information that is included in the SAML response returned by the identity provider (IdP) to the service provider (SP) after a successful authentication process.

 When you mention "Response Attributes are Email and NT ID," it usually means that the SAML response, which is returned by the identity provider (IdP) to the service provider (SP) after a successful authentication, includes two specific attributes: "Email" and "NT ID."

Response Deadline

Response deadline is the time by which an initial response to an incident, problem, change, or service request must be made, according to the Service Level Agreement (SLA).

Response elapsed time

Response elapsed time is the total time taken from when an incident, change, or service request is logged to when the initial response is provided.

Response SLA

A Response SLA refers to the agreed-upon timeframe within which a service provider commits to acknowledging or responding to a customer's request or issue after it has been reported.

Response SLA Met

Response SLA met signifies that the initial response to an incident, problem, change, or service request was provided within the agreed-upon Service Level Agreement (SLA) timeframe.

Response Time

Response SLA refers to timeframe within which the service provider commits to responding to an Incident or a Request after it has been reported.

Focused on achieving desired outcomes and delivering effective table designs.
Retrospective SLA

A Retrospective SLA is a review or assessment process conducted after a predefined period.

rich text

Rich text is an input field that allows you to input or view text with various formatting options and styling capabilities. It enables you to enhance the text with formatting features such as bold, italics, underline, font styles, bullet and numbered points, hyperlinks, and color.

rich text format

Rich text format, or RTF, is a type of document that allows you to add many types of markups and formatting features, such as font sizes, colors, underlines, strike-throughs, italics, bolding, shadows and highlights.

Role Template

A role template, also known as a role definition or role blueprint, is a pre-defined template that describes a set of permissions, privileges, and responsibilities associated with a specific role within an organization or system.


Rule Engine
A component or module within the Business Rule Designer that helps manage and execute business rules




Definition of term



A scheduler is a software component or system that manages the execution of tasks, processes, or events according to a predefined schedule or set of rules.


It specifies the level of access and the types of information that the client application is requesting from the OpenID Connect provider (OP) about the authenticated user. Type of scopes are:

  1.  openid: Indicates that the client is requesting basic OpenID Connect authentication services.
  2.  profile: It requests access to the user's basic profile information. 
  3.  email: It allows client application to retrieve user's email address, facilitating communication, identification.
Security Manager

Security Manager oversees physical security measures, access control, and surveillance at each office and data center.

Refers to processes or actions that occur on the server or server infrastructure rather than on the client-side
Service catalog

A service catalog is a comprehensive and structured listing of all the services offered by an organization. It serves as a centralized repository and reference point for users to explore, request, and access various services.

Service Catalog
A catalog or list of available services within the application, typically organized and presented to users for selection
Service Provider

The service provider (SP) is the application or service that the user wants to access after authentication. It relies on the identity provider for user authentication and authorization.

Service Window

A service window typically refers to a designated period of time during which a particular service or activity is available or accessible to customers or clients.

Set Trigger
Establishing the event or condition that initiates the execution of a workflow.
Site Engineer

Site Engineers are IT technicians who handle maintenance, troubleshooting, and repairs of IT assets within each location.

Site Manager

Site Manager is responsible for overseeing IT assets and operations within each office or data center.

SKU Number

SKU Number is a unique identifier assigned to each distinct product and variant to help track inventory and manage stock levels efficiently.

SKU numbers are often alphanumeric codes that may include information such as product type, size, color, style, and other attributes that differentiate one product from another. They provide a standardized way to identify products across various sales channels, warehouses, and distribution centers.


SLA stands for Service Level Agreement. It is a formal agreement or contract between a service provider and its customers that outlines the level of service that will be provided.

Slider control

Slider survey control is used for surveys that require users to provide ratings or feedback on a scale using a slider.


Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a set of protocols for managing and monitoring complex networks.


SNMP V3 requires an authentication and login credentials for managing a device on the network. SNMP V3 provides important security features such as confidentiality to prevent snooping by an unauthorized source, message integrity to avoid data tampering, and authentication to validate the source.

Software Variance

Software Variance refers to discrepancies between expected and actual software behavior. For instance, an application designed for one operating system version might encounter issues on another version. Managing such differences requires rigorous testing and debugging to ensure consistent performance across platforms.


Solution is the specific method or fixes applied to resolve an incident, problem, change, or service request.

Source Attribute

The source attribute can be fields, properties, or data types configured in the source data (such as Source Form).


Secure Shell (SSH) is a Unix Shell program for logging into, and executing commands on, a remote computer. The protocol provides secure encrypted communications between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network. SSH is used in case of other than windows OS.

Static approval

Static approval is a predetermined or fixed approval process where certain requests or tasks are automatically approved without the need for manual review or intervention.


Status indicates the current stage or condition of an incident, problem, change, or service request within its lifecycle.

Stored Procedure

A stored procedure is a precompiled and reusable set of one or more SQL statements and procedural logic that is stored in a database. Stored procedures are commonly used in database management systems like SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.

Sub Domain

Sub Domains are subsidiaries under Domains that are used to design the next level of platform components to function independently as required by business units.

Sub Domains
Subsections or subcategories within a domain, representing more specific functionalities or modules within the SymphonyAI application
Sub Flow
A type of workflow that represents a secondary or subordinate flow within a larger process or workflow
Sub Form

A secondary form that is linked to the main form, which provides additional details or functionalities related to specific data or actions on the main form. 

Example: New Laptop Request catalog form, Database Access Request catalog form

Sub Status

Sub-status is a secondary classification applied to an asset to provide additional information about its current state or condition.

Success Message

This message appears when the entered Email ID is registered. It shows that the OTP has been sent to the registered Email ID.


Switch control is a type of switch that is represented as a slider, where the user can toggle switch as On or Off. When the Switch is enabled then the color of the slider bar changes to blue, if disabled then it is represented as grey.


A symptom is an observable effect or sign indicating that an incident, change, service request, or problem has occurred.

System Defined Master Type
Pre-defined master types provided by the SymphonyAI application, typically covering common data elements or entities.


Target Attribute

The target attribute can be fields, properties, or data types configured in the target data (such as Target Form). Target attributes defines how the data (field or field values) will be mapped to the desired target data (target form).

Refers to the application of scientific knowledge and tools to solve practical problems or create useful products.
Telemetry Consent

Telemetry consent refers to obtaining permission or authorization from individuals or users before collecting and transmitting data from their devices, often through sensors or monitoring systems.


Easy to use and edit predefined designs.


Tenant is a platform component that is created inside the Sub Domain to leverage the independent functionality of a department along with data privacy.

Tenant Group

A Tenant group is collection of Tenants.

Refers to different entities or organizations using the SymphonyAI application, often with separate data and configuration settings

Customizable sets of properties that determine the visual layout and style of an entire application.

Focused on optimizing time efficiency and reducing the time required for table design.

A tooltip is a small pop-up box that appears when the user hovers over an element, providing additional information or guidance.

Transaction Form

The Transaction Forms are consumable forms consumed by End Users. For Example - Incident List Page

An event or action that initiates the execution of a workflow.
Turnaround Time

Turnaround Time SLA is defined as the maximum time allowed for a particular Task or Process to be completed.


Upload Certificate

Add a security certificate to verify the service provider's or identity provider's identity.

URL for Refresh Redirect

It refers to the endpoint or location where the client application expects to receive the response after successfully refreshing an access token in OAuth authentication. This URL is specified by the client application during the initial OAuth authorization process and is used by the authorization server to redirect the user back to the client application after token refresh.

Use Case
A specific scenario or example that illustrates how a system or feature can be used to address a particular requirement or achieve a desired outcome
User Defined Master Type
Custom-defined master types created by administrators or users to manage specific data elements or entities unique to their organization or requirements


Validation Message

This message appears when the entered Email ID doesn’t match any registered Email IDs. It shows that the Email ID entered is incorrect or invalid.


A Vendor is an external entity from whom an organization procures IT-related products or services, with management involving tracking purchases and maintaining contract details.


The Views are created based on specific filter criteria or conditions defined by Application Designer to simplify the data display on list page.

Visual style

The overall aesthetic and visual representation of the application.



Widgets are small cards that display dynamic content from your favorite apps and services on your Windows desktop.



Windows Management Interface (WMI) is a set of extensions to the Windows Driver Model that provides an operating system interface through which instrumented components provide information and notification.


A workflow is a systematic and organized series of tasks or approval processes that are designed to accomplish a specific objective or results.

Workflow Canvas Layout
A design layout or interface where the workflow components are visually arranged using drag-and-drop functionality.
Workflow Designer
A tool or platform used to create and manage business workflows with automation capabilities.

Workflows refer to the sequence of tasks, activities, or steps that need to be completed in a specific order to achieve a desired outcome or goal.


A workgroup is a small group or team of individuals who come together to collaborate on a specific task or project within an organization.


Workorder is a document or electronic form used to initiate and track tasks or work activities within an organization.




5 Why

Five whys (or 5 whys) is an iterative interrogative technique used to explore the cause-and-effect relationships underlying a particular problem. The primary goal of the technique is to determine the root cause of a problem by repeating the question "Why?" five times. The answer to the fifth why should reveal the root cause of the problem.

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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