IM Dashboard
  • 18 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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IM Dashboard

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Article summary

Incident Management (IM) Dashboards provide consolidated data related to all the incidents that are open, in progress, and resolved. They also provide a visual representation of key metrics and information related to incidents within an organization.  

The dashboards provide multiple integrated reports that let you filter data according to your organization's needs. 

Incident Overview Dashboard

You may see an overview of all the incidents that have been created by using the Incident Overview Dashboard. It's a dashboard featuring several charts, including pie and bar charts, and numerical data. 

To view the Incident Overview Dashboard, perform the following steps:

  1.  Navigate to Service Management > Reports.
  2. Select Dashboards. Select the module as Incident.
    The available dashboards are displayed.

    Figure: Incident Overview Dashboard

  3. Click Incident Overview Dashboard to open and view the dashboard. You can select from the various filters such as tenant, status, workgroup, priority, requestor location, category, analyst, and date.  
    The Incident Overview Dashboard details page is displayed.

    Figure: Details of the incident overview dashboard

The following table explains the reports available in the dashboard.

Metric dashboardDisplays the count of open incidents, logged today, logged this month, pending incidents, resolution SLA met incidents, open VIP incidents, VIP incidents logged today, VIP incidents logged this month, resolved incidents, and resolution SLA missed incidents.
Graphical Dashboard
Open Incidents by Priority Displays the count of open change records by their priority. The color legend is
Open Incidents by StatusDisplays the count of open incidents by the their status. The color legend is
Top 10 Workgroups by WorkloadDisplays the count of open incidents assigned to top 10 workgroups. The color legend is
Top 10 Analyst by WorkloadDisplays the count of open incidents assigned to top 10 analysts. The color legend is 
Top 10 CategoriesDisplays the count of incidents assigned to top 10 categories. The color legend is 
Aging by WorkgroupDisplays the count of incidents aging for different workgroups. The color legend is 
Incident Backlog Summary Displays the count of backlog incidents for a specific date range. 
Resolution SLA Compliance by Priority Displays the count of incidents that met or missed the resolution SLA with different priorities. The color legend is
Analyst by LocationDisplays the count of incidents assigned to analysts by location. 
Mean time to Resolve by Priority Displays the average time taken to resolve incidents with different priorities. The color legend is
Incidents by Medium 
Displays the count of incidents logged by different mediums. The color legend is 
Incidents Logged vs ResolvedDisplays the count of incidents logged and resolved for the specific date range. The color legend is 
Resolution SLA Compliance TrendDisplays the trend analysis of incidents that are compliant with the resolution SLA. 
Incidents Within and Violated SLADisplays the count of incidents that have met or violated the SLA. The color legend is 

Inspect Data

The inspect data option is available on the data item in the dashboard.
Figure: Inspect data

The inspect data opens a window that displays raw or aggregated data. 

  • Aggregated data - It displays the aggregated data retrieved from the dashboard item's data storage. 
  • Raw data - It displays the underlying raw data from the dashboard item. 

Export To

The entire dashboard or a single card in the dashboard can be exported. The available options to export are:

  • PDF - You can export the dashboard or a single card to PDF format. 
  • Image - You can export the dashboard or a single card to Image format. 
  • Excel - You can export the dashboard or a single card to Excel format. 

Figure: Export to

To maximize the card, click icon.
Figure: Maximize

To minimize the card, click icon.
Figure: Minimize

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