Import Template
  • 02 May 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Import Template

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Article summary

The Import Template utility eliminates the need to manually reenter the information for similar tickets. It is applicable while for Incident and Change module while raising an Incident or creating a new Change Record (CR).

When creating a new Incident or Change Record that shares similarities with an existing Template, you can import that template directly into the record. This action will automatically populate all pre-filled details from the template, simplifying and expediting the creation process.

The Import Utility is implemented for Incident and Change module.

User Persona: Application Designer

Let's explore the following use-case.

Use Case

User Persona: Application Designer

The Application Designer Sam aims to design an interface that facilitates the efficient creation of similar incidents. Specifically, when an Analyst logs an incident, such as for a wireless issue, Sam envisions a system where basic details like Priority, Urgency, Description, and Impact are automatically populated when raising a subsequent incident with the same issue.
To achieve this functionality, he can drag and drop the Form Actions on Form Designer canvas, make use of Import Template utility. He can make it available under Others or Quick Actions as per the requirement.
Configure the required properties of Import Template Utility  

Configure Import Utility

To configure Import Utility, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Design Studio > Form Designer > Design Form > Controls > Form Actions. 
  2. Drag and drop the Actions control as per your panel requirement. A sample screenshot is shown below:

Figure: Actions - Properties

The Import Template utility is available under Utilities section. A sample screenshot is shown below:

Figure: Import Template Utility

Drag and drop the Import Template utility to either under Quick Actions or Other Actions as per the requirement. 

Figure: Quick Actions or Other Actions

Once it's dragged and dropped under either of the Actions (Quick or Other), click on(three dots)  icon to configure the properties. 

To know more about the fields that are available under the Template Configuration section, see Field Description given below:

Field Description

Field NameDescription
LabelSpecify a meaningful name of the utility. This name identifies the import utility in the Form Designer.
There are four types of validations for this field:
  • System displays the following validation message when the Label field is left blank and the user clicks on Save button.
    "Template name is Mandatory."

  • System displays the following validation message when the Label field is left blank and the user clicks on Save button.
    "Enter at least 2 characters."

  • System displays the following validation message when the Label field is left blank and the user clicks on Save button.
    "Only these special characters are allowed."

  • System displays the following validation message when the Label field is left blank and the user clicks on Save button.
    "Duplicate Name"
IconSelect the icon which should appear along with the displayed Title. Click on  The Icons List pop-up page is displayed.
Figure - Icons List pop-up page
Select the required icon from the list and click Done.
Icon PositionSelect the position of the selected icon. Available options are as follows:
  • Left - Select it to place the icon on the left side of panel.
  • Right - Select it to place the icon on the left side of panel. 
Available ForSpecify if this template will be available for only new records or existing records or for both. Available options are as follows:
  • New Records - Select it if the template is available for only new records. The Choose Template option gets displayed while creating a new record.
  • Old Records - Select it if the template is available for only existing records. The Choose Template option gets displayed on the top of the record details page under Actions
  • Select both the options if Choose Template option has to be available on Records details page for under Actions for Old Records, and while creating a new record as well.
Include FiltersEnable this switch to include the filters available for template search. 
TooltipSpecify the additional information about the template when the user hover their cursor over it. It is useful to provide the contextual information on the UI itself.
Fields that should not update in child recordChoose the fields from the record being saved as a template that should not be duplicated onto the new record.

To know more about the fields that are available under the Template Configuration section, see Field Description given below:

Field NameDescription
LabelSpecify the name of the panel which should appear on the Accordion panel. This name identifies the Accordion panel in the Form Designer.
IconSelect the icon which should appear along with the displayed Title. Click on  

Consumer View

The Import Template utility action will be visible on details record page (for both new and existing records), and the list page as well. 

The sample screenshots are shown below:

Figure: Import Template: List Page

To import a template, perform the following steps:

Click Import Records. The Upload File and View History options are displayed.
Figure: Import Template Options

Click Upload File.

Figure: Upload File - Steppers

To know more about the fields that are available under the Template Configuration section, see the Field Description given below:

Field Description

Field NameDescription
TenantSelect the Tenant.
Form TypeSelect the type of form. Available options are as follows:
Main Form
Sub Form
Popover Form
If the Form Type is selected as Main Form

Sub FormThis field is visible only if Form Type is selected as either Main Form or Sub Form, and Main Form or Sub Form have mapped Sub Form(s).
Select the required Sub Form. The list displays the Sub Forms associated with the selected Main Form under Form Type as Main Form.
Select the required Sub Form. The list displays the Sub Forms associated with Sub Form selected under Form Type as Sub Form.
PopoverThis field is visible only if Form Type is selected as Popover Form.
Select the required Popover Form. The list displays linked Popover forms associated with the selected Popover form. 
Unique FieldThis field is visible only if Form Type is selected as Popover Form.
Select the unique field to connect the Popover Form and Main Form. Displays the list of unique fields configured under Popover Form.
Download Template as Select the required format for the downloaded template. Available options are as follows:
Excel - Select it if you want to download the template as an excel file.
CSV - Select it if you want to download the template as a CSV file. 

Click Download. The template gets downloaded in the selected file format and system displays the following validation message:
Figure: Validation Message

Click Next. The Upload Data screen is displayed.

Figure: Upload Data

Click Upload File to upload the required file from your browser. Alternatively, you can simply drag and drop the file here.

Figure: Upload File

As, the file begins to upload, you can track its progress with the moving status bar, which displays the ongoing upload status. 

The Submit button gets enabled once the file upload is done. 

Click Submit. The system displays the following confirmation message to indicate the successful file upload.

View History

The View History allows the user to track the sequence of file uploads over time. You can view the details such as who uploaded the file, when it was uploaded, status of the upload and so on. 

Click View History option from Import Template on list page. 

It displays the View History popup page. A sample screenshot is shown below:

To know more about the fields that are available under the View History popup, see the Field Description given below:

Field Description

Field NameDescription
SNoDisplays the unique numerical identifier 
Uploaded File
Uploaded By
Uploaded Date

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