Incident Aging by Workgroup-Resolved
  • 01 Aug 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Incident Aging by Workgroup-Resolved

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Article summary

This report is a graphical representation providing insights into the resolved incidents for different workgroups. You can filter the report details with parameters such as category, tenant, incident registered time, workgroup, classification, and analyst. 

The Resolved Incidents Aging by Workgroup report is displayed below.
Figure: Resolved Incident Aging by Workgroup

The following table explains the options available on the toolbar on top of the report. 

Toolbar components Description 
Pagination Displays the number of pages available on the report page. Click on the dropdown to view the number of pages. To access a certain page, click on its corresponding number. 
First page Click the first page icon to navigate to the report's first page.
Last page Click the last page icon to navigate to the report's last page.
Previous page Click the previous page icon to navigate to the previous page of the report.
Next page Click the next page icon to navigate to the next page of the report.
Toggle Multipage mode Select the toggle multipage mode to navigate between multiple pages of the report. 

Allows you to magnify the content on the report page. 

  • Zoom Out - Click - icon to zoom out to reduce the display size of the report. 
  • Zoom In - Click + icon to zoom in to increase the display size of the report. 
Highlight Editing Fields This option highlights any editable fields available in the report. It is enabled only if there are any editable fields.
Print Click the print icon to print the report. You can print the current page of the report. 
Print Page Click the print page icon to print multiple pages of the report. 
Export to You can export the report to PDF, Excel, and Image. To export the report to a specific format, click the dropdown menu to select it. 
Search Click the search icon to search for any text in the report. The search panel has two options to search text.
Figure: Search
  • Match Case - You can search text and specify whether to use a case-sensitive search. 
  • Match whole word only - You can search text where the full word matches the search results.
Full Screen Click the full-screen icon to view the report in full-screen view. 


Click the filter icon to view the preview parameters. In the preview parameters, you can filter the report content with the available filters.
 Figure: Preview parameters

The following table explains the filters available under the preview parameters panel. 

WorkgroupFrom the workgroup dropdown, select the workgroup for which you want to filter the report data.
TenantSelect the tenant from the dropdown. 
Registered TimeYou can choose the incident registered time and date to filter the report data. The following options are available to select the date range for the report.
ClassificationYou can select the classification from the dropdown list.
CategoryYou can select the category from the dropdown list.
AnalystYou can select the name of the analyst from the dropdown list.

Click reset to reset the preview parameters. All the parameters will be reset to default values. 

SubmitAfter selecting the preview parameters, click submit for the filters to be applied. 

Child Report - Workgroup Aging Details-Resolved

The report of resolved incidents aging by workgroup is embedded with a child report named workgroup aging details-resolved. This child report is a drill-down report that provides the details of the incidents aging under different workgroups. It provides detailed information about the incidents including the incident ID, logged by, workgroup, pending reason, tenant, SLA deadlines, etc. 

 To access the child report - workgroup aging details, click the count of incidents with the hyperlink mentioned against the name of the workgroup. 

For example, in the parent report - Incident Aging by workgroup-resolved, the workgroup named Application Support has 6 incidents of aging in less than 2 hours. To know more about these 6 incidents, click count 6 with the hyperlink. It opens the child report - workgroup aging details-resolved that provide detailed information about the 6 aging tickets.
Figure: Parent report - Incidents Aging by Workgroup-Resolved

Click count 6 under the column <2 Hours column to open the child report as displayed below.
Figure: Child report - Workgroup Aging Details

The child report displays the following details, Incident ID, Log time, Logged by, Caller User Name, Classification, Category, Status, Pending reason, Assigned to, Priority, Impact, Workgroup, Symptom, DescriptionService Window, LocationMedium, Tenant, Last UpdatedResponse TimeResponse SLA Met, Response Deadline, Resolution Time, Resolution SLA Met, Resolution deadline, Solution, Resolution Code, Closure Code

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