- 13 Dec 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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Response SLA Violation Reason
- Updated on 13 Dec 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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The Response SLA (Service Level Agreement) Violation Time in Incident Management refers to the duration between the time an incident is reported and the time by which a response is required according to the agreed SLA. If the response is not provided within this set time frame, it results in a violation of the SLA.
When configuring the Response SLA Violation Time in Incident Management, it is essential to establish a clear framework that aligns with both organizational capabilities and customer expectations. By setting the parameters, organizations can ensure a structured and efficient response to incidents, thereby minimizing potential disruptions and enhancing customer satisfaction.
Use Case | Solution |
Novtech's support team frequently exceeds the Response SLA due to delays in third-party vendor responses. This results in SLA violations and customer dissatisfaction. The team needs to categorize these occurrences to better manage vendor-related delays. | Sandra the Application Administrator logs in to the Apex application. Navigates to Design Studio > Service Management > Incident > Configuration > SLA Configuration > Response SLA Violation Reason. Creates a new configuration using the New button on the list page. She names it as "Vendor Dependency" on IM Response SLA Violation Reason field and provides a Description that explain the typical scenarios involving vendor delays. Sets the Sort Order to 1 so that once configured it is on top of the list page. Enables the Active control and set this as Default due to common cause. By doing so, the team can analyze vendor performance issues and address them through improved vendor management strategies or updated contracts. |
Configure Response SLA Violation Reason
The Response SLA Violation Reason has various attributes such as Name, Description, Sort Order, Active and Default controls.
To configure Response SLA Violation Reason, perform the following steps:
Log in to the Apex application as an App Admin.
Navigate to Design Studio > Service Management > Incident > Configuration > SLA Configuration > Response SLA Violation Reason.
Click New to configure Response SLA Violation Reason.
Figure: Response SLA Violation Reason ListSelect and enter the required details for the fields.
Figure: Response SLA Violation Reason
For more information, refer to the following Field Description:Field
Select Tenant from the dropdown.
IM Response SLA Violation Reason
Enter the reason for violating Response SLA in the IM Response SLA Violation Reason field.
Hover on the info iconto view the message about the field. Following info message is displayed.
"Reason for missing the agreed-upon time frame for responding the Incident. "Description
Enter the description about the Response SLA Violation Reason.
Sort Order
Specify a value to set the sort order for the Response SLA Violation Reason.
The Sort Order field accepts values from 0 to 999. The Response SLA Violation Reason is executed alphabetically on the pages irrespective of the number of Response SLA Violation Reasons that are configured with the same Sort Order or without any sort order.
If Response SLA Violation Reason (Hardware Unavailability) is configured with sort order value 1.
Response SLA Violation Reason (Vendor Dependency) is configured with sort order value 2.
Response SLA Violation Reason (Hardware Unavailability) is placed above the Response SLA Violation Reason (Vendor Dependency) across all the pages.
Enable Active control, it indicates that the Response SLA Violation Reason is Active across all the pages wherever it is used. By default, this is inactive.
Enable Default control, it indicates that the Response SLA Violation Reason is set as Default and this value will be considered as Default value when used within the application. By default, this value is set to non-default.
Click Save.
The configured Response SLA Violation Reason is displayed on the List page.