Pending Reason
  • 11 Feb 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Pending Reason

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Article summary

Pending Reason is specified when the Analysts needs to change the status of Incident to Pending. When the status is set to Pending, some information or response is required from End User to further investigate the Incident. 

Let's explore the following use case.

Use Case
User Persona: Administrator

NovaTech has an Incident reported that has not been resolved due to incomplete information available. The Analyst needs to mention the reason for keeping the tickets pending.

This can be resolved by moving the Incident to pending status and assigning a reason for non-resolution. This can be done by configuring the Pending Reason configuration, which enables multiple pending reasons to be predefined. Appropriate notifications can be sent to relevant persons with the pending reason, for example, awaiting end-user response. This will help to identify/tag incidents that are pending. We can also create views based on incidents that are awaiting user response, user not available etc. Configuring pending reasons for incidents helps to communicate effectively and manage the workflow of tickets. This helps in improving the efficiency of the support teams as they can track properly how efficiently the incidents were resolved and closed.

Configure Pending Reason

To configure a Pending Reason, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Service Management.
  2. Click Settings > Design Studio.
    Figure: Select Design Studio
  3. Navigate to Design Studio > Module > Configuration > Incident Masters > Pending Reason. The admin can view the list of all configured Pending Reasons. To learn more about managing the list page navigate to Manage Pending Reason

 Figure: Pending Reason list page

2.    Click New to configure a new Pending Reason. The following page is displayed. 

Figure: Pending Reason New

The grid provides a detailed view of the list page of the Pending Reason. For more information refer to the field description table below. 


A Tenant is similar to a department within an organization that provides support related to an IT or a facility.
IM Pending ReasonEnter the reason for keeping the Incident Pending.
Example: Awaiting User Input, Other team dependency
DescriptionExplain in detail more about the Pending Reason.
Sort OrderSelect the sort order in which the Pending Reason is displayed on the list page and drop-down where the pending reason is selected. 
ActiveSelect the check box to make the Pending Reason available on the other pages of the application.
DefaultSelect the check box to display the Pending Reason for the selected Tenant, by default.

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