Resolution Code
  • 11 Feb 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Resolution Code

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Article summary

Resolution Codes are status codes used by Analysts while resolving incidents. They are useful to analysts while manually closing incidents. 

Let's explore the following use case.

Use Case
User Persona: Administrator
NovaTech has several resolved incidents, but the tickets have not been updated with the appropriate action taken. NovaTech wants its Analysts to update the tickets before resolving it.

To resolve this, the Administrator configures the resolution codes for Incident Management. This facilitates the creation of predefined resolution codes. Configuring Resolution codes for tickets helps to identify the action taken to resolve the tickets which in turn helps service improvement. With proper resolution code, better visibility can be provided in the dashboard. It will help the organization to analyze and report the service desk functioning. 

Configure Resolution Code

To configure the Resolution Code, perform the following steps. 

  1. Click Service Management.
  2. Click Settings > Design Studio.
    Figure: Select Design Studio
  3. Navigate to Design Studio > Module > Configuration > Incident Masters > Resolution Code.  The admin can view the list of all configured Resolution Codes. To learn more about managing the list page navigate to Manage Resolution Codes

Figure: Resolution Code 

     4. Click New on the right side of the page to configure a new Resolution Code. The following page is displayed. 

Figure: Resolution Code New

Tenant*Select the Tenant from the list. This is a mandatory field. For example:  IT, HR, Facilities etc. 
IM  Resolution CodeEnter the name of the IM Resolution Code. These are standardized codes which facilitates tracking and analysis of solutions implemented. 
DescriptionSpecify a brief description of the Resolution Code. This will give an understanding of the incident and resolution. 
Sort OrderSelect the sort order in which the Resolution Code is displayed on the list page and drop-down where the resolution code is selected. 
DefaultSelect the check box to display the Resolution Code for the selected Tenant, by default.
ActiveSelect the check box to make the Resolution Code available on the other pages of the application.

     5. Enter all the details and click Save

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