Major Incident Configuration
  • 18 Feb 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Major Incident Configuration

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Article summary

A major Incident is the one with highest-impact and highest-urgency and that largely affects the entire organization. Immediately after a Major Incident is reported as a next step the right stake holder teams must be informed about the same.

Major incident

Figure: Major Incident Recipients

Let's explore the following use-case.

Use Case
User Persona: Administrator
NovaTech is improvising the way Major incidents are handled in the company right from Major incident identification to informing stakeholders on the same.To resolve this, the Administrator configures Major Incident Recipients with information on Priority, appropriate Workgroup and Urgency so that when there is a major incident the amount of time needed to inform stakeholders is significantly reduced.

Configure Major Incident Configuration

To configure the Resolution Code, perform the following steps. 

  1. Click Service Management.
  2. Click Settings > Design Studio.
    Figure: Select Design Studio
  3. Navigate to Design Studio > Module > Configuration > Others > Major Incident Configuration. The admin can view the list of all configured records. To learn more about managing the list page navigate to Manage Major Incident Configuration

Figure: Major Incident Configuration 

4. Click New to configure a new Major Incident Recipient list. For more information on the fields refer to the table below.

Figure: Major Incident Configuration New

Tenant*A Tenant is similar to a department within an organization that provides support related to an IT or a facility.
WorkgroupA Workgroup is a group of members in a Tenant or a unit in an organization who are authorized to perform a specific set of business activities.
CategoryA Category is a group, representing the type of an Incident. Based on these Categories Incidents are assigned to resolve.
PriorityPriority defines the precedence in which a particular Incident should be addressed.
RecipientsInclude one or many recipients from this drop down who are supposed to be informed on Major Incidents.

   5. Enter all the details and click Save.

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