Action widget
  • 14 May 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Action widget

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Article summary

Having seen internal and external Action Widget that allows users to perform specific actions within the portal, let us explore the following Use Case for designing the Action Widget!

Use Case

User persona: Administrator

Sandra at HR services wants centralized dashboard provides a single interface where she can access all the applications and resources she needs. From this dashboard, she should be able to navigate to HR policies, her training portal, and any other relevant tools or systems.

Sam selects the Action widget from Properties and configures two separate widgets. One widget navigates to the HR policies tool, while the other directs users to the learning portal. This enhances the usability of the dashboard and improves accessibility to important HR resources for users like Sandra.

For details about the Use Case, refer to the graphics below:

 Configure Action Widget

This section contains the list of steps using which Application Designer can add the Action widget in the Service Portal screen.

  1. Navigate to Design Service Portal > Widgets > Action Widget.
     Figure: Adding Widgets
  2. Customize the Service Portal by dragging the widget from widget list screen.action wdget overviewFigure: Action widget
  3. Click Settings icon to view Properties pop-up.
    Figure: Modify the properties

You can view the following tabs on the Settings for this field:


This section contains the list of properties using which the Application Designer can configure the respective widget feature. To know more about the fields available under the Properties section, see Field Description below.Figure: Properties
Field Description


Widget Type
Select Action Widget from the drop-down list.


Enter a name to the widget according to the data to be configured in the widget Title textbox using Title or Header from the Elements drop-down list. Here header or title can be added based on the requirement.

 For example: Let us give Title to Action Widget as Log Incident. Refer to the screenshot for more details.

Figure: Title

 Figure: Header

DescriptionType the details of widget functionality. Here screenshot displays the short description of the widget details.Figure: Description

Data Source 

Application Designer can configure internal or external widgets by selecting source type under the Data Source tab. You can select the Source from the drop-down list.

Figure: Data Source type
If you select Internal as Source type, then you need to select select Source, Application, Module, Table, and Form. Refer to screenshot for more details.

Figure: Data Source
The table below contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Data Source section:
 Field Description

Data Source

Select the Date Source as Internal from the drop-down list.
Figure: Source


Select the Application for which action is to be performed.

Figure: Application

ModuleSelect the Module from which the data has to be fetched. Here Incident is selected under the Module drop-down list.
Figure: Module
FormSelect the Form from which data needs to be fetched. The drop-down list for Form is populated based on Module selection. Here My Incidents is selected from the drop-down list.
Figure: Form
Form TypeSelect the form type as List or New from the drop-down list. Form types enable users to open a specific page i.e. if the action is to create a new record, then the New form type is selected and if the action is to view the records, then the List is selected.
Figure: Form type
Open ModeSelect the mode of opening the link as New Tab or Self Window.
Figure: Open Mode

If you select External as the Source type, then it fetches the results from a third-party app. The screen contains the list of features using which Application Designer can select Source and Form and it appears as shown below.

Figure: Data Source
The table below contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Data Source section:
Field Description

Data Source
Select the Date Source as External from the drop-down list.
Select the appropriate API from the drop-down list to fetch the data.
Figure: Form
The form specified here will open when clicked anywhere on the widget.


This section contains the list of features using which the Application Designer can select Icon, Background and Border.
Figure: Appearance
The table below contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Appearance section:
Field Description 

Icon UploadSelect the Icon to be uploaded for Action widget.Figure: Icon selection
Icon PositionSelect the position for the icon by selecting the size and padding.
Figure: Icon size and Padding

Text TypeSelect the type of the text from drop-down list.
Figure: Text Type
Text ColorSelect the color for the text from the palette.
Figure: Text Color
Text SizeSelect the size of the text.
Figure: Text Size
Text StyleSelect the text style from the tab.

Figure: Text Style

You can select Bold, Italics and Underlined Style for the Action widget.
Text AlignmentSelect the type of alignment for the text.
Figure: Text Alignment
Header Separator
BorderSelect the preferred border style for the widget header.
Figure: Border
Text TypeSelect the appropriate text type format for the widget from the drop-down list. The Text type can be changed for the widget if required.

Figure: Text Type

Text ColorSelect the appropriate font color for the widget by selecting the color from the color palette.
Figure: Text Color
Text SizeSelect the appropriate font size by dragging the slider. Here text size is selected as 12.
Figure: Text Size
Text StyleSelect the appropriate text style from the drop-down list. The Text Style enables simultaneous selection of one or more styles, including bold, italics and or underlined text.
Figure: Text Style
Text AlignmentSelect the suitable Text Alignment from the list. You can align your text accordingly.
Figure: Text Alignment
Background Type
Select the preferred background type.
Figure: Background

Box Animation
Bottom RightSelect the offset and radius for the bottom right section of the box. It helps to enhance user experience and engagement by adding visual interest and dynamism to the content.
Figure: Bottom Right
Transform ScaleSelect the X scale axis and Y axis scale axis for the widget box.
Figure: Transform Scale
ColorSelect the color for bottom right section of the box.
Figure: Color
Top LeftSelect the offset and radius for the top left section of the box.
Figure: Top left offset details
Transition TimeSelect the Transition Time for the box.
Figure: Transition Time
ColorSelect the color for Top Left section of the box.
Figure: Color
Border Select the border by selecting desired Border Type from the drop-down list.

Select the widget's height and width from the drop-down list. You can set the height in pixels (px) and the width in both percentage (%) and pixels (px). Using a percentage for width allows the widget to fill the container's width.Figure: Dimension

You can click Save to save the configuration. The configured Action Widget appears as shown below.
Figure: Action Widget 

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