Manage Knowledge Base
  • 22 Oct 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Manage Knowledge Base

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Article summary

Analysts can log into Apex to view and manage the created KRs. The well-organized list page of logged KRs will significantly enhance the productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness of Analysts. They will have the right information they need to effectively manage and resolve tickets in a timely and proactive manner.

View Knowledge Records

List page of knowledge records includes features such as filters, sorting options, and search functionality, allowing Analysts to easily find and access relevant information. The list page can be customized and tailored to meet the specific needs and preferences of individual Analysts or teams, allowing them to configure views, layouts, and preferences according to their requirements.

To view the logged KRs, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Service Management.
    Figure: Dashboard
  2. On the left panel navigate to Knowledge > Manage Knowledge Records to view the list of all the KRs. 
    Figure: Manage Knowledge Records
  3. List page of the KRs is displayed for the selected Tenant.
    Figure: List page
Under the Requestor column, all the VIP users who have requested a Service will have a VIP chipbeside their names. Figure: Chip for VIP users


Click View to add new columns and filters to the list page. You can also select a View from the already Saved Views options.
 Figure: View


You have the provision to apply filters on all of the columns or an individual column. This functionality allows you to control the exclusion or inclusion of specific data as per your requirement. You can focus on the required data with better analysis.

To apply filters on all the columns, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Manage Knowledge Records list page, click Filters icon on the top left corner just above the list of forms. 
    Figure: Filters

You have the provision to add new advanced filters or to use saved views with pre-defined filter conditions.

Advanced Filter

The Advanced filters allow you to define filter conditions at a more granular level with additional filter options.

  1. Click Add New View.
    Figure: View - Advanced filter
  2. A pop-up screen appears where you can add new filter sets with conditions to the list page. Figure: Add New View
  3. Click Add Filter Set to add a new filter to the Manage Knowledge Records list page. The following screen appears:
    Figure: Add Filter Set
  4. In the Field section select a column from the dropdown menu to which you want to add new filters. 
    Figure: Field
  5. Once you select Field value, the Operator column will populate the corresponding operator values in the dropdown menu. Select the Operator. You can select only one option.
    Figure: Operator
  6. Once you select Operator, the Value column will populate the values in a drop down menu. This is a multi-value field and you can select multiple options.
    Figure: Value
  7. Click Apply to implement the newly set advance filters on the list page. 

The following table describes the fields and description of Advance Filter pop-up.

Field Name
Select the field from the available list of options.
Specify the operator for the condition. Available options are as follows:

  • Is 
  • Is Not
  • Is One Of
  • Is Not One Of
  • Is Anything
  • Is Empty
  • Is Not Empty
  • Dynamic
Specify the field value for the selected operator.
Click Delete icon to delete any filter conditions.
Click Add icon to add one more row to add filter conditions.
Clear All
Click Clear All to remove all filter conditions.
Click Cancel to remove a specific filter condition.
Click Apply to remove apply a specific filter condition.

The applied filters count is displayed on the top of the list page along with filter icon. It will provide a quick reference to the applied filters. A sample screenshot is shown below:

Figure: Filters Count

Filters in individual column

You can apply filters on individual columns as well as per your requirements.

To apply filters on individual columns, perform the following steps:

  1. On the list page, click the filter associated with the individual column. 
    Figure: Filters - Individual Column

  2.  Specify the filter criteria based on your requirements. 
    Figure: Filters - popup

  3. Click the Filter icon to view the following filter options. Select the Match All or Match Any option from the list to filter the data based on the condition selected. The Match All option is selected, by default.

  4. Select the option to compare the data based on the conditions. Available options are as follows:
    • Starts With
    • Contains
    • Not contains
    • Ends with
    • Equals
    • Not equals
    • Less than
    • Less than or equal to
    • Greater than
    • Greater than or equal to
    • Date is 
    • Date is not
    • Date is before
    • Date is after
    • Active
    • Not Active
      The following filter options are available for numeric column values:
      • Less than
      • Less than or equal to
      • Greater than
      • Greater than or equal to
      The following filter options are available for date column values:
      • Date is 
      • Date is not
      • Date is before
      • Date is after

      The following filter options are available for toggle switch Active:

      • Active
      • Not Active 
  5. You can click Clear to clear the configured filter and click Apply to set the filter condition.


Search a specific KR in the list page by using the Search bar present on top of the Manage Knowledge Record list page. You can enter the KR ID to search a particular KR. 
Figure: Search


Export the current or all the list pages of the KRs in an Excel format using the Export icon. 
Figure: Manage KRs - Export

Once you click the Export icon, it will give you option to export all the pages or only the current page in an Excel format.
Figure: Manage KRs - Export options

Once you click a specific tab, the screen displays the list of all the KRs with details.

The following table describes the different columns:

Article ID
The column specifies the unique ID assigned to the KR.
Created by
This column specifies the name of the user who created the KR.
Created On
This column specifies the date and time on which the KR was created.
AuthorThis column specifies the author's name who has created the KR.
This column specifies the title of the KR.
This column displays the status of the KR whether it is Designed or Published. 
This column mentions to which Workgroup the KR belongs to.
This column specifies the keywords associated with the KR. They can be used for a quick search of KRs. 
Self Help Article
Enable the toggle button to make the article as self-help article. It can be used by the end users or analyst to troubleshoot issues on they are own without seeking any assistance. 
Updated By
This column specifies details of the last user who updated the KR.
Updated On
This column specifies date and time on which the KR was updated.

Bulk Update

The Analyst can Bulk update knowledge records from the list page by selecting the required knowledge records to update in bulk.

  1.  Select the KR(s)to be updated by selecting the checkboxes.
    Figure: Bulk Update
  2. Click the Bulk update icon to update the records. The number of selected KR(s) for bulk update will be displayed in the icon as shown below.
    Figure: Bulk Update

  3. Click the icon and choose Bulk Update as shown below.
    Figure: Bulk update selection

    The following window is displayed.
    Figure: Bulk Update pop-up

  4. Select the fields from the dropdown menu of Field and Value, enable the Override switch, and click Apply.
    Figure: Bulk Update
For the dependent fields to be updated, the system automatically picks up all the fields to be updated and displays them to be updated. For example, in the case of Status set to be Resolved, all the dependent fields will also need to be defined to be updated.

If the override switch is enabled, it will overwrite the values else it will only update the blank fields. 

View History

View History allows the Analyst to view the records that have been Bulk updated. When we click View History, the following page is displayed.
Figure: View History

The Result column displays the Total Records Identified in blue, Valid Records in green, and Invalid Records in Red. The Valid Records can be clicked open for more details as shown below.
Figure: Bulk Update History

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