View Knowledge base
  • 03 Apr 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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View Knowledge base

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Article summary

The knowledge base page displays all the published articles available for end users. You can search for the articles and view the information inside the articles.

View Knowledge Base

To view the knowledge base page, perform the following steps:

  1.  Navigate to End User Dashboard > Knowledge > Knowledge Base.
    Figure: Knowledge base list page
  2.  Select the Tenant to view the knowledge articles available.

  3.  Click the search icon to search knowledge articles with keywords or article ID numbers.

  4.  Click the Article ID to view the details of the article. 

The following table explains the fields on the List page:

Article IDSpecifies the knowledge article ID. Click the ID to open the article.

Specifies the name of the topic of the knowledge record.

Video Iframe URLSpecifies the URL of the video attached to the knowledge record.
Updated bySpecifies the name of the author who updates the knowledge record.
Updated onSpecifies the date and time of when the knowledge record was last updated.

View Knowledge Article

To view the knowledge article, click on the KA ID. You can view the article, troubleshooting steps, attached video, and attachments. The article is read-only and cannot be edited. 

Sample knowledge article is displayed below. To know more about the fields, refer to Field Description. 

The following table explains the fields on the knowledge article page:

Article IDSpecifies the knowledge article ID.
Provide Feedback Click the thumb icon to provide rating to the knowledge article. A pop up window opens to provide the feedback.
Figure: Feedback
The feedback template can be customized as per the organizational needs. 
Copy Link Click the copy link icon to copy the URL of the KB article. 

Specifies the name of the topic of the knowledge record. 

Overall RatingSpecifies the overall rating provided for the knowledge article. With 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. 
TenantSpecifies the tenant for which the KA is available. 
CategorySpecifies the category of the KA.
ClassificationSpecifies the classification of the KA. 
Article TypeSpecifies if the KA is available for everyone or is restricted to analysts or a group of people.
Steps to FollowSpecifies all the troubleshooting steps that can be used to resolve any issue. 
AttachmentsDisplays the attachments available in the KA.
Video Displays the attached video in the KA. It can be played on the KA without opening in a new tab.


On the Knowledge base list page, you can view the list of created knowledge records using the following options:

  • Filters
  • Search
  • Export

A specific list of knowledge records can be viewed based on applied filters or search criteria. Also, the list can be viewed in Tile view or List view as per requirement.


You have the provision to apply filters on all of the columns or an individual column. This functionality allows you to control the exclusion or inclusion of specific data as per your requirement. You can focus on the required data with better analysis.

To apply filters on all the columns, perform the following steps:

  1.  On the Knowledge Base list page, click the Filters icon on the top left corner just above the list of forms.
    Figure: Knowledge base list page

You have the provision to add new advanced filters or to use saved views with pre-defined filter conditions.

Advanced Filter

The Advanced filters allow you to define filter conditions at a granular level with additional filter options.

  1.  Click the Advanced Filter icon to add advanced filters. A sample screenshot is shown below:
    Figure: Select View

  2.  Click Add New view to add the new filters.
    Figure: Add Filter

  3.  Click Add Filter to add additional filters.
    Figure: Advanced filter

The following table describes the fields and description of the Advance Filter pop-up.

Field Name
Select the field from the available list of options.
Specify the operator for the condition. Available options are as follows:

  • Start With
  • End With
  • Contains
  • Does not contains
  • Is 
  • Is Not
  • Is Empty
  • Is Not Empty
Enter Value
Specify the field value for the selected operator.

Click the Delete icon to delete any filter conditions.
Click the Add icon to add one or more row to add filter conditions.
Clear All
Click Clear All to remove all filter conditions.
Click Cancel to remove a specific filter condition.
Click Apply to apply a specific filter condition.

The applied filter count is displayed on the top along with filter icon. It will provide a quick reference to the applied filters.

Figure: Filters count

You can apply filters on individual columns as well as per your requirements.

To apply filters on individual columns, perform the following steps:

  1. On the list page, click the filter associated with the individual column.
    The knowledge base list page is displayed below.
    Figure: Filters for individual columns
  2. Specify the filter criteria based on your requirements.
    Figure: Pop up Filters

  3. Click the Filter icon to view the following filter options. Select the Match All or Match Any option from the list to filter the data based on the condition selected. The Match All option is selected, by default.

  4. Select the option to compare the data based on the conditions. Available options are as follows:
          Starts With
          Not Contains
          Ends With
          Not Equals

  5.  Click Clear to clear the configured filter and click Apply to set the filter condition.


The Search function enables you to search the available knowledge articles. You can click the search icon and type the specific article ID you want to search.

In the Knowledge Base listing page, click the Search icon and type the article ID that you would like to search. The application displays the result in the result section for the typed article ID(s). The reference screenshot is displayed below:

Figure: Search article

Click (close icon) to clear the searched criteria entered.


Export function enables you to export the list of published knowledge records to Excel. You can click the export icon either to export only the current page or export the entire list of knowledge records. 

The reference screenshot is displayed below:

Figure: Export

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