Line Graph
  • 20 May 2024
  • 7 Minutes to read
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Line Graph

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Article summary

Line graphs are used to show trends or changes over time and are great for illustrating how data points evolve sequentially.

Let's explore the following Use Case for designing the Line Graph widget!

Use Case

User Persona: Analyst

Rosy, Analyst wants to get a view of SLA Compliance that she met while resolving the incidents over the period of the last four months.

Sam, the Application Designer 

select line graph widget and configure it to create trend analysis of SLA Compliance of resolved incidents. The analyst can view the data in the form of trend for past four months.

Refer to the GIF for more details about the Use Case!


Configure Line Graph widget

This section contains the list of steps using which {{variable.Role - Application Designer}} can add the widget in the Service Portal screen.

  1. Navigate to Design Service Portal > Widgets > Add Widget.
     Figure: Adding Widgets

  2. Customize the Service Portal by dragging the line graph widget from the widget list screen.Figure: Line Graph

  3. Click (Settings) icon to view the Properties pop-up.
    Figure: Modify the clock properties

You can view the following tabs on the Settings for this field:


The table below contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Properties section:

Figure: Properties tab

To know more about the fields that are available under the Properties section, see the Field Description given below.

Field Description


Widget Type
Select Graphical widget from the drop-down list.

Widget header

Type a name to the widget according to the Data to be configured in the widget title textbox.
For example: Let us create a Graphical Widget to show the incidents assigned to me, so the widget can be titled Resolution SLA Compliance By Workgroup.

 Figure: Widget Header

Chart TypeSelect the Chart Type as Line from the drop-down list.
Figure: Chart Type
Line ModeSelect Smooth or Linear depending based on your preferred visual presentation.Figure: Line Mode
When Smooth is selected as Line Mode, the screenshot appears as shown below:
Figure: Smooth line mode
The screenshot below shows Linear selected as Line Mode.
Figure: Linear
LegendSelect the Legend position on the bar graph from the Legend drop-down list.Figure: Legend

Common positions for the legend include:

  • Top Right: The legend is placed above the graph, usually centered or aligned with the graph's width. This position works well when there's enough space above the graph and when the legend isn't too long.
  • Bottom Right: Similar to the top position, but the legend is placed below the graph. This is useful when there's limited space above the graph or when the legend is too long to fit comfortably above it.
  • Right Side: The legend is positioned vertically along the right side of the graph. This is suitable when there's limited horizontal space but enough vertical space.
  • Left Side: The legend is positioned vertically along the left side of the graph.
  • Centre: Place the legend at the center to draw more attention to the graph. This is useful when you want to emphasize the relationship between the legend and the data.
Line WidthSelect the Line Width for the line from the drop-down list. This property help to define the width of line on the graph.
Figure: Line width
Line Width of 0.5: This is for a thin line graph. It is suitable for graphs where you have a lot of data points or lines and want to maintain clarity without using thick lines.
Line Width of 1: This is a moderate line width and is used to provide standard thickness for line graphs.  A line width of 1 provides a nice balance between being easy to see and looking clean and neat.
Line Width of 2: This is a thicker line that can be used to emphasize certain data series or make the graph more visually striking.
Plot NullEnable Plot Null to display null values on the graph.
This is useful when you want to visualize missing data or gaps in your dataset. In the screenshot below, the toggle bar is disabled.
Figure: Plot Null
Show DotsEnable Show Dots to display the dotted points on the graph upon mouse hover. Adding dots to a line graph can help highlight individual data points and make the graph easier to read.
Figure: Show Dots

Data Source 

Application Designer can configure internal or external widgets by selecting source type under the Data Source tab. You can select the Source from the drop-down list.Figure: Data Source type

Data Source (Internal)

This section contains the list of features using which the Application Designercan select Source, Application, Module, Table, Form, X-Axis, Y-Axis and Series.

Figure: Data Source tab

The table below contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Data Source section:

Field Description 

Data Source
InternalSelect the Date Source as Internal from the drop-down list.
Select the Application from which the data has to be fetched. The screen is shown with Service Management selected under the Application from the drop-down list.Figure: Application
ModuleSelect the Module from which the data has to be fetched. The drop-down list populates based on application selection. The Module can be selected from the drop-down list.
Figure: Module
Here Incident is selected under the Module drop-down list.
TableSpecify the Table from the drop-down list and and it populates based on module selection.
Here Manage Incidents is selected under the Table drop-down.
Figure: Table
FormDefine the Form using which it should open when you click on the data widget.

Figure: My Incident

The forms mapped for the table should be selected. Here My Incidents is specified under Form. This field will appear only after the Application is selected.
Add Filter SetSet the filter for the field, operator and values.
Figure: Add Filter Set
The screen below displays Tenants with equal to as Operator and Information Technology as Value.
Figure: Screenshot
For information about condition filters, see Dynamic operators in Service Portal.
X-AxisEnter the display name for X-Axis for line graph representation by selecting the field from the drop-down list. Here X-Axis is specified as Workgroup.
Figure: X-Axis
X-Axis LabelSpecify the label to the X-Axis variable using the textbox.
Label SlantSpecify the inclination for the label of X-Axis by choosing the angle in the Label Slant drop-down list.
AggregateDefine the Aggregate function to summarize the data fetched from the Y-Axis variable. Here Count Records is selected from the drop-down list for Aggregate field.
Figure: Count Records
OfSelect the Column name from the drop-down list.
Figure: Column Name
Y - Axis LabelSelect the Y-Axis Label from the field value. Here Resolution SLA is selected as Y-Axis Label.Figure: Select the Label
Label SlantSpecify the inclination for the label of Y-Axis using the Label Slant drop-down list.
Data BoundarySpecify the Data Boundary value (maximum and minimum).
ScaleSelect the scale of axis using the Scale drop-down list.
SeriesSelect the variable for Series for Line graph representation by selecting the field from Series drop-down list.
Figure: Series selection
Figure: Select the column name to split the data.

Data Source (External)

This section contains the list of features using which the Application Designer can select Source, API, Form, X-Axis, Y-Axis and Series.

Figure: Data Source (External)

The table below contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Data Source(External) for configuring External widgets:
Field Description 

Data Source
ExternalSelect the Date Source as External.
APISelect the API from which the data has to be fetched!
FormsSelect the form to define the form which opens when clicked anywhere on the Tabular data.

Manage Grouping and Scoping in Date and Time Fields

 You can group the data with respect to Date by clicking the Group Data Radio Button. If the Date Time field is selected in X-Axis, then an option to Group Date gets displayed as shown below:

 Figure: Date time field

Refer to the field Description for Group Data Option.

Field Description 

X-AxisSelect a date time field value in the X-Axis. Here X-Axis label is selected as Planned Start Time under the field value.
Figure: Date time field
X-Axis LabelSpecify the name of the label under the field.
Figure: Label
Here Planned Start Time is given as label name.
Group DataSelect Yes to group the date time field value.
Group DataSelect the time grouping criteria based on which the data will be grouped by selecting from Group By drop-down list.
Figure: Group Data

FormatSelect the Format in which the date should appear by selecting from the Format drop-down list.
When Day is selected in Group By, the Format drop-down list does not appear, and it shows Date for grouping data.
Figure: Day

When Week is selected in Group By, Format drop-down list is displayed as shown below:
Figure: Week
You can group Week based on Week # (Start Date (SD)- End Date (ED)), Week # (Month), Week # (Month, Year) from the drop-down list.

When Month is selected in Group By, Format drop-down list is displayed as shown below:
Figure: Month
You can group Month based on Month or Month, Year from the drop-down list.
When Year is selected in Group By, Format drop-down list is not displayed. The year is displayed as per user preference.
Figure: Year
To know more about configuring global filter on Data Widgets, see Time Filters in Data Widget.


This section contains the list of features using which the Application Designercan select Title, Color & Themes, Background, and Border.

Figure: Appearance

The table below contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Appearance section:
Field Description 

Icon PositionSpecify the Size and Padding for the icon.
Figure: Icon Position
Widget Header
Text TypeDefine the text type of the Numeric widget.
Text ColorSelect the text color of the Numeric widget.
Text SizeSelect the preferred text size. 
Text StyleChoose the style for the font. 
Text AlignmentSelect the preferred alignment for the font.
Header Separator
BorderSelect the border style.
WidthChoose the preferred width for the Header.
ColorSelect the header color of the widget.
Color & Themes
Configure ColorsChoose the color and theme for the illustration.
Figure: Theme Name
Background TypeSelect the preferred background type.
Figure: Background
Border Select the border by selecting desired Border Type from the drop-down list.

Select the height and width for the widget from the drop-down list.

Figure: Dimension

Click Save to save the configuration. The configured Line Graph widget with and without date time field appears as shown below.

Figure: Resolution SLA Compliance By Workgroup (Without date time field)

Figure: Change Record ID with Planned Start Time

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