Manage Category
  • 03 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Manage Category

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Article summary

This topic comprises the following sections:

Configure Category

You can configure a category in the Change Management to provide a structured and organized approach to managing the changes within the organization.

To configure a category, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Design Studio > Module > Configuration > Change Masters > Category.
    The Category Listing page is displayed.

  2. Click New from Category listing screen.
    The Category ID page is displayed.
    Figure: Category ID
  3.  Enter the required details as describe in the following table and click Save.

    Department*Select Tenant from the list to configure a category. This is a mandatory field.
    Source CategorySpecify the Source Category Type from the Source Category dropdown list. The listed values are:
    • Large
    • Medium 
    • Small
    The Source Category field becomes mandatory when selecting a Department.
    DescriptionSpecify brief description about the configuring category that is being configured.
    CategoryEnter the name of the category to organize change requests by creating categories that group together those with similar actions.
    Sort OrderSelect the sort order for the category based on which the categories are prioritized. 
    DefaultSelect the check box to display the category for the selected Tenant, by default.
    ActiveSelect the check box to make the category available on the other pages of the application.
    An asterisk (*) represents mandatory field.

View Category

View Category enables you to view the organized structure of the created categories to make it easier to understand the overall changes management practices.

To view the created categories, you can navigate to Design Studio > Select Module > Configuration > Category Configuration > Category. The Category Listing page is all the existing Categories details are displayed.
Figure: Category List Page

The different icons that are available in the Category page are explained in the following table:

Click the Summary icon to preview the recorded information.
Click the Open Link to view the preview page in new tab or new window.

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