Manage Customer
  • 09 Aug 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Manage Customer

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Article summary

Upon creating a Customer, accessing Related Records across various Modules is streamlined through the edit functionality. On editing the Customer details, you gain a comprehensive view of associated records within the selected table for the module.

Updating a Customer, comprises following steppers:


Add a Customer.
For more information, refer to Configure Customer.


The General stepper provides all the configured information related to the Customer such as Name, contact details, designation and more. These details can be updated according to the business requirement.

To update the Customer, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in as Super Admin or Administrator.

  2. Navigate to Platform Studio > Access Control Center > Customer.

  3. Select Domain and Sub Domain on Customer List page.

  4. Click Customer ID hyperlink.

    Figure: Customer List

  5. Customer Details screen is displayed.

    Figure: Customer Details

    Refer to the following table for action buttons:

    Action Button



    Select Cancel to return to customer list page.


    Select Update to save the modification and a message is displayed as “Customer updated successfully" along with an option to “GO TO LIST“.


    Select Next and navigate to Related Records which allow you to view the mapped records for the Customer for the selected Module and Table.

Related Records

The Related Records stepper provides information about the Issues from the selected Module and Table .

To view the Related Records, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Application from the dropdown.

  2. Select Module tab such as, Incident, Work Order, Service Request etc.
    Upon performing this action, a Table dropdown field is displayed.

    Figure: Customer Details

  3.  All the records from the selected form table for the Customer is displayed. 

    Figure: Edit Customer

How the records details are gathered for the Customer ?

Record details are gathered from the selected Table, which contain Customer field. So, when you view the Customer on Platform, all the records that contain with specific Customer are displayed here.


The Table (Main Form) must be configured a form control that collects data from users. For more information to configure Customer field, refer to Single Choice.

Upon configuring, navigate to Manage Service Requests. Analyst will be be able to view requests with Customer field. After configuring Customer on the Platform, select the Customer here.

To achieve this, perform the following steps:

  1. Configure Customer Field on Main Form Manage Service Requests in Form Designer.
    This is configured on the Form Designer > Select Main Form(Manage Service Requests) >  Form control > Single Choice.


    The customer on Form Designer should be configured with Data Source field as Table, and Table field as Customers.

    Figure: Customer Data Source on Form Designer

  2. Add Customer in Platform Studio > Access Control > Customer.

  3. Navigate to Service Management (Application) > Service Request > Mange Service Request.
    Select record and make sure Customer is assigned on the form.

    Figure: Customer Field on Record

  4. To view the records with the specific Customer, navigate to Platform Studio > Access Control > Customers.
    Select Customer and view the records associated with that Customer on the Related Records stepper.

    Figure: Edit Customer

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.