Map Analyst(s)
  • 23 Apr 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Map Analyst(s)

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Article summary

Analysts are mapped to one or more workgroups to streamline task assignment and management. This allocation of analysts to particular workgroups, determined by their expertise or specialization, enables organizations to ensure tasks are directed to the most suitable individuals or teams for resolution. This allocation also enhances coordination, collaboration, and workload distribution among analysts, resulting in more efficient and effective service delivery.

To configure an analyst, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Application Settings > Click Application tab Analyst(s).
    The Analyst(s) screenshot is displayed.
    Figure: Analyst page

  2.  Select the required Domain & Sub Domain by clicking arrow button.
    The Analyst(s) list configured for the selected Domain and Sub Domain is displayed.
    Figure: Analyst(s) - Listing Page

  3.  Click New to map the analyst.
    The Add Analyst(s) screenshot is displayed.
    Figure: Add Analyst(s)

  4.  Enter the required details as described in the following table and click Submit.
    A confirmation message 'You have Successfully Saved Workgroup Configuration' is displayed'
Domain *Select a Domain from the drop-down list under which you want to configure an analyst. By default, the initially selected domain is displayed.
Sub Domain *Select a Sub Domain from the drop-down list under which you want to configure an analyst. The sub domains associated with the selected domain will be visible in the sub domain drop-down list. By default, the initially selected sub domain is displayed. 
Department *Select a Department(s) the drop-down list under which you want to configure an analyst. 
Configure By *Click the following option from the Configure By, the corresponding options will load accordingly. To load the properties:
  • Click Workgroup to add user to a multiple user's single workgroup at a time.
  • Click Analyst(s) to add user to a single user to multiple workgroup at a time.
For more information on adding users by Workgroup and Analyst, refer the following links:


Adding users by workgroup simplifies the process of assigning multiple users to the same workgroups, improving efficiency in managing access and permissions. 

To add a user as an analyst to a workgroup, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Workgroup button from the Configure By section to load the corresponding fields.
    The Workgroup fields are displayed.
    Figure: Workgroup

  2. Enter the required details as described in the table and click Submit.

    Workgroup *Select the Workgroup to which you want to add an analyst.
    Edition *Select the SymphonyAI Summit license edition model. The data in the dropdown is populated from the License Management..
    License Type *Select the License Type from the drop-down list to allocate the type of license to the selected workgroup.
    Analyst(s)*Select the analyst that must be mapped to the selected workgroup. This grants the analyst access to all records assigned to the selected workgroup. The selected user is automatically added to the Analyst for workgroup grid, as demonstrated below.

    This grid lists all analysts with access to the selected workgroup. Mouse-over the configured analyst and click Delete icon to remove it from the list.


Adding workgroup(s) to user simplifies the process of assigning multiple workgroups to the same user, improving efficiency in managing single user access and permissions.

To provide an analyst access to desired Workgroup, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Analyst(s) title from the Configure By section to load the corresponding fields.
    The Analyst(s) fields are displayed.
    Figure: Analyst(s)

  2. Select the license edition model and license type to assign to the analyst for the selected workgroup(s) by selecting the appropriate options from the respective fields.

  3. Search and select the name of the Analyst you want to add to the workgroup(s).

  4.  Search and select the name of the Analyst you want to configure to a workgroup.
    The list of configured active workgroup is displayed.
    Figure: Add Analyst - Workgroup

  5. Select the check box corresponding to the Workgroup to which the analyst should be added and click Submit.
    A confirmation message 'You have Successfully Saved Analyst(s) Configuration' is displayed'

    • On selecting the parent workgroup check box, it automatically selects the child workgroups, and you cannot uncheck.

    • To select a specific child workgroup, uncheck the parent workgroup first, then select the desired child workgroup. The parent workgroup will displays partially selected.
    The arrow corresponding to the Workgroup is displayed if the Workgroup is configured with the parent Workgroup.

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