Map Fields
  • 02 Jul 2024
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Map Fields

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Article summary

Map the source fields to target fields using the Mapping stepper in Form Designer. Map the values for the controls or fields having pre-defined values. It also allows the automated field mapping in just few clicks apart from manual mapping.

Let's explore the following use-case.

Use Case

User Persona: Application Designer

The Application Designer Sam wants to create an interface for their application where when the raising an incident if the Priority is selected as P1 or P2 the impact should automatically be selected as Severe.
So that for each P1 incident there is no need to select the impact as severe.

To achieve this functionality, he can use the Mapping tab where current form attributes can be mapped with Parent Form attributes.
Map the fields with Priority P1 and Priority P2 (Source Attributes) to Impact as Severe (Target Attributes).


  • The Form Type must be selected as Sub Form in the first stepper General

Configure Mapping

The Mapping stepper consists of the following two actions:

Configure Map Fields

Configure Map Values

Configure Map Fields

The Sub Form and Parent Form attributes with same label names are automatically mapped and displayed on the Mapping screen on Form Designer canvas while designing the Sub Form after the competition of Design Form step.

Figure: Mapping - Map Fields

Field Description

The following table contains a brief description on Mapping screen fields.

Field NameDescription

Current Form Attribute
Displays the list of fields available on the current form (Sub Form).
ExampleA sub form having fields such as Workgroup, Severity, Priority and Caller displays all of these fields as a list under Current Form Attribute. A sample screenshot is shown below:Figure: Current Form Attribute

Parent Form Attribute
Displays the list of fields available in respective Parent form based on the matching data type of the Current Form attribute.
ExampleA parent form having fields such as Location, Impact, Ticket Status and Priority displays all of these fields as a list under Current Form Attribute. A sample screenshot is shown below:

Figure: Parent Form Attribute
The Parent form attribute drop-down displays the options based on the priority mapping matrix. Refer Mapping Matrix section below.
Click icon to add multiple rows. A next row is added with each click on theicon.
Clickdelete icon to delete rows. The selected row is deleted with each click on the delete icon.

The fields with same label names gets mapped and system displays the message with the count of mapped fields. 

Example - If 2 fields have same label name then the following message is displayed:

Figure: Message - Mapped Fields

Mapping Matrix

The Parent form attributes gets displayed based on the following mapping matrix:

Figure: Mapping Matrix

As per above matrix, if the selected Source Attribute data type is Text Box then the Target Attribute displays the options of data type such as Text Area and Text Box only.

Similarly, if the selected Source Attribute data type is Check Box then the Target Attribute displays the options of data type such as Text Area, Text Box and Check Box only. 

Configure Map Values

Map the values with Source field and Target field. The Map Values option is visible only for the fields having pre-configured values. It is available for the controls such as Single Choice, Auto Complete etc.

Map Values OptionIs Available

The Location field with data type as drop-down list or control as Single Choice.
The Description field with data type as text area or control as Long Text.No

Click Map Values icon while mapping fields. A sample screenshot is shown below:

Figure - Map Values icon

The Map Values pop up window is displayed, A sample screenshot is shown below:

Figure: Map Values Pop-up Page

Field Description

The following table contains a brief description on Map Values screen fields.

Field NameDescription

Auto Map
If enabled, the source field values get automatically mapped to target field values when both have same labels. However, the target field values can still be modified manually using the drop-down.
ExampleThe field Location is same for both the Main Form (New Incident for User) and Sub Form (Raise an Incident). In this scenario the Location field is same for both Parent form (New Incident for User) and Target (Raise an Incident) form and hence, the values will be mapped automatically.
It there are no values to auto map, then the system displays the validation message as "No matching values found". A sample screenshot is shown below:
Figure: No Automap Values
Source Field

Displays the list of fields from the source form.
Target FieldDisplays the list of fields from the target form.
Source Field ValueSelect the source field value for the respective source field. The selected value will be removed from the dropdown list. 
ExampleIf Source Field Value having options as P1, P2, P3 and P4. The P1 source field value is selected then P1 will be removed from the dropdown list. Not, it will display the list with options P2, P3 and P4. 
Target Field ValueSelect the target field value for the respective target field.

Click icon to add multiple rows. A new row is added with each click on the  icon.

The system displays the following validation message if you attempt to add a row without mentioning values to it. A sample screenshot is shown below:

ScreenshotFigure: Add Rows - Validation Message
-Click - icon to delete rows. The selected row is deleted with each click on the - icon.

Multiple source field values can be mapped to same target value.
Example: Priority field values P1, P2, P3 can be mapped to Severity field value 'Critical' , P4 to 'Medium', P5, P6 to 'Low', P7 to 'Very Low', and so on.  

Figure: Multiple Source Values mapped to same Target Values

Figure: Priority Field Values of IT and HR Tenant

The Priority field value options such as P1, P2, P3 from IT tenant and value options such as High, Low from HR tenant will be available for value mapping though they belong to different tenants based on the selection of tenants in the first step.


Manual value mapping is applicable only if the data fields mapped are Dropdown, Auto Complete or Radio Button.

If you click Next without saving the mappings, the system displays the validation message. A sample screenshot is shown below:


You can perform the following actions on the Mapping screen. A sample screenshot is shown below:

Field Description
The following table contains a list of actions and their brief descriptions which are available on Mapping screen.


Click Save to save the added mapping row.


Click Cancel to cancel the unsaved actions on Mapping screen and to come out of the screen.
BackClick Back to navigate back to the previous stepper screen.
NextClick Next to navigate to the next stepper screen.
The following validation message is displayed if you click on Next without saving mappings.
"Please Save the Mappings"

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