Menu Bar
  • 12 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Menu Bar

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Article summary

Menu Bar

The menu bar at the top of the email body provide more information related to the functionality within the body. For more information about the menu bar, refer to the following field description:

FileSpecify that it is one of the item on the menu bar, which displays the output of an action performed by the Application Designeron the email body.

The options provided in the file menu are as follows:

  • New document: If the content on the body already exists and the Application Designer would want to clear the content and set the body to a new draft stage then, the same can be achieved by selecting New document option in the File menu.

  • Restore last draft: If the content on the body is erased and the Application Designer would want to restore the previous content on the body then, the same can be achieved by selecting Restore last draft option in the File menu.

  • Preview: The content structure on the email body can viewed by selecting Preview option in the File menu.

  • Print: The content on the email template can be printed either on a local device or a printer that is connected to a network by selecting Print option in the File menu.
EditSpecify that its an item on the menu bar and indicates the edit options can be performed on the email body.

The options provided in the edit menu are as follows:
  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Paste
  • Paste as text
  • Select all
  • Find and replace
ViewSpecify the view options while working on the content on the email body.

The options provided in the view menu are as follows:
  • Source code
  • Visual aids
  • Show invisible characters
  • Show blocks
  • Preview
  • Fullscreen
InsertSpecify the components that can be inserted within the email body, most of the components is listed on the Icon Description.

Other components that include in the insert menu are as follows:
  • Table
  • Horizontal line
  • Nonbreaking space
  • Date/time

    Expand to view more options for Date/time

    Figure: Date/time

FormatSpecify the components that can be formatted within the email body, most of the components is listed on the Icon Description.

Other components that include in the insert menu are as follows:
  • Superscript
  • Subscript
  • Blocks
  • Fonts
  • Font sizes
  • Line height
ToolsSpecify that the content can be used using the following tools:
  • Source code
  • Word count
TableIndicate that the table option provided on the menu bar can be used to insert rows and columns in the email body, along with the options to edit the table properties and delete the table.

The list of items in the table menu is as follows:
  • Table: (add rows and columns)
  • Cell: Properties, merge and spilt
  • Row: Insert row before, insert row after, delete row, row properties, cut row, copy row, paste row before, paste row after
  • Column: Insert column before, insert column after, delete column, column properties, cut column, copy column, paste column before, paste column after
  • Table properties
  • Delete table
HelpProvide details about the shortcuts, keyboard navigation, plugins and version details.

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