Monitoring Accounts
  • 15 May 2024
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Monitoring Accounts

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Article summary

Monitoring Accounts are user accounts with administrative access rights that allow users to select the type of protocol for Discovery scan activity.

User persona: Administrator

Let's explore the following Use Case for configuring Monitoring Accounts!

Use Case

User persona:Administrator

Amy, the administrator wants to access and manage servers in Windows environments for users under a specific Tenant.Amy can use configure Monitoring Accounts under the Discovery tab. These accounts have enhanced privileges to perform tasks such as installing software, configuring network settings, and monitoring system performance.

Configure Monitoring Accounts 

To configure the Monitoring Account, perform the following steps:

  1. Click New on the list page to create a new Monitoring Account
    Figure: Create account

    The page appears as shown in the screenshot.Figure: Monitoring Account page

    Refer to the table below for details about field description under the Monitoring Account page.


    Specify the name of Tenant.


    Specify the name of customer domain.
    Used forSpecify the type of protocol for configuring the monitoring account.
    Figure: Protocol type

    WMI: Windows Management Instrumentation

    SSH: Secure Shell

    LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

    SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol

    User NameEnter the username for Monitoring Account.
    PasswordEnter the password for Monitoring Account.
    Re-enter PasswordRe-enter Password for Monitoring Account.
    IP AddressSpecify the IP Address for Monitoring Account.
    LDAP PathSpecify the LDAP Path for Monitoring Account.
    For example, CN=John Doe, OU=Users, DC=example, DC=com.

    This LDAP path specifies the location of a user named "John Doe" within the directory service. It starts from the Organizational Unit (OU) named "Users" within the domain "".

    DescriptionMention a short description of Monitoring Account.
    ActiveCheck Active to set Monitoring Account as active.

  2. Click Save to save the configuration of the Monitoring Account. The configured Monitoring Account appears as shown below.
    Figure: Configured Monitoring Account

  3. Navigate to Home > Monitoring Account > List.
    Figure: List
    List page displays the details of configured Monitoring Accounts for the Discovery jobs.

  4. Click eye icon to view the summary of configured accounts. The page is displayed as shown below.
    Figure: Details page

    The configured Monitoring Account appear as shown below:
    Figure: Monitoring Account details

  5. Click to open the link for Monitoring Account in a new tab or window.
     Figure: Open Monitoring Account

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