  • 31 Jul 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Article summary

While receiving a notification via Mail or MS Teams for any type of quantitative data we expect to view the data in a tabular format for better understanding. A Grid is a tabular view of records from the selected Table, these records can be of Single or Multi-record type based on the selected grid type from the General Characteristics. The display of these records can be designed either in a Horizontal or a Vertical view for the selected record type.


Multi-Record and How the Record Should be Displayed? that supports attachments will be available in the later part of release.

Record Types and its Implication on Grid

There are two types of Records available:

This Record Types must be selected from the Notification Designer page on the General stepper.

Single Record

The application designer require single record details as a Grid, then on the General stepper Record Type is selected as Single Record.

Figure: Single Record Type

Selecting Single Record will show the details of only one Record in the Grid View. Single Record will be represented based on the selected Grid Style, Vertical or Horizontal as displayed below:

Figure: Single Record Grid Preview

Multi Record

Multi-Record Grid in MS Teams will be available in later releases.

Grid on the Action panel displayed on the left side of Template page. Grid element will have the option to add a new grid, and display existing Grids in the dropdown, which can be opened and edited.

Add Grid

To configure Grid on MS Teams Notification Template, perform the following steps:

  1. Expand Grid and click +Add New.

    Figure: Add Grid

  2. A popup configuration window with the following properties sections are displayed.


This section displays the general properties of Grid which allows the Application Designer to configure a Grid with a unique name and style for the selected Table.

To configure the general properties, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter Grid Name. This name here will be how the Grid will be known by in the Template page.
    Example: Basic Incident Information, Solution Details, Caller Information, Incident Details etc.

    Figure: Add Grid

  2. Select Table from the dropdown.


    All the transaction Tables for the selected modules will reflect in the Table dropdown. Based on the selected Table the Configure Column section will be configured.

    Figure: Table

  3. Select Attribute Type, from the following options.

    • Single Value

    • Multi-Valued Group

    Figure: Attribute Type

    Single Value

    If Single Value is selected, then the Configure Columns section will not allow Multi-valued Group.

    Figure: Single Value Attribute

    Multi Valued Group

    This can be selected only for Vertical Grid Style and  Single Record on the General stepper. Upon enabling Multi-Value Group, a field named Group is displayed which contain Multi-Valued Groups for the Application Designer to select from the dropdown list.


    1. The Groups are populated based on the selected Table.

    2. The columns in the Configure Columns section belong to the selected multi-valued group in the Group dropdown.

    The following figure displays the Multi-valued Group functionality.

    Figure: Multi valued Group

    When previewed on the Designer, the following details are displayed.

    Figure: Preview

  4. Select Grid Style, this representation applies for both Single and Multi Records for the selected Table elements. By default Horizontal is selected.

    • Horizontal Grid: Is used to display left to right of records as Grid.

    • Vertical Grid: This is used for Top to bottom display of records as Grid.

    Figure: Grid Style

    Horizontal Grid

    Horizontal grid is represented using horizontal arrow iconon the action panel in Grids. The Application Designer will be representing records in a tabular format for the selected columns in left to right approach.

    Figure: Horizontal Grid Configuration

    Horizontal Grid for Single Record

    Selecting Record Type will affect the display of Horizontal Grid.

    If Single Record is selected and Horizontal Grid is selected then the following is displayed.

    Figure: Single Record Horizontal Grid

    Multi-Record Grid in MS Teams will be available in later releases.

    Vertical Grid

    Vertical grid is represented using vertical arrow icon on the action panel in Grids. The Application Designer will be representing records in a tabular format for the selected columns in top to down approach.

    Figure: Vertical Grid Configuration

    Vertical Grid for Single Record

    Selecting Record Type will affect the display of Vertical Grid.

    If Single Record is selected and Vertical Grid is selected then the following is displayed.

    Figure: Single Record Vertical Grid

    Multi-Record Grid in MS Teams will be available in later releases.

  5. Enable Active control for the Grid element to be available and in-use on the Notification Template.


    When a Grid that’s used in multiple templates is deactivated a message will be displayed as below:

    This Grid is used in multiple different Notification Templates. If Inactivated, the Grid will be hidden from all those templates which are currently Active.

Configure Columns

The Configure Columns section will have fields that replicate as columns in the Grid. Setting up of columns as a producer and representing them as grid includes configuring Fields, Alias Name, re-order, add and delete actions.

Figure: Configure Columns

  • Fields: This has two types of textboxes.

    • The first is the name of the Table, it’s auto-populated based on the selected Table. This is greyed and no action can be performed, it’s purpose is to only indicate the table name to which the Field belongs.

    • The second textbox functions with a dot walking mechanism, where the columns of the parent and related tables would load based on the dots placed by the Application Designer. For information, refer to Dot Walking.

  • Alias Name: This is a mandatory field by default, it will auto-populate with the Field name which is in-turn auto populated based on the selected Table. Let’s consider the following:

    Example: Field is SR_ID and Application Designer changes Alias Name to Ticket ID.

    In the Grid the column header will be Ticket ID instead of SR ID.




Click add icon action will enable the Application Designer insert new Field Alias row for the selected Table.

Click delete icon action will remove the row from the Configure Column section.


Click re-order icon to re-arrange the Field elements across Configure Column section, to have the column order displayed on the Notification.

The following figure is the preview of Columns on the MS Teams Notification.

Figure: Notification MS Teams Preview

How the Record Should be displayed?

This section feature will be available in later part of releases.


Appearance of the Grid in MS Teams function according to default style and settings, other features will be available in the later part of releases.

Upon configuration of Grid, click Submit. Drag and drop the Grid element on the MS Teams - Light.

Figure: Notification Designer Details - Grid


  1. The sorting order for the grids will by default be the date and time of creation.

  2. The latest created Grid will be displayed first, and the oldest created Grid will be displayed last. The system will not follow the Alphabetical sorting order here.

Unrelated Grids

When two Grids in the control panel belong to different tables, it is termed as Unrelated Grids.

A Notification template can have more than one Grid and all the Grids will be processed to display data related to the Notification triggering record. However, if tables that each Grid belongs to are not related to each other, the system cannot determine the data to be rendered in the MS Teams. To handle this, the user will be stopped from creating the notification template.

Consider the below example.

Grids “Service Request Information” and “Detailed SR Details” use the AI Recommendations and Manage Service Request table respectively. However, if no such table level relation exists between the configured Grids, the Grids cannot be processed correctly.

When you click Next, a restricted use of multi-tables pop message is displayed as below:

Figure: Restricted Use

Time related components from Grid

All the Time related components from the record display Time Zone name on the date-time field based on the record Created By. This apply to notifications generated by Workflow Designer, Business Rule Designer and Scheduler which uses MS Teams components from left panel in the designer such as Notification Elements (single chip that’s static elements), Grids (Horizontal and Vertical), and Multi-Value group grid.

The following images display Time zone with MS Teams components configured in the Template.


To edit a Grid, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on vertical ellipsis and select Edit.

    Figure: Edit Grid

  2. The Grid configuration screen is displayed, make the required changes and click Update.

    Figure: Edit Basic Incident Information

To configure other MS Teams template elements, refer to the following:

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