Notification Designer
  • 11 Sep 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Notification Designer

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Article summary

The scenarios documented for Notification Designer encompass both real-time and hypothetical situations, enabling you to envision how the functionality is put into action, thereby enhancing its relatability and accessibility.

This section comprises the following use-cases:

Design Notifications


Create and Manage Notification Templates that can be communicated though Email/ SMS / MS Teams medium.


Amy is an Application Designer working in the IT department for ACME Services, who is tasked to templatize the notification messages for the ACME IT Business Unit. As the IT servers are critical for ACME Business operations sending notification should be seamless using the Templates. They have three IT servers at Location Palo Alto, Datacenter which is monitored to ensure minimum to no downtime.

User Persona

Application Designer


To achieve minimum to no-downtime on the IT servers from the Palo Alto Datacenter, Amy designs the notification message Template for the flawless communication across all the mediums till the server restoration. 

  • An SMS about the server unavailability is sent to the IT support Team.
    πŸ“² SMS
    SMS Body: URGENT: Incident #INC012345 reported. High priority issue affecting server PAL_ACME0123 availability. Assigned to support team.

  • An Email regarding the server unavailability and the restoration is sent to the Business Unit by the Analyst.
    πŸ“© Email
    Subject: Server Down
    Email Body: 
    Business Unit,
    Support team has received an alert #INC012345 of IT server located at Palo Alto location, named: PAL_ACME0123 is not reachable. Technician at the site has confirmed it’s due to server battery failure and replaced it with the new battery to restore the server functionality.

  • An MS Teams Notification is sent to the business unit for approving the ECR (Emergency Change Request).
    πŸ“‘ MS Teams Light
    Body: ECR Approval Required.
    We have received an Emergency Change Request for replacing failed battery for the server PAL_ACME0123 to restore the production environment.
    location details: 
    DatacenterPalo Alto, CA


To reproduce the scenario, perform the following steps:

  1. Define the Notification Name.
    Create a Notification Template named as IT Server Down.
  2. Define the Subject and Body content for the selected mediums.
  3. Various design features such as pre-defined Notification Elements can be used in the Notification Template, Grid to present the data in tabular format, Approval buttons from Actions and more.

ITSM Notification Template


Notify Requestor about Incident Cancellation by the Analyst


Sam, the Application Designer working with ACME IT Consulting Services, has been assigned the task of standardizing common scenarios that occur in the Incident Management process. One of the critical use cases Sam needs to consider is the incident cancellation action, which may occur during the Incident management cycle.

User Persona

Application Designer


To provide an update to the requestor regarding the cancellation of logged incident, Sam designs a notification email template to ensure accurate communication between the requestor and analyst.

  • An Email regarding the incident cancellation by Analyst is sent to the requestor.
    πŸ“© Email
    Subject: Your incident is canceled by the Analyst!
    Email Body: 

    Thank you for using the Service Desk! Your Incident ID 23145 is canceled!

    About this incident: We would like to inform you that the incident you reported has already been resolved. This resolution was achieved during a previous communication with our service desk earlier today.

    Cancellation Reason: This incident is being canceled as the resolution has already been provided over the phone call communication.

    Click here βš™  to view the record.

    Thank you

  • An SMS regarding the cancellation of logged incident is sent to the requestor.
    πŸ“² SMS
    SMS Body:
    Thank you for using the Service Desk! Your incident 23145 is canceled!
    Login to the portal to view your Incident.



To reproduce the scenario, perform the following steps:

Step 1: Define the Notification Name.
Create a Notification Template named Notification of canceled incident to requestor.

Step 2: Define the Subject and Body content for the selected mediums.

Step 3: Various design features such as pre-defined Notification Elements can be used in the Notification Template, Grid to present the data in tabular format, Approval buttons from Actions and more.

Use case notf design gif

Major Incident Notification


Notification Mail sent to entire organization & stake holders when Major Incident is Identified.


Sam, the Application Designer working with ACME IT Consulting Services, has been assigned the task of designing a Notification Template which will be used to send it to the entire organization for a Major Incident.

User Persona

Application Designer


In order to notify the entire organization when a Major Incident is reported, Sam the Application Designer, designs a notification email template to ensure details pertaining to Incident reaches all departments in an organization.

An Email notification template regarding the details about the incident is prepared such that, when called in a Workflow it gets approved by the Approver and sends the email to entire organization.


To reproduce the scenario, perform the following steps:

  1. In the General stepper, define the Notification Name, enter the description and other other required details.
  2. Based on the selected Medium of communication, design the Subject and Body content on the notification template.
  3. Configure a Grid that contains all the basic Incident details by selecting an appropriate Table. This Table is a transactional table which contains all the data from the configured Transactional Form. The view of Grid can be selected either as Vertical or Horizontal.
  4. Select a Table from the Table Selection that contain various other details, which is required to inform about an Incident such as  User Communication, Priority, Incident Report Time, 
  5. Configure a Hyperlink with a Name which links to KB suggestion list pertaining to the Incident. To achieve this Select a Transactional Form that is used to Manage an Incident and then select the required Popover Form related to KB suggestions list.
  6. Configure a Signature using Notification Elements, that contains Hotline number to join the bridge call.

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