Table Selection
  • 02 Dec 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Table Selection

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Article summary

Table selection from a dropdown list offers users a convenient way to navigate through various datasets or categories within a system. Once a table is selected, it auto populates columns and fields related to table. It dynamically populates relevant field information based on the record on which the Application Designer is executing.

Add Table Columns

To add Table Columns, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Table Selection.
    A dropdown to select is displayed.

    Figure: Add Notification Designer

  2. Search Table from the list.
    The search icon helps to search the required Table.

    Figure: Add Notification Designer.

  3. Select Table.
    All the columns related to the Table is displayed.

    Figure: Add Notification Designer

  4. Drag and drop the columns on Subject or Email Body.


If an Attachment chip from the Transaction table is configured on the Template then, it will be replaced with the respective uploaded attachments associated with the given record_id.

Figure: Attachment

Attachments in Notification Designer


How Attachments work in Notification Designer?

There are Two types of attachments in the Notification Designer:

Static Attachment

Are the ones that an Application Designer can attach in the Notification Designer, while configuring individual Templates.

The following figure refers to the Static Attachment. That which is readily available on the Template.
Figure: Attachment


The Time Window and App settings and other details explained in the following sections are not applicable for Static Attachment.

Dynamic Attachment

Dynamic Attachments are the ones that is attached from the Record ID.

To configure this on notification template, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Table with Manage<Module_Name> from the dropdown Table dropdown field.
    Example: Manage Incidents, Manage Service Request etc.

    Figure: Table Selection


    The list is displayed based on the selected Module. Suppose if Incident is selected as Module then the list will display all the tables from that Module, here you must select Manage Incidents form which will contain Attachment field.

  2. Drag and drop the Attachment field on the Notification Designer Template.
    Figure: Attachment

  3. After adding the Attachment, it appears as an attachment chip on the template and you cannot view that again on the Table list.

    Figure: Attachment Chip

Similarly, the above is applicable for Attachments from Popover Form Elements.
Figure: Attachment in Popover Form

How Attachments work in Notification based on the Record attributes of any Form?

Default Attachment Mechanism

By default, the latest attachment is attached.

Consider a record on Manage Incidents (Main Form) then, based on the Record ID’s Last Updated or  Created Time from the Manage Incident form, Attachment will be attached to the current notification. If the Record is has an Attachment attached to it. If no parameter is defined in the Appsettings file then by default, a Four minute window around of Attachment attribute is considered.

Example: If the Record is updated on 12th November 2024 8:00 PM, the available attachments from 12 November 2024 is 7:58 PM to 8:02 PM.

Similarly, for Popover Form, based on the Last Updated or Created Date and Time of the Popover Form, If the popover form has an an attachment attached. If no parameter is defined in the Appsettings file then by default, a Four minute window around of Attachment attribute is considered.

Appsettings for Attachment

By Appsettings file Confirmation:

  • "Notification:IncludeEmailAttachment": "All/Latest"

    • "All": All Attachments present in selected attributes.

    • "Latest": By default, applies based on the above.

  • "Notification:AttachmentLatestInSeconds": "120"

    • "120": Represents seconds

      It can be configurable based on the requirement, the behavior will change the window around the time as what is mentioned in the previous Step.

Where can I configure the Record attribute Attachment Field to map with Notification?

Navigate to Notification Designer > Select Medium > Design Stepper > Select Table > Drag and Drop the Attachment attributes.

What types of Record attributes can be part of Notification Attachment?

Main Form and Popover Form of the same Main Form(Email triggered for the particular Record).

If one attribute has more than one Attachments, will it come all attachments in Notification?

Conditionally, according to the above configuration from the Appsettings file.

Is Notification Grid design allowed Attachments?

No, Notification Grids are not allowed in the Attachments.

Appsettings Key

"Notification": {
               "IncludeEmailAttachment": "All",
               "AttachmentLatestInSeconds": "120"

Notification from Scheduler

If notifications are being send from Scheduler, the appsetting key should be included in below appsettings file

SummitCore\API\WebUI\appsettings.Development.json  (Summit.API)

Notification from Business Rule Designer

If notifications are being send from Business Rule, the appsetting key should be included in below appsettings file

SummitCore\API\BusinessRule\API\appsettings.Development.json  (Summit.BR.API)

Notification from Workflow Designer

If notifications are being send from Workflow, the appsetting key should be included in below appsettings file.

SummitCore\API\Workflow\API\appsettings.Development.json (Summit.WF.API)

Refer to the following to configure the other elements.

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