  • 03 Apr 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Initiate Change, Transform Solutions!

Creating Change Request initiate a formal process of managing and implementing changes within an organization's IT. It provides a structure and standard approach to manage change to ensure transparency.

End Users can create Change Requests (CRs) with minimum field configuration. The CR Workflow is not applicable for CR raised by End Users. The Analyst needs to fill more information to start actual CR Workflow. The CR created by the End Users are available for the Analysts in Draft status until it is changed to Requested status.

User Persona: End User

Let's explore the following use case.

User Persona: End User
NovaTech IT department has identified a critical security vulnerability in one of the software applications used across the organization. To mitigate the risk, they need to implement the latest security patch updates on all affected systems.

William creates a Change Request to implementing critical security updates and informs all the stakeholders to ensure awareness, minimize disruptions, and address any concerns or feedback.

Log a Change Request

End Users can create Change Requests (CRs) with minimum field configuration. The CR Workflow is not applicable for CR raised by End Users. The Analyst needs to fill more information to start actual CR Workflow. The CR created by the End Users are available for the Analysts in Draft status until it is changed to Requested status.

To create new Change Request, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Change > My Change Request.
    The Change Record listing page is displayed.

  2. Click New button to create a new change request.
    The New Change Request page is displayed.
    Figure: Create Record

  3. Enter the required details as described in the table and click Save.
    A successful message with the CR ID is displayed.


By default, the name of the user who requested the change request is displayed.

When a CR is created from a Service Request (SR), Requester is the user who logged the SR. All the notifications sent to the CR Requestor are also sent to the SR Requester.

Tenant*Select name of the Tenants from the list. 
Expected Change Description

Provide the expected change description for creating the change request.

Change Type

Search and select the Change Type from the list: Standard, Normal, Emergency, and Expedited.


If the Authorizer selects Expedited from the Change Type drop-down list:

  • The CAB Approval is skipped, but the Justification field is enabled and becomes mandatory.
  • The Post Implementation Review becomes mandatory.
  • An additional field, Reason for Expedited Change, is displayed.

If Do Not Allow to Update CR Change Type check box is selected on the Tenant page of the Change Management module, Analyst cannot change the Change Type from Standard to other type and vice versa.

Change Category

Select the category of the Change Record. The Category pop-up page is displayed.

  • The Change Category field is displayed only after the Tenant is selected.
  • The Change Category field is marked as mandatory only when the CR Status is Requested.

Select the Configuring Impact from the drop-down list to define the impact of change on the Users.

UrgencySelect the Urgency from the drop-down list to provide the indication of how quickly CR should be resolved.
PrioritySelect the Priority from the drop-down list to define the precedence in which the CR should be addressed.
By when do you want this Change to be implemented?Select the days or months from the list when you want to change to be implemented.
AttachmentClick +Choose icon to choose an appropriate file to attach as a reference material for a test plan of a CR.
  • The Users can upload an attachment with the same name for the second time or multiple times. 
  • The application saves both the old and new attachments.

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