  • 02 Sep 2024
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Article summary

The role of approval for Allocating and Deallocating Consumables is crucial for ensuring efficient and accountable use of resources within an organization, such as printer ink, toner, cables, etc. Managing inventory levels efficiently is essential, ensuring supplies are available when needed, minimizing waste, and controlling costs. 

Appropriate approvals for allocation ensure that resources are distributed to where they are needed most, appropriate approvals for deallocation prevent resources from being tied up unnecessarily, allowing for better resource utilization and cost management.

Let's explore the following use case!

Use Case

User Persona: Approver
NovaTech is an electronic device manufacturing company. The plant operates with a range of machinery used for production processes. Approvals are required to procure new network cables for the manufacturing process. NovaTech wants to create a robust approval system for the procurement.

The Approver is responsible for approving the allocation and deallocation of Consumables based on the requirements. The approver can provide approval to allocate consumables with the help of the CO -Allocate & Deallocate Approvals option.
This process involves approvals from various levels such as Reporting Manager, Store Manager, etc.
Consumable deallocation involves approvals from various levels such as the Reporting Manager, IT Team, etc.

Approval for Allocating Consumables

To approve the allocation action on Consumables, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Asset Management > Approval > CO - Allocate & Deallocate Approvals.
    The CO -Allocate & Deallocate Approval List page is displayed.
    Figure: CO - Allocate & Deallocate Approvals List page

  2. Click the Allocate Transaction ID to review and approve allocation - CO.
    See Field Description for more information on field values.
    Figure: CO - Approve Allocate Details page

Field Description

This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the CO - Allocate Approval Details page:

General Details
Tenant * The selected Tenant is displayed. It is a non-editable field.
Store *The selected store of the Accessory is displayed. It is a non-editable field.
Category *The selected Category of the Accessory is displayed. It is a non-editable field.
CustomerThe selected Customer of the Accessory is displayed.
Reference IDThe selected Reference ID of the Accessory is displayed.
Quantity Details
Total QuantityDisplays the overall quantity of accessories in the chosen Store, specific to the Tenant and Category.
Available QuantityDisplays the number of accessories ready or available to be allocated to an Asset or User.
Allocation Details
Allocate To *Displays if the Consumable is allocated to Asset or User. 
Allocation Date * The allocation date of the consumable is displayed.
Assigned User*The name of the user to whom the Consumable is allocated is displayed.
Allocation Quantity *The quantity of Consumables allocated is displayed.
Allocation TypeDisplays if the allocated Consumable should be Temporary or Permanent.
Request IDDisplays the Request ID (if any).
RemarksDisplays the entered remarks if any.
Deallocation Details
Deallocation DateDisplays the deallocation date for the allocated CO if any.
Deallocation RemarksDisplays the deallocation remarks if any. 

3. Click Approve to approve/reject the allocation of the consumable.
Figure: Approve CO - Allocation

After approval from the Store Manager, it will be sent to the Allocated User Manager for approval.
Figure: Workflow Timeline - Approval information for allocation

Figure: Allocated User Manager Approval status pop-up

4. After receiving approval from the Store Manager and Allocated User Manager, the Consumable will be officially allocated, and its status will be updated to Allocated. You can view this record on the Allocate - Deallocate - CO List page within the Allocated section.
Figure: Workflow Timeline - after approval

If the Store / IT Manager rejects the allocation request, the Consumable is moved to the Allocation Rejected state. You can view this record on the Deactivate & Reactivate - AC List page within the Allocation Rejected tab.
Figure: Allocation Rejected

Approval for Deallocating Consumables 

To approve the deallocation action on Consumables, perform the following steps: 

  1. Navigate to Asset Management > Approval > CO - Allocate & Deallocate Approval.
    The CO - Allocate & Deallocate Approval List page is displayed.
    Figure: CO - Allocate & Deallocate Approval List page

  2.  Click the deallocate Transaction ID hyperlink to approve the Consumable deallocation. Click Approve to provide approval to deallocate the Consumable.
     Figure: Approve Deallocation

Field Description

This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Approve Deallocate CO Details page:

Deallocation Details
Deallocation Date * Displays the date from the calendar from when the Consumable must be deallocated.
Deallocation RemarksDisplays any remarks for deallocation.

3. After the 1st Level of approval from the Reporting Manager, the Deallocation request is sent to the 2nd level for approval from the IT Team.
Figure: Workflow Timeline - Deallocation

Figure: Reporting Manager Approver status pop-up

Figure: IT Team Approval status pop-up

4. After receiving approval from the Reporting Manager and IT Team, the Consumable will be officially deallocated and its status will be updated to Deallocated. You can view this record on the Allocate & Deallocate - CO List page within the Deallocated section.
Figure: Workflow Timeline - after approval

5.  If the Reporting Manager/ IT Team rejects the deallocation request, the Accessory is moved to the Allocated state. You can view this record on Deactivate & Reactivate - AC List page within the Allocated section.
Figure: Deallocation Rejected

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