  • 06 Feb 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

A Scheduler is set to automate tasks that can reduce manual efforts. It helps to automate the iterative tasks and hence require low involvement from the Analyst.

User Persona: Application Designer

Figure: Benefits of a Custom Scheduler

Navigation Overview

The Scheduler is configured by following the five-step process.

  1. General

  2. Frequency

  3. Conditions

  4. Actions

  5. Publish

The five-step process of the Scheduler is detailed in the below gif.

Figure: Steps in Scheduler Process

Configure Scheduler

The Scheduler can be configured to automate tasks. To configure the Scheduler, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the   icon and select Design Studio.

  2. Go to Module > Choose the Module > Scheduler. The scheduler page is displayed. To understand more about the list page, navigate to Manage Scheduler.
    Figure: Scheduler

  3. Select the Domain and Sub Domain from the drop-down list and click New.
    Figure: Scheduler List Page

  4. Click New to configure a new scheduler.

To understand more about configuring a new scheduler, navigate to the links below for each step.

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