Configure Classification
  • 16 Dec 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Configure Classification

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Article summary

Classification in Problem Management refers to the process of systematically organizing problems based on predefined criteria or attributes. This process involves assigning labels or categories to problems to ensure they are properly grouped for subsequent analysis and management.


In Problem Management, "Classification" is the process of organizing problems into specific categories based on defined criteria. This systematic approach helps in understanding the nature and impact of problems, allowing for more effective prioritization and resource allocation. Classification enables teams to focus on problems that have the most significant impact on operations, facilitating faster resolution and minimizing disruptions.

Use Case


Novatech IT service provider struggles with a high volume of unorganized problem reports, making it difficult to identify which issues are affecting critical services, leading to delays in resolution and customer dissatisfaction.

Sandra logs in to the Application Administrator and navigates to Problem > Problem Masters > Classification. PR Masters then Classification. Creates a new root node as classification and names as Service Impacted, Severity, and Root Cause Type using right click action in the Classification area and selects Create Root Node.

Configure Classification

Configuring classification in Problem Management involves establishing a structured framework to consistently categorize and prioritize problems. This process starts with defining relevant criteria, such as service impacted, severity, root cause, and urgency, that align with the organization's goals and IT environment. By creating a clear classification system, teams can quickly assess the nature and impact of problems, streamlining the problem-solving process.

To configure Classification, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Application Administrator.

  2. Navigate to Design Studio > Service Management > Problem Management > Configurations > PR Masters > Classification.

  3. Select Tenant from the dropdown list.

    Figure: Classification - Tenant

  4. List of configured Classifications is displayed, along with option to create a new Classification by performing right click action on the specific node. To view the pop-over message Right click any node to perform actions, hover inside the PR Classification frame as displayed below.

    Figure: Classification Tree

  5. Right-click on any node to perform the actions.
    A list of Action items is displayed and the node is highlighted.

    Figure: PR Node Actions


    If the Create Root Node is selected then No action is performed on the selected node.

    For more information on the node actions, refer to the following:

    Create Root Node

    Enable the Admin to Create Root Node as a new Classification. Enter the Classification Name in the PR Classification field.
    Example: Root Cause Type (Root Node)

    Figure: Root Node  

    Create Child Node

    Enable the Admin to Create Child Node under the selected Root Node Classification. Enter the Classification Name in the PR Classification under the Root Node.

    Example: Root Cause Type (Root Node)
    Hardware Failure (Child Node)

    Figure: Child Node


    Enable the Admin to Rename the selected Classification.

    Figure: Rename


    Enable the Admin to Deactivate the Classification. Applicable for Root and Child Nodes. Right click and select Deactivate. Upon deactivating the Classification, it is represented using an Orange vertical line.

    Figure: Deactivated Classification


    Enable the Admin to Activate the Deactivated Classification. Right Click and select Activate.

    Figure: Activate

    The activated Classification is displayed as below.

    Figure: Activated Classification

    Set as Default

    Enable the Admin to set the selected Classification as Default. Right click and select Set as Default. Upon setting the Classification as a default value, it is represented using the  Green color vertical line.

    Figure: Set as Default

    Remove as Default

    Enable the Admin to Remove the Classification as Default. Right click and select Remove as Default. Upon removing the Classification as a default value, it displays as initial.

    Figure: Remove as Default

    Add Icon

    Enable the Admin to Add an icon to the Classification. Right click and select Add Icon.
    Select and upload the file from your local directory.

    Figure: Add Icon

    Add Description

    Enable the Admin to add a description to the configured Classification. Right click and select Add Description. Enter the details about the Classification.

    Figure: Add Description

    Hover on the Classification to view the Description.

    Figure: Classification Description

  6. Click Save to add the configured Classification to the selected Tenant. Upon clicking Cancel you will be navigated to the Classification configuration screen and Reset will erase the configuration you made and displays the initial screen.

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