Release Notes Crescendo (6.3)
  • 06 Feb 2025
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Release Notes Crescendo (6.3)

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Article summary

The following section provides key highlights, improvements introduced and known issues in Apex Crescendo (6.3) release.

Merged Releases

Updates till the following releases have been merged into Crescendo (6.3) Release:

  • v6.1.0.0 HF10 B014 Patch 4

  • Prelude 6.2.0 B015 Patch 4


  • The Offline translation mode supports Localization from the base language English to Arabic and French.

  • The support resolution for mobile and laptop are:

    Mobile - Small screen - 320 pixels(px)  

    Laptop - Large screen - 1920 pixels(px)

New Features

Platform Studio

Let's take a quick look at our Platform Studio user persona.

The following section provides a sneak-peek of the functionalities added for Platform Studio.

Design Studio

Let's take a quick look at our Design Studio user personas.

The following section provides a sneak-peek of the functionalities added for Design Studio.


The following section provides key highlights and Application-wise description of new features introduced in Apex Release.

Service Management

Let's take a quick look at our Service Management user personas.

The following section provides a sneak-peek of the functionalities added for Service Management.

Apex Mobile

Let's take a quick look at our Apex Mobile user persona.

The following section provides a sneak-peek of the functionalities added for Apex Mobile.


The following are new enhancements added in Crescendo (6.3):



Improvement Name


Top panel

Approvals and Notifications

The approval and notification icons are displayed in both Service Management and Asset Management applications, with approval notifications filtered by the selected application, while general notifications span all applications.

For more information, refer Dashboard.

Design Studio


Improvement Name


Notification Parser

Language Support for Parsed Emails

In a Mailbox configured with Parse Rules and for the emails forwarded,  the Subject Tag takes effect according to the local language through Outlook.

For more information, refer Notification Parser.


Notify Recipient for MSP Customers

The Notify Recipients functionality for Managed Service Provider (MSP) customers is used to automate alerts or updates about scheduled tasks, jobs, or maintenance events. This functionality can be customized based on the specific needs of MSP customers.

For more information, refer Scheduler.

Business Rule Designer

Notify Recipient for MSP Customers

With the Notify Recipients feature, Managed Service Provider (MSP) customers can streamline the delivery of automated updates for tasks, jobs, or maintenance schedules. This capability can be personalized through the Business Rule Designer to align with the distinct needs of each MSP, enabling seamless communication.

For more information, refer Business Rule Designer.

Notification Parser

Subject Tag(s) introduced as Actions in Notification Parser.

Subject Tag(s) is mandatory in Notification Parser as an Action to ensure if parsed mails are included with tags in the Subject field when Forwarded or Responded.

For more information, refer Notification Parser Actions.

Mobile App


Improvement Name


Apex Mobile

The Analyst and Approver personas have been enabled.

User Persona: End User

In the Apex Mobile, all Analyst and Approver personas have been enabled for the End User.

For more information, refer to Apex Mobile.

Known Issues

The following section provides details of known issues in this release:

Issue ID

Issue Description




The Service Portal record count next to the tenant shows (N+1) when N records are displayed on the list page.


Assets must be displayed in the following statuses: "Instore," "Allocated," "Reactivated," and "Deactivated."


  1. Navigate to Service Management > Design Studio > Application > Service Portal.

    The service portal list page is displayed.  

  2. Click on any Tenant to verify the count of the records.



When we click on Change History button in Workgroup, the values are not translated to 'Arabic' language.


  1. Navigate to Design Studio > Application > Workgroup. The Workgroup list page is displayed.

  2. Select an existing ID from the list page.

  3. Click the Change History icon from the top panel. The drop-down values are not translated to Arabic language.



The Analyst is unable to select the count, and values are not displaying properly.


Bulk Update must be configured on Design List View Page of under Actions section of Form Designer.  


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Analyst. 

  2. Click Bulk Update icon. 

  3. Select the Incident IDs which needs to get bulk updated.  

  4. Click Bulk Update. The Bulk Update pop-up gets displayed.  

  5. Click Field drop-down and select the Field.

  6. Click Apply.



In the Themes list page, the system-defined Themes do not display.


Create few Themes for a Sub Domain and Role Template access should be given for more than one Sub Domain.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Admin.

  2. Navigate to the Settings icon > Application tab > Themes.



When a template is applied, the values are not populated for the Tree View control type initially.  

However, after saving the record, the values are populated correctly.


Import Template utility must be configured.


  1. Log in to the Apex Application as an Analyst.

  2. Select Service Management application.

  3. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incidents.

    The Manage Incidents List page is displayed.

  4. Click New. Choose Use Templates option.

    The Import Template pop-up is displayed.

  5. Choose the template and click Apply.

    The selected template will be applied.

  6. Verify whether the value is populated for the Tree View control type.



Uploaded image was not retained under the Header section of added Panel.


  1. Login to the Application as an Application Designer.

  2. Navigate to Design Studio > Select Module > Form Designer > New.

  3. Enter the details in all the steps and in the Design Form step drag and drop the Panel.

  4. Click on gear icon and go to Appearance tab.

  5. Under Header section, select the Background Type as Image and Upload the Image.

  6. Click on Save, configuration must be saved successfully.

  7. Submit the form and uploaded image under Header section of the Panel.


Fixed Issues

The following section provides details of Fixed issues in this release:

Issue ID

Issue Description




Manage Incident Page was displaying blank without any Incidents.


  1. Log in to Apex application as an Analyst.

  2. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incidents.

  3. Validate if the Manage Incident page displays all Incidents.

Manage Incident Page is displaying all  Incidents as expected.


SLA values were not being updated even if the SLA conditions were met.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Application Designer.

  2. Select the application as Service Management.

  3. Select the required module.

  4. Navigate to SLA Designer and configure the SLA conditions.

  5. Raise one SR as an End User.

  6. Log in to the application as an Analyst and observe if SLA values are updated based on SLA condition.

SLA values are being updated if SLA conditions are met.


The analysts were unable to view the encrypted text in the text box control of the Service Request module.


  1. A Text box control must be configured, and encryption must be activated.

  2. Create an SR with encrypted text in the text box control.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Analyst.

  2. Navigate to Service Management > Service Request > Manage Service Requests.

    The Manage Service Requests list page is displayed.  

  3. Open the previously created SR and verify the data in the text box control.

The analysts can view the encrypted text in the text box control of the Service Request module.


When the multi Grp data under the MV1 field was updated and saved in the Catalog for the Service Request, an error message was displayed.  


Create a Service Catalog.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Analyst .  

  2. Navigate to Service Request > My Service Request. The My Service Request List page is displayed.  

  3. Click New.  

  4. Search for the created Catalog. The Catalog is displayed.

  5. Click View Detail. The Catalog details are displayed.

  6. Under Specifications, select MV1, choose multi Grp and enter Remarks.

  7. Click Save.

When the multi Grp data under the MV1 field is updated in the Catalog, the Service Request is successfully saved.  


The Workgroup and Analyst fields in Manage Service Requests were showing blank values.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Analyst.

  2. Navigate to Requests > Manage Service Requests. The Manage Service Requests list page is displayed.

  3. Click ID to open an existing Service Request.

  4. Navigate to the Assigned To tab. The Workgroup and Analyst fields are blank.  

The Workgroup and Analyst fields display appropriate values in the Manage Service Request page.  

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