Release Notes Prelude (6.2)
  • 06 Feb 2025
  • 20 Minutes to read
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Release Notes Prelude (6.2)

  • PDF

Article summary

The following section provides key highlights, improvements introduced, and known issues in Apex Prelude (6.2) release.

Merged Releases

Till Apex HF07 changes, have been merged in Prelude (6.2) Release.

New Features

Platform Studio

Let's take a quick look at our Platform Studio user persona.

The following section provides a sneak-peek of the functionalities added for Platform Studio.

Design Studio

Let's take a quick look at our Design Studio user personas.

The following section provides a sneak-peek of the functionalities added for Design Studio.





The following section provides key highlights and Application-wise description of new features introduced in Apex Release.

Service Management

Let's take a quick look at our Service Management user personas.

The following section provides a sneak-peek of the functionalities added for Service Management.

Asset Management

Let's take a quick look at our Asset Management user personas.

The following section provides a sneak-peek of the functionalities added for Asset Management.

Apex Mobile

Let's take a quick look at our Apex Mobile user persona.

The following section provides a sneak-peek of the functionalities added for Apex Mobile.


The following are new enhancements added in Prelude (6.2):



Improvement Name



View Department based on sort order

User Person: App Admin / End User / Analyst

On the consumer page, all the Departments or Tenants are displayed in the defined sort order.

For more information, refer to Department.

Product Telemetry

Consent form for Product telemetry

User Persona: App Admin

Consent form is introduced for Product Analysis and Telemetry for end users.

For more information on product telemetry, refer to Product Telemetry.


Out of the Box Forms

User Persona: Application Administrator

Make use of OOB (out of the box) forms at this level for quicker deployment and implementation.

For more information, refer to Form Designer.


GDPR Enable instances from Prelude (6.2) onwards

Starting from Prelude 6.2 release onwards, all instances will be GDPR enabled. For more information on enabling and disabling GDPR, please contact SymphonyAI Implementation and Support team.

Design Studio


Improvement Name


Workflow Designer

In the Approval component of Dynamic Type, Tree View control is included for Category. In the Set Trigger & Conditions, you can select Popover and Sub Form Fields as conditions.

User Persona: End User / Analyst

  • Provision for Tree View and dropdown controls in Dynamic Groups configuration.

  • Enable Popover or Sub Form Fields as Conditional options.

For more information on these controls and fields, refer to Controls and Set Fields.

Notification Designer - Module

Configure Content Placeholder on Email notification template on the Notification Designer

User Persona: Application Designer

Attach content on template as PDF, embed as Image or Render as HTML.

For more information, refer to Content Placeholder.

Notification Designer - Module

Configure Sub Widget in Table selection.

User Persona: Application Designer

Display Sub Form fields in Grid format on the Notification Template based on the Table configured with Sub Form.

For more information, refer to Sub Form Element Notification Designer.


Send Email using Graph API

User Persona: Application Administrator

Configure Graph API on SMTP which enables  sending email using Graph API.

For more information, refer to  SMTP Graph API.


Configure Simple and Advance Filters on Bulletins page.

User Persona: Application Designer

  • Enables to filter the list page columns using Advance Filters that support Grouping, Ungrouping of Filters based on conditional operators.

  • Export the list page content to excel for better management.

For more information, refer to Manage Bulletins.

Service Portal Designer

Configure Advance Filters on Service Portal page.

User Persona: End User/Application Designer

Allows filtering of list page columns with Advanced Filters that support grouping and ungrouping based on conditional operators.

For more information, refer to Common Filters.

Service Portal Designer

Mobile responsive view for the Service Portal.

User Persona: Application Designer

Enables the Service Portal to automatically adjust to various devices and screen sizes.

For more information, refer to Publish Service Portal.

Service Portal Designer

Improved readability in Graphical widgets.

User Persona: Application Designer

Enables Bar, Line, and Pie graphs by organizing data into daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly groupings.

For more information, refer to Graphical Widgets.

Business Rule Designer

Introduced conditions and Parameters section under call API stop to update the records matching the conditions specified.

User Persona: App Designer / Analyst

Provision for setting conditions and parameters allowing greater flexibility in creating API related actions.

For more information on these controls and fields, refer to Popover Fields in Conditions to trigger Actions.

Business Rule Designer

Introduce Custom Email ID in Recipients to send email to any email ID.

User Persona: App Designer / Analyst

Introducing a custom email ID in the recipients field allows you to personalize your communication and enhance your email management.

Custom email IDs enhance brand professionalism, improve deliverability, and foster trust with recipients.

For more information on these controls and fields, refer to Notify Recipients .

Business Rule Designer

Introduce Business Rule Error History in Transaction Forms.

User Persona: App Designer / Analyst / End User

View the list of Business rules triggered and satisfied in transaction forms. Also, view a log of the business rules triggered with details & error history.  

For more information on these controls and fields, refer to Business Rule History.

Business Rule Designer

Introducing Popover Form Fields in Conditions to trigger actions.

User Persona: App Designer / Analyst

Introducing Popover Form Fields in Conditions, designed to enhance user experience by triggering specific actions upon reopening records such as Incident Management (IM), Service Requests (SR), and Change Requests (CR).

For more information on these controls and fields, refer to Call API.

Notification Designer - Module

Add Default Notification Language for

User Persona: Application Designer

Configure notification template in default language and reuse to other languages. This is applicable across all the Mediums.

For more information, refer to Email, SMS and MS Teams.

Notification Designer - Application

Add Default Notification Language for Application

User Persona: Application Designer

Configure notification template in default language to send Bulletin notification according to configured default language. This is applicable for all the Mediums.

For more information, refer to Email, Webapp.

Holiday Calendar

Dropdown with virtual scroll lazy load implementation in Holiday Calendar

User Persona: Application Designer

The Location selection field in the Holiday Calendar has a dropdown with virtual lazy load implementation.

For more information, refer to Holiday Calendar.  

Form Designer

Bulk Update

User Persona: Application Designer

Update large volume of records quickly and consistently.

For more information, refer to Design List.

Form Designer

Summary View in List Page

User Persona: Application Designer

Configure Summary view for list page of a form with rows, columns, cell values and functions. It allows you provide a concise overview of the key information.

For more information, refer to Design List.

Form Designer

Contextual Drop Downs

User Persona: Application Designer

For reference form controls, the Data Source tab now includes two additional dropdowns (Layer and Module) under the Table option. This setup displays only the tables specific to the selected Application and Module in the Table dropdown, rather than all tables.

For more information, refer to Data Source.

Form Designer

Enhanced Form control level validations

User Persona: Application Designer

For Admin Forms two more validations (Unique and Mandatory) are introduced for form controls while designing an Admin form.

For more information, refer to Validations.

Form Designer

Designer Execution Sequence

User Persona: Application Designer

Configure the sequence execution order for the Business Rule Designer, Workflow Designer and SLA while form publishing.

For more information, refer to Publish.

Form Designer

Persona Role Type

User Persona: Application Designer

The form will be accessible only to the users who are assigned roles from the selected role type from the Persona drop-down.

For more information, refer to Define Form Characteristics.

Form Designer

Contextual Embedded List View

User Persona: Application Designer

All the Popover Forms configured with Read Only Mode contain now has List Parameter.

For more information, refer to Popover Forms.

Service Management App


Improvement Name


OOTB Dashboards

Data Inspector and Export Excel for Dashboards to examine the dashboard data.

User Persona: Admin and Analyst

The Data Inspector feature allows to delve into and analyze the underlying data.

Export excel allows users to export the data inspector to excel format.

For more information refer to Incident Aging Summary Dashboard.

Service Request Management

Filter by date on the End User, Approval and Analyst portal.

User Persona: End User / Admin / Analyst

The date filter on the list page allows end users, admins, and analysts to easily refine and view records or data based on a specific date range.

For more information, refer to Date filters.

Incident Management

Asset Selection in New Incidents

User Persona: End User / Admin / Analyst

The Log Incident screen now supports the selection of Assets. For example, the allocated assets per requestor.

For more information, refer to New Incident.

Work Order

Link Work Orders to other Modules

User Persona: Analyst

Parent Child relationship is established by linking Work Orders to other Modules. De-linking of Work Orders is enabled as well.

For more information, refer to Link Work Order.

Work Order

Manage Work Orders

User Persona: Analyst

Manage Work Orders using Filters, Search and Export options from WO.

For more information, refer to Manage Work Orders

Service Request Management

Include catalog attributes in Service Request notification emails

User Persona: Admin

Incorporate catalog attributes into the notification emails for Service Requests, presented in a tabular format.

For more information, refer to New Service Request.

Service Request Management

Allocated asset and Configuration Item (CI) selection while logging an SR

User Persona: End user

SR requestor can select Allocated Assets and CIs while logging an SR.

For more information, refer to New Service Request.

Asset Management App


Improvement Name


Fixed Asset

Link Records

User Persona: ITAM Analyst

Create an Incident, Service Request etc from asset records and vice versa through cross application linking capability.

For more information, refer to Add New Asset.

Fixed and Non-Fixed Asset

Bulk Approval

User Persona: Approver

Approve multiple assets in bulk on the inventory list page.

For more information, refer to the following pages:

Manage FI - Asset Approvals

Manage AC - Allocate & Deallocate Approvals

Manage AC - Deactivate & Reactivate Approvals

Manage CO - Allocate & Deallocate Approvals

Manage CO - Deactivate & Reactivate Approvals

Fixed Asset

Usage Type Validation

User Persona: ITAM Analyst

Usage type validation for Primary and Secondary assets can be viewed while allocating the assets.

For more information, refer to Fixed Asset - In Store.

Fixed Asset

Asset Action History

User Persona: ITAM Analyst

This tab will display the asset lifecycle actions like allocations, deallocations, etc and other actions that were performed on the specific asset.

For more information, refer to Fixed Asset - Allocated.

Fixed Asset

Barcode Template and Printing

User Persona: ITAM Analyst

Configure a barcode template and print it based on the requirement.

For more information, refer to the following pages:

Barcode Template Configuration: Barcode Template Overview

Print Barcode: Fixed Asset - Common Actions

Non-Fixed Asset

Allocate Non-Fixed Assets

User Persona: ITAM Analyst

Analysts can allocate non-fixed assets from the inventory.

For more information, refer to the following pages:
Allocate & Deallocate - AC

Allocate & Deallocate - CO

Allocate & Deallocate - SW

Non-Fixed Asset

Related Records

User Persona: ITAM Analyst

Viewing the previous allocations against an asset record is now configurable.  For more information, refer to Manage Inventory - AC.

Non-Fixed Asset (Accessories)

Asset Reconciliation

User Persona: ITAM Analyst

Asset Reconciliation can be performed for accessories.

For more information, refer to Allocate & Deallocate AC - Overview.

Fixed Asset

Terms and Conditions

User Persona: End User

End user can view the Terms and Conditions and fill a feedback on the allocation experience while accepting assets.

For more information, refer to My Assets - Overview.


Analyst Portal and End User Dashboard

User Persona: ITAM Analyst / End User

Asset data across different asset types will now be configured and displayed in different tabs.

For more information, refer to Dashboard - Analyst Portal and Asset Dashboard.

Mobile App


Improvement Name


Apex Mobile

Pre-login, Service Management, and Survey screens for the end user.

User Persona: End User

In the Apex Mobile, screens for Pre-login, Service Management, and Surveys accessible to the end user.

For more information, refer to Apex Mobile.

Known Issues

The following section provides details of known issues in this release:

Issue ID

Issue Description




Multiple selection is configured for all matrix pages for these fields.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Administrator.

  1. Click on Settings icon and select Design Studio.

  1. Select the application as Service Management and Module as Incident.

  1. Navigate to Configurations > Matrices.

  1. Access the required Matrix page.

  1. Verify the fields such as Category, Impact, Priority, Urgency and Service Window etc.



Domain and Sub Domain field values are getting deselected.


  1. Log in to the Apex application.

  2. Select the application as Service Management.

  3. Click on Settings icon and navigate to Platform Studio > Access Control User.

  4. Click User ID hyperlink to open the User Details page.

  5. Observe Domain and Sub Domain fields.



Deallocation Date is getting not displayed as mandatory field while deallocating an Accessories/Consumables Assets.


  1. User must be created and have access to Asset Management application.    

  2. The configured User must be provided access for All, ITAM App Designer, ITAM Approver, ITAM Analyst roles.  

  3. Asset must be available on AC-      Allocation-Deallocate Approval page.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an End User.

  2. Select the application as Asset Management.

  3. Navigate to Allocate and Deallocate AC.

  4. Observe the Allocate Deallocate AC page and click on Allocated Status Transaction ID hyperlink.

  5. Change the Status to Deallocate.

    Observe the displayed Deallocate Date.

  6. Click Save and observe the confirmation message.



The Change History icon is not getting loaded after many refreshes.

Note: The same issue is observed for Urgency, Priority, and SR SLA pages as and well.


  1. Log in to the Apex application.  

  2. Navigate to User > Dashboard.

  3. Click on Settings icon and select Design Studio.      

  4. Select the application as Service      Management and Module as Service Request.

  5. Navigate to Configurations > SR SLA Configs > Impact. The Impact list page is displayed.

  6. Click on Impact ID hyperlink and Impact ID details page is displayed.  

  7. Observe Change History icon. Refresh the page and then observe the Change History icon.



The User Card details are not getting displayed after updating the Incident


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Analyst.          

  2. Click on Settings icon and select Design Studio.      

  3. Select the application as Service      Management and Module as Incident.

  4. Navigate to My Incidents/Manage Incidents.                    

  5. Click on any Incident ID hyperlink.

  6. Click Update Incident icon and update the incident.      

  7. Verify the User card.



Unable to navigate to Incident tab.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Analyst.  

  2. Select the application as Service      Management and Module as Incident.

  3. Navigate to Manage Incidents. The Manage Incidents list page is displayed.    

  4. Click on any Incident ID hyperlink. Navigate to Links tab and select Link as Incident.

  5. Link the Peer record and save it.

  6. Select as Link as Incident and link      the Parent child and save it.  

  7. Select as Link as Service Request.      Link the Parent child and save it.  

  8. Navigate to Service Management and de-link the linked record.  

  9. Navigate to Incident tab.



When navigated to the details page of Analyst, End User and Approver forms, the values are not loaded and displayed.

If navigated back to the list page and then again navigated to details page, then values are displayed.


User should be on the consumer end.


  1. Navigate to Analyst form.  

  2. Click on the ID link of a record.  

  3. Verify whether the values are loaded and displayed for all the fields.  

  4. Navigate to Approver form. Click on the ID link of a record.  

  5. Verify whether the values are loaded and displayed for all the fields.



User Authentication: AD import job getting failed due to GDPR error which is configured recuring type.


  1. Log in to the Apex application.  

  2. Click on Settings and select Design Studio.  

  3. Navigate to Application > Scheduler.

  4. Select the Tenant as Information Technology.  

  5. Configured AD import Job with frequency (Run every i.e. 5 mins)  

  6. Verify the job Recuring time on next day.



When logging as an analyst, it takes more time to login.


  1. Open the Apex application.

  2. Log in as an Analyst.



When control type = Multi Choice, only then the Username is displayed. Email ID is not displayed.


Multi Choice control with Data Source = Table, Table = Users, Label Column = Username should be configured.


  1. Navigate as a consumer.  

  2. Click on the field which is of control type = Multi Choice.  

  3. Search for a user and choose the user.

  4. Verify whether both Username and Email ID is displayed.



Time to load the Asset Management application is more.


  1. Login as an ITAM Analyst.

  2. Select App Portal and Select Application as Asset Management.



AD Import: on-premise users are not getting imported.


AD Import On prem job should be configured in recurring frequency and run at should be configured as proxy server.


  1. Log in to the Apex application.

  2. Click on Settings, select Design studio.

  3. Navigate to Application, click on Scheduler.

  4. Select the Tenant - Information Technology.

  5. Click on the Run now button on the AD Import On prem job.

  6. Check the users are getting imported.



Default records per page Total count in list page is not correct.


  1. Log in to the Apex application.

  2. Click on the Asset Management application.

  3. Select the Asset Management module.

  4. Select the fixed form click on the new or existing record.



When a new read only popover form with List control is configured, upon clicking on the record ‘ID’ the record details are not displayed correctly. In the URL instead of ID, undefined is displayed.


Configure a new Read Only Popover form with List control.


  1. Navigate to consumer end.  

  2. Click on the ‘New’ button.  

  3. Click on the ‘User Record List’ read only popover icon.  

  4. Click on the ‘ID’ link of a record à Record will be opened in the new tab.  

  5. Verify whether the record details are displayed correctly.  

  6. Verify whether the values are displayed for the fields.



While selecting the Change History button, the values are not getting translated into Arabic language.


  1. Log in to Apex application as an Application Designer.  

  2. Click the Settings icon on the top panel and select Design Studio.  

  3. Navigate to Application > Workgroup.

  4. Click an existing Id from the list page.

  5. Click Change History on the top panel.



The newly added form control (s) in the Platform’s User Form, is not available in the Sub form’s Publish To Filter set on the Form Designer.


  1. Navigate to Platform Studio > Designers > Form Designer.

  2. Select User form.

  3. In Design Form step add Form controls and configure.


The form controls applicable to above configuration are single-choice, multi-choice, auto-complete, Treeview, and radio button.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Application Designer.

  1. Navigate to Design Studio > Designers > Form Designer.

  1. Select a Transaction Form which is a Sub Form.

  1. In the Publish To section, click Add Filter Set.

  1. The newly added fields must be displayed in the Field.



Tenant is empty in the Asset list page, even though the field is configured as Mandatory in the tenant.


  1. Log in to the Apex application.

  2. Click on the Asset Management application.

  3. Select the Asset Management module.

  4. Select the fixed form click on the new or existing record.



ID Column coming in capital letters for end users in each form for HRMS and Service management.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Analyst of End User.

  2. Open any form.

  3. The ID column is displayed in Capital letters.



In the ‘Filter’ overlay panel when ‘Status’ field is selected, two value fields are displayed.


App Designer should be on the ‘Workflow Designer’ list page.


  1. Log in as an App Designer and ensure you are on the Workflow designer list page.

  2. Click the Filter icon.
    The Filter overlay panel is displayed.

  3. Click on ‘Add Filter’ and choose ‘Status’ field.

  4. Verify the value field.



The values entered in the Password and Re-enter Password fields are not encrypted on the Monitoring Account page.


  1. Log in to the Apex application.

  2. Select the Discovery application.

  3. Navigate to Discovery Module > Configurations > Discovery > Monitoring Account.

  4. Click New to create a new Monitoring Account.

  5. Enter all the required details and click Save.

  6. Open the configured Monitoring Account on List view page.

  7. Verify that the Password and Re-enter Password fields are encrypted.



Common Master Type and Values are displaying to domains which are not mapped under the Publish step.


1. Common Master Type and Common Master Value should be created and published.

2. Form should be created with dropdown field with Common Master as source.

3. Above Form should be created for domain other than one which is mapped in Common Master.


1. Log in to the Apex application as end user.

2. Navigate to the created form.

2. Click New.

3. Select required tenant.

4. Click on dropdown value configured.



The "Join Date" in the User Form displays date-time field, instead of date field.


  1. Log in to the Apex application.

  2. Select Service Management Application.

  3. Click Settings icon on top panel.

  4. Click Platform Studio.

  5. Select Access Control Center from left navigation panel.

  6. Select User > click New or click on existing record on the list page.

  7. Scroll down to Join Date and click on the field.

  8. It displays Date Time picker.


Fixed Issues

The following section provides details of Fixed issues in this release:

Issue ID

Issue Description




While raising a Service Request (SR), an error was displayed mentioning "Something went wrong Please Try again".


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an End User.

  2. Click Service Management application.

  3. Click Service Request > My Service Request.

  4. Click New.

Service Request is successfully raised without any errors.


Standard template was not getting created even after successful creation and closure of the Change Record.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Analyst.

  2. Select the module as Change Management. Navigate to Manage Change Request and click New to create a new CR.

  3. Select the Change Type as Normal, Category as Small and enable Proposed for Standard Change.

  4. Specify all the mandatory field values and click Submit.

  5. Open the above created CR and change status to Implemented. Click Save.

Standard template is created even after successful creation and closure of the Change Record.


In the Problem Management, the Approver was unable to view the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Fishbone Diagram on the RCA tab of the Manage Problem Records Details page.


Create a Problem Request (PR) and add the RCA details in the RCA tab in the created PR.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Approver.

  2. Navigate to the Problem > Problem Record > Approve Problem Record.

  3. Click PR ID hyperlink of the created PR.

  4. Click RCA tab and click Show Fishbone Diagram icon.

The Fishbone Diagram for an Approver is displayed without any issue.


Workgroup name does not display properly on Change Request Details page.


Additional Workgroup Approver custom field must be configured in Form Designer.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Analyst.

  2. Navigate to Service Management > Change > Change Request > Manage Change Requests.

    The Manage Change Requests List page is displayed.

  3. Click the required CR ID hyperlink to view the details page.

  4. Select the required value from Additional Workgroup Approver multiselect drop-down and verify the result displayed.

Workgroup name displays accurately on the Change Request Details page.


Due to slow load

not all the statuses created were loading for the Change Requests in the Change Management module.


  1. Navigate to Service Management > Change > Manage Change Requests.  The Manage Change Requests list page is displayed.  

  2. Click CR ID hyperlink to open a Change Request.  

  3. Select the status from the dropdown.

All the statuses created for the change requests are displayed.


Users were unable to remove the Days entry from the Efforts field as they were not able to save the configuration.


  1. Log in to the Apex application.

  2. Navigate to Design Studio > Incident Module > Form Designer.

  3. Select Manage Incidents Form.

  4. In the Publish stepper, put the Form to Maintenance.

  5. Edit the Efforts field on the Form.

  6. Update the Effort type to Hours, Minutes, Seconds.

  7. Click Save and verify the configuration.

After removing Days entry from the Efforts field, users are able to save the configuration successfully.


Functionality to create a ticket of a different module from a ticket of another module was not working.


  1. Log in to the Apex application.

  2. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incidents. List page of Manage Incidents is displayed.

  3. Click hyperlink ID of a record.

  4. Click on the top panel > click Convert > click Service Request. A new Service Request record page is displayed.

  5. Fill in all the details > click Save.

  6. Verify that a Service Request is created.

Functionality to create a ticket of different module from a ticket of another module is working as expected. The new record gets linked to the source record and it appears under the Links tab.


When approver referred a Change Record (CR) back, the CR status did not change to Refer Back as expected.


  1. Configure Approver 1 and Approver 2.

  2. Configure a Workflow with Refer Back configuration.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an End User.

  2. Navigate to Change > Manage Change Requests. The Manage Change Record List page is displayed.

  3. Click New to create a new CR.

  4. Enter all the required details and click Save.

  5. Log in to the Apex application as an Approver 1.

  6. Provide the required details and send to Approver 2.

  7. Log in to the Apex application as an Approver 2.

  8. Review the details and Refer Back the CR to Approver 1.

When an Approver, Refers Back a CR, the status of the CR is successfully changed to Refer Back.


On the Service Portal Analyst dashboard, the same username was displayed for all users in the dashboard greeting.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an App Designer.

  2. Navigate to Application > Service Portal. The Service Portal List page is displayed.

  3. On the List page, search for configured Analyst Portal details.

  4. Click existing ID hyperlink to edit the configured Analyst Portal.

  5. Change the Publish Status to Maintenance from Published to edit the configuration.

  6. On the Design Portal step, edit the configured properties of either Text or Tag Line widgets.

  7. Edit the text of Tag Line field of Tag Line Widget or edit the Enter text here of Text widget.

  8. Click Next and Publish the Service Portal.


Use $ (Dollar) symbol in Tag Line or Text field to fetch User related information from User Master.

The Service Portal dashboard displayed the correct username in the dashboard.


The data was getting displayed with tag values.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an App Designer.

  2. Select the application as Service Management and Module as Change.

  3. Configure the Multi Valued Group in the Designer step on the Form Designer. Drag and drop the Long Text form control.

  4. Click Settings icon and configure Render As as Rich Text Editor.

  5. Publish the form.

  6. Now, login as Analyst and navigate to Change > Manage Change Request. Click New and specify the required details for the CR. Navigate to the above configured tabs.

  7. Enter the data values in the configured control and save and verify the grid section.

The data is getting displayed without any tag values.


Reload the page after upgrading the Apex application to apply new changes.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.