Release Notes v6.1.0.1 HF02
  • 12 Sep 2024
  • 17 Minutes to read
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Release Notes v6.1.0.1 HF02

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Article summary

New Features

There are no new features or enhancements in this v6.0.1 HF02 release.

For more information on prerequisites of Apex v6.1.0.1 HF02, refer this link.

Known Issues

The following section provides details of known issues and workarounds in Apex v6.1.0.1 HF02:

Issue IDIssue DescriptionWorkaround

Fields which are dedicated for Analyst like Notes for self, Vendor tab details and few more tabs which are not applicable for End user form are displayed in the Change History of User Incident detail page whenever the analyst updates.

150303In the communication history, emails sent internally are visible to the end users.NA
150140Analysts cannot be removed from the workgroup even if tickets are in Cancelled status, it pops as active tickets.


  1. Login to the Apex application as an Admin or App designer.

  2. Navigate to Settings > Design Studio > Application.

  3. Select Analyst(s).

  4. Select the Tenant to which the analyst belongs.

  5. On the details page, click Workgroup.

  6. Hover over the analyst’s name to be deleted and click the Delete icon.

As a workaround, Analysts can be removed from the workgroup irrespective of the ticket status assigned to the analyst.
152617List Page Column-Level Filter Freezes When opening the column-level filter on the List page, the page may freeze if the data source for that column has more than 2,000 records.

For example, applying the filter to the 'Requestor' field, which maps to the User Master with 10,000 records, can cause this issue.

The Requestor field in the filter section takes lots of time to load. An error message is displayed indicating "Page Unresponsive".
Use the Basic or Advanced Filter options on the List page instead of the column-level filter to avoid the page freeze.

On the Asset card in Incident Management (IM), the Location field remains empty. 

In the Manage Incidents screen, when an analyst selects the asset serial number, all details except the location are populated.

Workaround provided through script.
146140In Form Action, Send Email, upon selecting any notification template, the content was taking more time to load.


  1. Log in to Application as an Analyst.
  2. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incident.
  3. Click on the saved record ID hyperlink.
  4. Select Send Mail from Action.
  5. Select the Notification Template.
  6. Verify the content, it is taking a few seconds to load.

150181Unable to manually edit timestamp in the Date attribute on the Apex platform.Use the Up and Down arrow buttons to select the timestamp.
153959The count of Requestors displayed on the Manage CR List Page was not matching the count of Requestors while using the export option.None

Fixed Issues

The following section provides details of fixed issues in Apex v6.1.0.1 HF02:

Issue IDIssue DescriptionScenarioResolution
153621Mail to ticket functionality was not working.


  1. Log in to application.
  2. Configure Mailbox with API Protocol.
  3. Configure Parser with created the Mailbox.
  4. Validate by sending email.
Mail to ticket functionality is working as expected.
152740While opening a simple report, 'an internal server error' was displayed.Prerequisite:
Create a simple report and publish it.
  1. Log in to Apex.
  2. Click Service Management.
  3. Click Reports from left navigation panel.
  4. Click the respective report you want to open. 
Reports are opening without any errors.
152759Audit log details was displaying changes done on current date in the previous date under the Change History Tab of Manage Incident. Prerequisite
  1. Time zone should be>>  ( TC -6:00)  Central time  (US & Canada)
  2. Incident must be logged at exactly 12:01 am.

  1. Log in to Apex.
  2. Click Service Management app.
  3. Click Incident > My Incident.
  4. On list page click Incident ID.
  5. Click Change History tab.
Audit log of updates performed on an incident are appearing correctly for the respective date in the Change History Tab of Manage Incident.
152857Deactivated categories from UI were displayed in the end user service request page.Steps:
  1. Log in to Apex.
  2. Click Service Management.
  3. Click Service Request > My Service Request.
  4. Click New.
  5. Expand the Category by clicking > on your left panel.
Deactivated categories are no longer displayed in the end user service request page.
153144In the Work Order details page, option to link other tickets in the Link tab was not available.Steps:
  1. Log in to Apex.
  2. Click Service Management app.
  3. Click Work Order from left navigation panel.
  4. Click Manage Work Order.
  5. Click Work Order ID from the list page.
    The Work Order details page opens.
  6. Click Link tab. 

In the Work Order details page, option to link other tickets in the Link tab is available. You can link other tickets from the Link tab available in the Work Order details page.
153096While opening any page or updating configuration it was showing 'page unresponsive' error.Steps:
  1. Log in to Apex.
  2. Click Service Management app.
  3. Click Service Request > Manage Service Request.
    The Service Request list page is displayed.
  4. Click the Service Request ID you want to open or edit.

Issue has been fixed and application pages can be opened and changes are successfully performed without any errors.
153588In the Mapping page, though the SR Module was disabled for the Tenant, the Tenant was still being displayed.


  1. Navigate to Platform Studio > Departments >Create a Tenant.
  2. Navigate to Mapping >Select Service Management > Map Service Request module to the newly created tenant.
  3. Now unselect the mapped Service Request module for the tenant in Mapping Page.
  4. Click Save.


  1. Log in to application.
  2. Navigate to Service Request > My Service Request > Click New.
  3. Verify if the Tenant is displayed.
Tenant functionality is working as expected in the SR Module.
152119Export to Excel was not functioning as expected, there was data mismatch from excel sheet to the tool.


  1. Log in to application.
  1. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incidents.
  2. Create a New View and make it default.
  3. Then change the filter combination with other values.
  4.  From the list page Export to Excel.
  5. Validate the data on excel sheet and the tool.
Export to Excel functionality is working as expected.
153218While assigning a license as an analyst to a specific tenant, licenses from other tenants are being removed.


  1. Navigate to Settings > Design Studio > click Application tile.

  2. Click Analyst(s). The Analysts list page is displayed.

  3. Assign an Analyst to the IT Tenant.

  4. Assign an Analyst to the HR Tenant.

  5. On the Analyst list page, select the record.

  6. Assign the Analyst and save the record. 
Assignments of licenses to tenants are working appropriately.
153221In the Change Management module, the Manage Change Requests filters are not working as expected. The created default views are not returning data after refreshing the page.


  1. Login to the Apex application as an Analyst.

  2. Navigate to Service Management > Change Management > Manage Change Requests.

  3. On the manage change request list page, click the Filter icon.

  4. Select the Advance filters. Enable the option “View Other Workgroups”. Click Apply.

  5. Click “Save as New View”. Enter a view name and enable “Set as Default”. Click Save.  
In the Change Management module, the saved views are displaying data after refreshing the page.
152253    The module dropdown in reports and dashboards should be limited as per the roles assigned.


Modules should be configured in the Role Templates. 


  1. Login to the Apex application.

  2. Navigate to Service Management > Reports.

  3. Click the Reports tab.

  4. Select the Module from the dropdown.
The module dropdown in reports and dashboards displays only the modules to which the user has access.
153336The export functionality in the Incident module was not working.  


  1. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incident.
  2. Click the Filter icon on the list page.
  3. Enter the required values and click Apply.
  4. Click the Export to Excel icon. 
The export functionality in the Incident module is working well after the resolution.
153399The 'more' hyperlink for description was not working for Incidents logged via template where font styling had been applied.


  1. Create a template in the Incident module.
  2. Create a ticket using the template.
  3. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incident list page.
  4. Click on the 'more' button available against the description.  
The 'more' hyperlink for description is working well after the resolution.
154119The inactive workgroups were still visible on the Analyst access page.  


  1. Navigate to Design Studio > Application > Workgroup.
  2. Select the desired workgroup, deactivate the Active button and click Save
  3. Go to Service Management > Incident > Manage Incident.
  4. Go to the Incident details page and verify the deactivated workgroup.
  5. The deactivated workgroup should not be displayed. 
Inactive workgroups are not visible on the Analyst access page after the resolution.  
153293The templates were not getting saved for Standard Change.


  1. Navigate to Change > Manage Change Record List.

  2. Select Tenant > Select Change Type as Normal, Category as Small, and Risk as Low (which should satisfy the standard template).

  3. Enter the Standard Template name and propose for standard template field.

  4. Fill in other mandatory fields and click Save.

  5. Authorize and approve the created CR.

  6. Implement the approved CR.

  7. Navigate to the list page > click New.

  8. Select Tenant > select Change Type as Standard. Verify the created standard template (created standard template should display in pop-up. 
Templates can be saved for Standard Change after the resolution.
153456Status of the tickets were not changing to ‘In-progress’ when the user replies to the pending ticket through email with pending reason as ‘Awaiting response’.Prerequisites:
  • Mailbox should be configured.
  • Notification parser should be configured.
  • Business rules should be configured.


  1. Navigate to Admin > Infrastructure > Business Rule.
  2. Configure a Business Rule for a condition when the status is Pending and Tenant is Information Technology, the Pending Reason will be is one of (select Awaiting for user response for all Tenants, if it has more than one Tenants).
Status of the tickets are changing to ‘In-progress’ when the user replies to the pending ticket through email with pending reason as ‘Awaiting response’.
153460Tickets were not getting created through emails.Prerequisites:
  • Mailbox should be configured.
  • Notification parser should be configured.
  • Job should run.
  1. Send an email to the mailbox ID with email body and subject.
  2. Login to the application as an Analyst.
  3. Navigate to the left menu. Click Incident > Manage Incidents.
  4. On the Manage Incidents list page, verify whether the tickets are created or not.
Tickets are successfully getting created through emails.
153497Export option to export the Incidents was not working.Steps:
  1. Select Service Management.
  2. Click Incident Management from the left navigation menu.
  3. Click Manage Incidents or My Incidents whichever records you want to view.
  4. Click Export icon present on the top right corner of the Incident list.
Export option to export the Incidents is working correctly.
153764Service Requests (SRs) card under My Workload in Analyst portal was displaying wrong count of SRs that was not matching the SRs assigned to the Analyst.Steps:
  1. Login to the application with Analyst access.
  2. Click Service Management.
  3. Navigate to My Workload section to view Service Requests card that displays the count of SRs assigned.
Service Requests card under My Workload section in Analyst Portal is displaying the right count of SRs.
151196Values in a dropdown field in a form on the consumer end were not displaying correctly even after making the changes in the producer end.Steps:
  1. Click the setting icon on the top panel.
  2. Click Design Studio.
  3. Click on the dropdown menu of Module.
  4. Select a module.
  5. Click New to create a new form (Form1).
  6. In the Design Form stepper, add a single choice control and enter the values manually.
  7. Create another form (Form2) by using previously created existing table data.
  8. Drag and drop existing fields in the newly created form canvas.
  9. Click Publish.
  10. Verify the form from consumer end.
  11. Edit Form1 by providing two different values.
  12. Click Publish.
  13. Edit Form2 by deleting the added controls.
  14. Drag and drop the fields.
  15. Click Publish.
  16. Verify the form from the consumer end.
Forms in the consumer end are displaying correct values.

Unable to create or update user records without filling in "E-mail ID 1" information under Additional Email IDs.

Upon clicking Submit, the following error is displayed:

“Please enter all mandatory value(s).”


  1. Navigate to Platform Studio.
  2.  Navigate to Access Control Centre > User and click New.
  3. Fill in all the mandatory field details for user creation.
  4. Click Submit.

Email ID fields are made mandatory in the application as part of the resolution.

Auto creation of Problem record is not happening from Major Incident.

When an incident is marked as a Major incident and when it is resolved, a Problem record should be created automatically. 

However, after the ticket is resolved, the problem record is not created.

This issue occurred when BRD and Form Relation configurations were not done.


  1. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incidents > List.
  2. Click the required Incident ID hyperlink.
  3. On the Incident ID details page, under the General > Classification tab, enable the Major Incident toggle switch.
  4. In the Major Incident pop-up, provide the required details under General, Root Cause, and Preventive Action tabs.
    Click Save.
Problem records are created successfully with proper BRD and Form Relation Configurations.

Request to hide the “Requestor” option on the My Service Request page.


This option should be hidden through scripting on page level.


  1. Log in as an End User.
  2. Navigate to Service Request > My Service Request.
  3. Click the New button.
  4. On the page header, click the CustomScript option.
  5. Choose the Page Custom Script option.
  6. In the Typescript tab, add the below mention line of code.
$(".requestor-sub-form").attr("style","display:none !important");
The Requestor option on My Service Request page is hidden successfully through scripting as part of the resolution.
The system was creating new tickets every time the user replied to all (that included To and CC recipients) in the email.
  1. Reply to an Email that has Parser Rule configured.
  2. Validate if the message is updated on the ticket.

The system no longer creates new ticket upon replying to all on the email.

The email notification time showed a one-hour discrepancy if the user was logged in from a time zone observing daylight saving time.


The discrepancy appeared in notifications triggered from sources, such as Scheduler, Workflow, and Business Rules, that included a date-time field.


  1. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incidents.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter the required details and click Save.

  4. Navigate to the newly created Incident and click Send Email.

  5. Enter the details and select the Notification Template from the list.
Email notifications display the time correctly.
153144In the Assigned To section of the module, the Analyst drop-down did not load properly, and the list of analysts was not sorted alphabetically.


  1. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incidents.

  2. Click Incident ID hyperlink.

  3. In the Assigned To section, select Workgroup from the list.

In the Assigned To section of the module, the Analyst drop-down loads correctly, and the analysts are sorted alphabetically.

151951The email notification did not trigger to the requester if the incident was updated without selecting an analyst.


  1. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incidents.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter the required details without selecting any analyst.

  4. Navigate to the newly created Incident and update the ticket and click Save.
Email notifications are getting triggered to the requestors without any issue.

The API uses a username and password to obtain a token, which is then used for subsequent calls. Although the token can be obtained, it cannot be stored in a variable for reuse.

Attempts were made to use the Parameters section for this purpose, but like the initial credentials, it was not getting saved properly. 


  1. Login to the APEX portal.
  2. Navigate to the APIConfiguration under the IncidentManagement module in the DesignStudio of ServiceManagement.
  3. Set the domain and subdomain as SymphonyAI and SymphonyAISummit respectively.
  4. Select the Tenant as InformationTechnology.
  5. Open the API named Jamf.
  6. Open the configured PAI to get the bearer token.

  7. Note that the token cannot be saved in a variable in the Params section.

Token can be stored in variable for reuse in API.

Some Analyst's names were missing from the dropdown list and were not sorted alphabetically. 


  1. More than 15 Analysts should be present. 
  2. Some Analyst names should be in lowercase. 


  1. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incident
  2. Access the required Incident from the list. 
  3. Click on the Analyst dropdown. Check the alphabetical order and Analyst names. 

Note: The same can be replicated in Service Request also. 

The Analyst’s names are visible in the dropdown and available in alphabetical order after the resolution.  
153719WorkgroupPrimaryOwner name of a Workgroup was disappearing after creating or updating the Workgroup.


1.    Navigate to Service Management > Application > Workgroup.

2.    In the General configuration section, add the mandatory details and create Workgroup.

3.    Navigate to List Page and select the created Workgroup > Update Primary Owner field > click Next and publish the changes. 

4.    Select the created/updated Workgroup > Verify if the Primary Owner field is reflecting correctly.

Workgroup Primary Owner field is reflecting as desired on creating/updating Workgroup.
153748Workgroup field in your Service Request (SR) module was reverting to its default value “IMT” even after it was changed it to “MCC” while creating the SR.


  1. Login to the APEX portal.
  1. Navigate to the Workgroup List page.
  2. Set your desired Workgroup (Workgroup 1) as the default.
  3. Raise a ServiceRequest (SR) and check the workgroup. The default workgroup should be selected in the SR detail page.
  4. Change the default Workgroup to another one (Workgroup 2).
  5. Raise another SR and check the workgroup in the detail page. The recently set default Workgroup should be displayed in the SR detail page.

Workgroup field in SR module is getting updated as desired.
153968In Incident Management (IM) module, the More placeholder was being displayed for the Symptom and Description fields even when the text field was not too long.


  1.  Login to the APEX portal.

  2. Navigate to ServiceManagement > Incident > ManageIncident > List.

  3. Verify if the Symptom and Description fields are getting displayed properly.  
The Symptom and Description fields are getting displayed as desired.

A single-choice dropdown is created in the catalog and kept hidden.

When the catalog is opened for the first time, it appears fine. However, after clicking the back arrow and returning to the catalog menu, opening the same catalog 4-5 times causes the hidden dropdown to appear and become editable.


  1. Any one of the single choice controls present in catalog must be configured as Hidden every time.


  1. Navigate to Service Request > My Service Request.
  2. Select any one Catalog. Verify the control that is configured as hidden.
  3. Click the application back button and open the same catalog.
  4. Verify the control that is configured as hidden.
  5. Repeat the same step for more than 5 times.
After the resolution, the single-choice controls that are hidden in the catalog remain hidden and do not appear on the application.
152039The View Other Workgroups filter resets even after being saved.


  1. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incidents > List.
  2. On the list page, click the Filters icon to access the Advance Filter pop-up.
  3. Enable the View Other Workgroups option and click Save.
The View Other Workgroups filter option is saved as a view successfully without any issues after the resolution.
153489The fields values for the fields Parent Form, Group By and Menu Item were deselected.Steps:
  1. Navigate Design Studio > Form Designer
  2. Create a Sub Form (Catalog). 
  3. Publish the form. 
  4. Put the above created form under maintenance. 
  5. Observe the General tab fields (Parent Form, Group By and Menu Item).
The fields values for the fields Parent Form, Group By and Menu Item are retained now.

The existing scheduler was not getting updated under Maintenance state. System was displaying the following validation message:

“Atleast one action must be configured.”


  1. Navigate to Settings > Design Studio > Select Application > Scheduler.
  2. Click existing Scheduler ID and perform Azure AD import. 
  3. User should be in General stepper. 
  4. Navigate to Publish stepper and click Maintenance tab and click Update
The existing scheduler is getting updated under Maintenance state.
153520The Scheduler was redirecting to Module level Scheduler list page instead of Application level Scheduler.Steps:
  1. Navigate to Settings > Design Studio > Select Application > Scheduler.
  2. Click any existing Scheduler ID and Scheduler details page is displayed. 
  3. Click Scheduler under breadcrumbs on the top of the page.
The Scheduler is redirecting to Application level Scheduler, as per functionality.
153561The Value field was not displaying the required email IDs and instead displaying the user names.Steps:
  1. Navigate to list page of Incident or Service Request module. 
  2. Click Filters > Advance Filter
  3. Select the Field as Requestor Email ID.
The Value field is displaying the required email IDs, as expected.
153584The Service Requests with Status as New, business rules were not working for all catalogs.Steps:
  1. Navigate to list page of Service Request module.
  2. Observe the business rules for the SRs with Status as New. 
The Service Requests with Status as New, business rules are working for all catalogs, as expected.

On the Analyst Dashboard page:

  • When clicked on widgets, the complete count of the list was displayed accurately but when exported the count did not match to the displayed count list. 
  • When Advance Filter settings were added to any widget, the list was not exported accurately to Excel. 

  1. Login to APEX application as Analyst. 
  2. On Analyst Dashboard, click any Widget.
  3. The count of the list is displayed. 
  4. Click(export) icon, to export the list.
  5. Click (Filter) icon to add Advance Filters
  6. Click Submit
On the Manage Incident List page:
  • The complete count of the list displayed on widgets and the list exported to Excel is matching. Export functionality is working as designed. 
  • On adding Advance Filter parameters, the filtered lists are exported to Excel. Export functionality is working as designed. 

Widget refers to all the modules present on the Analyst dashboard such as Incidents, Service Requests, Change Requests, Workflows etc.


On the Manage Incident List page, the following options were displaying for Cancelled, Resolved, and Closed incident statuses:

  • Send Email
  • Remote Desktop
  1. Navigate to Incidents > Manage Incidents.
  2. Click three dots corresponding to Incident ID to view the options displayed.
On the Manage Incident List page, Send Email and Remote Desktop options are displayed only for New, Assigned, and In-progress incident statuses.

153411On the Manage Incident List page: 
  • Though the option Convert Incident to is removed, when clicked on the empty space, a pop-up was displayed.
  • The option Convert Incident to was displaying for Cancelled, Resolved, and Closed Incident statuses. 
  1. Navigate to Incidents > Manage Incidents.
  2. Click three dots corresponding to Incident ID to view the options displayed.
On the Manage incident List page, Convert Incident to option is displayed only for New, Assigned, and In-Progress incident statuses.
153412On the Manage Incident List page, the following options for Cancelled and Closed incident statuses were displayed:
  • Send Email
  • Remote Desktop
  • Convert Incident to 
  1. Navigate to Incidents > Manage Incidents.
  2. Click three dots corresponding to Incident ID to view the options displayed.
On the Manage Incident List page, Send Email, Remote Desktop, and Convert incident to options are displayed for New, In-progress, Assigned, and Resolved incident statuses.
153562On the General tab of Service Request details page, the Branch field was displayed blank after multiple updates. Steps: 
  1.  Navigate to Service Requests > Manage Service Requests. 
  2. Click SR ID hyperlink from the Service Request List page. 
On the Incident ID details page, General tab, the Branch field value is working as designed. 
153779The system was creating new tickets every time the user replied to all (that included To and CC recipients) in the email.


  1. Reply to an Email that has Parser Rule configured.
  2. Validate if the message is updated on the ticket.
The system no longer creates new ticket upon replying to All on the email.


The search functionality on the Manage Incident, Manage Service Request and other modules list page is removed due to application performance issues.

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