Release Notes v6.1.0.1 HF04
  • 03 Sep 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Release Notes v6.1.0.1 HF04

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Article summary

New Features

There are no new features or enhancements in this v6.1.0.1 HF04 release.

For more information on prerequisites of Apex v6.1.0.1 HF04, refer this link.

Known Issues

The following section provides details of known issues and workarounds in Apex v6.1.0.1 HF04:

Issue IDIssue DescriptionWorkaround


The .eml and .msg attachments are not available in the tickets created via email-to-ticket functionality.N/A  
155129 The page loads more slowly when using the IF condition to create Work Orders in the Workflow Designer.N/A
154572Scheduler jobs such as Mail Parser jobs are getting stuck in an in-progress state and not getting completed. As a result of which new tickets are not getting created.
Republish scheduler of the affected mailbox after changing its status to maintenance.
155464In email to ticket integration, entire emails were being attached as attachments, and occasionally, .txt files were being ignored.N/A
152921Upon logging to the application, https://<>/ users were experiencing Form Under Maintenance intermittent issue. On the Incident, SR, or CR or any pages in the Platform Studio or Design studio. A lot of API executions were displaying as loop in app exception logs.N/A

System displayed the following warning message even without making any changes in the record. 

"You have Unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to cancel?"

Fixed Issues

The following section provides details of fixed issues in Apex v6.1.0.1 HF04:

Issue IDIssue DescriptionScenarioResolution
155220  Category nodes in the General tab of the new incident were in expanded format.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Analyst.
  2. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incident.

  3. Click New.
  4. In the New Incident for user, General tab, select a Tenant.
  5. Click Category
Category nodes are displayed in collapsed format.  
155522The More placeholder was displayed for Symptom and Description on the Manage Incidents list page even if the text field was not too long.


  1. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incidents.

  2. On the list page, click any Symptom or Description.   
If the Symptom or Description is not too long, the More placeholder is not displayed.
155712The linked Work Order created by the designed workflow was not displayed in the Links tab of the SR.


For a Sub Form or a Catalog, Workflow should be configured using the If condition and Create Record components.


  1. Log in to the application as an End User.

  2. Navigate to Service Request > My Service Requests > New.

  3. Click the Catalog for which workflow is configured using If condition and Create Record components.

  4. Enter all the mandatory details. Click Save to submit the SR.

  5. Log in to the application as an Analyst.

  6. Click and open the created SR.  

  7. Click Links to verify the linked Work Orders.  
The Work Order linked to the SR is displayed in the Links tab.
154766The success message after logging or updating an incident was not proper.


  1. Log in to Apex application.

  2. Navigate to Incidents > My Incidents.

  3. Click New.

  4. Fill in all the mandatory details.

  5. Click Submit.

When new incident is created following message is displayed – Incident ID: XXXX created successfully.

When incident is updated, following message is displayed – Incident ID: XXXX updated successfully.

154147Slowness issue was reported while loading a page.Prerequisite:

Log in to Apex application with Analyst access.


  1. Navigate to Service Request > Manage Service Requests.

    Note: Select any module.

  2. Click Advance Filter icon.

  3. Click Add > select Requestor.

  4. Select Customers option from Field dropdown menu > select any operator from Operator dropdown menu > select any value from Value dropdown menu.

  5. Click Apply.
Page load time is within the acceptable duration and records are displaying correctly.
155221 User's First Name and Last Name were displayed when selecting a username for sending an email. 


  1.  Log in to the Apex application as an Analyst. 

  2. Navigate to the Incident >  Manage Incidents

  3. Click INCIDENT ID hyperlink corresponding to the incident and click Send Email icon from Incident Banner. 

  4. In the ‘To’ textbox, type and search for the username. 
User's email ID is displayed when searching for a user to send an email.  
155469 Time entry details for the General Type Service Window were not displayed for the 8*5 Problem Record Service Window. 


  1.  Navigate to Settings > Design Studio > Application tab > SLA Designer > Service Window

  2. Click ID hyperlink corresponding to the Service Window named 8*5 Problem Record Service Window. 

  3. Click Next to navigate to Service Window step. 
The time entry details in the General Type Service Window are displayed without any issues. 
154474The configured Categories for the selected catalogs were not displayed after publishing.Prerequisite:

Create a new Service Request (SR) Category and Catalog.



  1. Navigate to Service Request > My Service Requests.

  2. Click New to create a new Service Request.|

  3. Click Category.
In the Category section, the configured categories are displayed as expected. 
155293In IncidentManagement module,  View Other Workgroups filter was not maintaining its state when saved as a view. While the switch from off to on worked correctly, the reverse was not working.


  1. Navigate to Incident > User > ManageIncidents > IncidentList.

  2. Click the filter icon > Create filter and do not enable ViewOtherWorkgroups switch.

  3. Save it as NewView  & check Set as Default.

  4. Navigate away to another form and then back to Manage Incidents.

  5. Verify if you’re getting Save as New View.
View Other Workgroups filter is working as desired. 
155890When the user tried to print the Incident Details form using CTRL + P, the page was blank. 



  1. Navigate to Service Management >Incident > My Incidents
  2. On the My Incidents List page, click the required Incident ID hyperlink. 
  3. Click CTRL + P to print the Incident Details form and verify the action. 
The Incident Details form can be printed using CTRL + P option without any issues. 

User could not raise a Service Request (SR) using a Catalog From to which the CC field was added. 


The following error was displayed: 


“Something went wrong. Please try again.” 


The SR was submitted successfully when any value was entered in the CC field.  

The issue occurred when the CC field was blank. 


Note: The CC field is a non-mandatory field. 


The CC field must be configured in the Catalog Form




  1. Log in to the application as an EndUser
  2. Navigate to Service Management >Service Request > My Service Requests
  3. Click New to configure or raise a new Service Request (SR). 
  4. Select the Catalog, for which the CC field is configured. 
  5. Check the CC field, enter other required values and raise the SR.  
User can raise a Service Request successfully without entering any value in the CC field. 
154033Users were having trouble in identifying more information in the Messages tab of a record. The three dots(...) which indicates more text must be replaced by …more with bold.



  1. Log in to the application.

  2. Navigate to Incident Module > List page.

  3. Select any Incident and validate in Messages tab.
Messages tab displays …more on the record where more information has to be displayed.
155446SLA Rule Stop condition was not working as expected upon selecting the correct option from the Status dropdown.


In the Incident Module, configure SLA Rule with Stop condition for the Status field.


  1. Log in to the application.

  2. Navigate to  Service Management> Incident > Manage Incidents.

  3. Open any Incident and change the record Status to the value as defined in the Stop condition of SLA Rule in the Designer.

  4. Validate the SLA Type on the Incident.
SLA Rule Stop condition is working as expected. 
System was not parsing the content based on the condition  


  1. Navigate to Notification Parser.

  2. Enable Mail to Ticket parsing.

  3. Add condition based on your requirement.
System is able to parse the content based on the conditions

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