Release Notes v6.1.0.1 HF07
  • 31 Jan 2025
  • 10 Minutes to read
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Release Notes v6.1.0.1 HF07

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Article summary


Following improvement is introduced in this v6.1.0.1 HF07 release.

Improvement NameImprovement DescriptionBenefits
Configure Attachment Properties in Global Settings

User Persona: Super Admin
Add new extensions in the Global Settings on the Platform with CR Approval.

For more information, refer to Attachment Properties.
  • Process oriented mechanism when adding new extensions.

  • Flexibility in managing extensions.
Configure File Extension Properties

User Persona: Application Designer
Configure File extension properties on File Upload control that allow you to select required File Type extensions on the Forms.

For more information, refer to File Upload -Form Designer.
  • This improvement adds customization while designing forms by enabling selective file type extensions.

  • Flawless execution amongst other applications such as parser that manages tickets with email.
Designer Execution Sequence

User Persona: Application Designer
Configure the executing order of Business Rule, Workflow and SLA while publishing a form.

For more information, refer to Publish document in Form Designer.
Flexibility to publish a form with required execution order for Business Rule, Workflow and SLA.

For more information on prerequisites of Apex v6.1.0.1 HF07, refer this link.

Fixed Issues

The following section provides details of fixed issues in Apex v6.1.0.1 HF07:

Issue IDIssue DescriptionScenarioResolution


Business Rule is created as, when an external requestor is updating the Ticket then the Analyst/Workgroup Analyst should get the notification. But in this scenario the following occurred.

Scenario 1: When an Analyst updated the ticket then the notification was triggered. 

Scenario2: BR was failing. 


  1. Log in to Apex application as an Application Designer.

  2. Create a Business Rule with below conditions and Actions.

    Based On Condition:
    Field: Updated by
    Operator: is Not  
    Value: Analyst(s) of Tenant

    Notify Recipients
    Notify Analyst
    Select Template
    Medium: Email
    To: Analyst

  3. Update any Incident as an External User apart from the configured user.

  4. Verify if the mails are triggered or not. 
Created Business Rule is executing successfully, and Analyst is notified when an external user updates the ticket. However, when Analyst updates mails are not triggered, which is working as expected.
157172When approver referred an incident back, the Incident status did not change to Refer Back as expected.


  1. Configure Approver 1 and Approver 2. 
  2. Configure a Workflow with Refer Back configuration. 
  3. Create Refer Back status in the Form Designer. 


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an End User
  2. Navigate to Incident > My Incidents
  3. Click New to create a new Incident.  
  4. Enter the required details and click Save
  5. Log in to the Apex application as an Approver 1
  6. Provide the required details and send to Approver 2.
  7. Log in to the Apex application as an Approver 2.
  8. Review the details and Refer Back the Incident to Approver 1.
When an Approver, Refers Back an Incident, the status of the Incident is successfully changed to Refer Back.
158381Incorrect records were displayed on the list page of Manage Change Requests for a specified date range when selected in the Advanced Filter.


The issue is same for the Lis pages of Manage Incidents, Service Requests, Knowledge Records, and Problem Records.

  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Analyst.  
  2. Navigate to Change > Change Request > Manage Change Requests. 
  3. On Manage Change Request List page, select Advance Filter) icon.  
  4. Click Add Filter Set to add more filter conditions. 
  5. Select the Field as Created-on, set the Operator to Between. 
  6. Click the  calendar icon to choose the start and end dates under Value. 
  7. Enter the date range in the format (e.g., October/01/2024 - October/14/2024).  
Correct records are displayed on the list page of Manage Change Request for a specified date range when selected in the Advanced Filter. 
157856 Even though Include In Template button was disabled, the downloaded CMDB template from Infrastructure as a CI still retrieved data from deleted fields. 


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an App Designer.  
  2. In the Form Designer:  
    1. In the Design List View step, configure the Import action. 
    2. In the Designer Form step, enable the option Include In Template for mandatory fields.  


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Analyst 
  2. Navigate to CMDB > Infrastructure as CI.  
  3. Click Import icon and select Upload File 
  4. Select the required fields and click Download. 
The downloaded CMDB template from Infrastructure as a CI contains only the configured fields.   
158641Emails were not processed to tickets due to an in-correct email address.


  1. As an End User raise the ticket by sending an email to the support team.

  2. Mention the support Email ID in the CC field of the email. 
The invalid Email IDs entered in CC/TO/BCC fields are skipped and the ticket gets created successfully after the resolution.
157400The filter got reset when navigated to next page while searching for a user under User List page in Platform Studio.


  1. Log in to the Apex application.

  2. Select Service Management application.

  3. Click the Settings gear and select Platform Studio.

  4. Navigate to Access Control Center > User.

  5. Select the required Domain and Sub Domain from the drop-down.

  6. Search for a username in the Search bar on User List page and then select the next page.

  7. Check and verify if the filter gets reset. 
The filter does not get reset when navigated to next page while searching for a user under User List page in Platform Studio.

The Response SLA was considered for weekends, and the wrong deadline was displayed even though weekends were not selected in the Service Window configuration.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as Application Designer.

  2. Select Service Management application.
  3. Click the Settings gear icon and select Design Studio.

  4. Select the Application option from the left selection panel. Scroll down and click SLA Designer > Service Window.

  5. Select the required Domain and Sub Domain from the drop-down.

  6. Provide all the required details in General tab.

  7. In the Service Window tab, select the Service Window Type as General and select the check box(s) of the days for which you wish to keep the window active.
    (For weekdays, select days from Monday to Friday) 

The Response SLA consideration is done accurately for the days defined in Service Window

157421There was a mismatch in the Workaround SLA value in the Incident detail page and Incident list page.


  1. Log in to the Apex application.

  2. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incidents.

  3. Click Incident ID hyperlink.

  4. Verify that the Workaround SLA value in the Incident detail page and Incident list page is same
The Workaround SLA value in the Incident detail page and Incident list page is same.

Some images in Incident were not displayed properly. If there were two images in the email body, one displayed correctly while the other did not.  


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Analyst.

  2. Create an Incident through mail.

  3. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incidents.

  4. Click the Incident ID hyperlink and check the Description (where body of email has been mapped). 
Multiple Images are displayed properly in the email body.  

The breadcrumb menu, which displays the navigation trail of the previous sections, was not displayed.  


  1. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incidents.

  2. Click New to create a new incident.

  3. Observe the navigation panel.  
The breadcrumb menu displays the navigation trail of the previous sections.  

In the change management workflow, for role-based approval, admin was unable to select the secondary owner for the workgroup.  


  1. Navigate to Service Management > Module. Select Change.

  2. Click Workflow Designer.

  3. Open a workflow, select the Design Workflow step.

  4. On the Design Workflow, select User Approval > Configure Properties.

  5. Select Approval Type as Role Based Approval and configure with the field as 'Workgroup'.

  6. Add the Primary and Secondary Approvers.  

In the change management workflow for role-based approval, the admin can select the secondary owner for the workgroup.


.eml and .msg attachments were not attached to the tickets created through email to ticket functionality.


  1. Log in to the Apex application.

  2. Navigate to Design Studio > Application > Notification Parser.

  3. Select New and configure Parser for Create Record with System Defined Key as an Attachment.

  4. Validate by sending email to the mailbox which is configured with the above parser. 
.eml and .msg attachments are attached to the tickets created through email to ticket functionality.


The minimum height configuration was not working as expected for Long Text control in the Form Designer.


  1. Log in to the Apex application.

  2. Navigate to Designers > Form Designer.

  3. Configure Long Text control on the form.

  4. Verify on the record.
The minimum height configuration is working as expected for Long Text control in the Form Designer.
155215Mandatory validation messages were not appearing for Rich Text Editor field, whenever the validation condition was met.


  1. Navigate to Design Studio > Form Designer > Form Controls.

  2. Configure the Long Text control with Rich Text editor.

  3. Observe the above configured Long Text field.  
Mandatory validation messages are appearing for Rich Text Editor field, whenever the validation condition is met.
158262The Data Type for Effort field was displaying older values.Steps:
  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Analyst.

  2. Navigate to Incident module and open any form of Form Type as Transaction Form such as Manage Incident form.
  3. Specify value for the Efforts field.

  4. Observe Change History.
The Data Type for Effort field is displaying values as expected.
157392 The Impact, Urgency, Priority and Risk values were being displayed in alphabetical order instead of being displayed according to the sort order specified during their creation. 


1. Navigate to Admin form (Which contains Sort Order) configuration page by putting form under Maintenance > Select Render as Fields as Sort Order


1. Log in to the Apex application. 

2. Navigate to Problem > Manage Problem Records > Click Configurations.  

3. Select a form which contains sort order. For e.g., Impact, Urgency, Priority and Risk. 

4. Click New > Enter all the mandatory details. 

5. Enter the Sort Order (1) > select the Active checkbox > click Save

6. Again, click New > Enter all the mandatory details. 

7. Enter different Sort Order (9) > Select the Active checkbox > click Save


The Impact, Urgency, Priority and Risk values are being displayed according to the sort order specified during creation.
156565 In the Change Management module, Role Based Approval using Dot Walking was not working. A multi-select dropdown had been configured to list various workgroups. Based on the selected workgroup(s), the primary owners should automatically be assigned as approvers in the workflow  


1. Navigate to Design Studio > Select the Module > Workflow Designer 

2. Click the Workflow ID which is created in Workflow Designer page. 

3. Navigate to Design Workflow step. 

4. Double click on User Approval component. 

5. Approval Options select Approval Type as Role Based Approval.
6. Under Select Approval Role (Dot Walking) select “Additional Workgroup Approver.Primary Owner. 


Role Based Approval using Dot Walking is working as desired.  
163772The Filters at column level and pagination was not working as expected.


  1. Module must be Change
  2. User must be part of Groups > Record Attributes Groups


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Application Designer.

  2. Click Groups drop-down.

  3. Select the groups.

  4. Click pagination and see if next page is displayed.
The Filters at column level and pagination are working as expected.

When the Filter condition Analyst is Empty was saved on the Manage Incident list page, it still displayed all the Incident records.  


On the Manage Incidents list page, create and save a default view.  


  1. Navigate to Service Management > Incident Management. The Manage Incident list page is displayed.

  2. Verify the list of Incidents as per the default view.

  3. Refresh the page and verify the list of Incidents as per the default view. 

The Incident records are displayed as the saved default view.  

Known Issues

The following section provides details of known issues and workarounds in Apex v6.1.0.1 HF07:

Issue IDIssue DescriptionScenarioWorkaround


The configured View Filter functioned properly on the Incident List page until a refresh occurred. After refreshing, the filter disappeared, and only the Save as New View and Save Changes options are visible.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Analyst.
  2. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incidents.  


157794 The downloaded CMDB template from Infrastructure as a CI does not successfully import unique values. 


  1. Log in to the Apex application.  
  2. Navigate to CMDB Infrastructure as CI 
  3. Click Import icon and select Upload File 
  4. Select the required fields and click Download. 
  5. Download the CMDB template and add unique values under the Serial Number column in the template.  
  6. Click Next and upload the downloaded CMDB template. 

Service Request fields display blank data during the update of ticket and do not update further until the form is refreshed.


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Analyst.

  2. Select Service Management application.

  3. Navigate to Service Request > Manage Service Requests.

  4. Click the required SR ID hyperlink to view the details page.

  5. Verify the data displayed in fields under Catalog Details



The column width adjustment made in the Incident list page by dragging the separator does not persist after navigating to an Incident detail page and reverting to the list page.


  1. Log in to the Apex application.

  2. Navigate to Incidents > My Incidents.

    Note: Navigate to any list page of Incident Management module.

  3. Drag and drop the columns in the list page to re-arrange.


158316Change Category is not reflected in Set Trigger & Conditions under Workflow.  


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Application Designer.

  2. Navigate to Design Studio > Module > Workflow Designer.

  3. Click New.
  4. Navigate to Set Trigger & Conditions.

  5. Choose Category/Change Category fields which is of Control Type = Tree View.

  6. Choose the Operator and Value.

  7. Configure and Save the Workflow.

  8. Navigate to Set Trigger & Conditions step and verify whether the values are displayed for Category/Change Category fields.
157411The Scheduler configured to notify escalation to the record attribute group is not triggering the notification.


  1. Navigate to Design Studio > Module > Groups > Dynamic Groups.

  2. Click the Groups dropdown and click Add Group.

  3. Create a Record Attribute Group and add Users to the group. 


  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Application Designer.  

  2. Navigate to Design Studio > Module > Scheduler.

  3. Click New.

  4. Enter all the mandatory details.

  5. Navigate to Actions > Notify Recipients.

  6. Navigate to Recipients > To.

  7. Select Recipient as Record Attribute Group and select a group name.  



Users are unable to upload values for child fields in the import template.


  1.  Log in to the Apex application.

  2. Create a field with a parent value in the common master, and another field as the child value of the parent field.

  3. Download the template and add the parent and child values according to the dropdown options.

  4. Validate by uploading, an error will occur.


158186The Long Text field is not getting displayed in expandable and scrollable format.Prerequisite:
Incident Status must be Closed.

  1. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incident details page.

  2. Click Incident ID hyperlink.

  3. Observe the Long Text field.  


158615   Category field was unavailable to filter for both Incident Management (IM) and Service Request (SRlist page.  


1. Log in to the Apex application. 

2. Navigate to Incident > My Incidents. My Incidents list page is displayed.

3. Click icon to add Filters and search for Category in the search bar. 

74143Value entered in Description and Information field is not displayed completely in the email body, as it is on the Change Record (CR) details page.Steps:

  1. Log in to the Apex application as an Analyst.

  2. Navigate to Change > Manage Change Record. Manage Change Record list page is displayed.

  3. Click New > select Tenant.

  4. Enter Characters 51576 in the Symptom and Description field and Risk field.

  5. Enter all the mandatory fields > click Save.

  6. Navigate to Manage Change Record list page.

  7. Click ID hyperlink of the Change Record created above to view the CR details page.

  8. Click Change History > Communication tab.

  9. Expand any sent email. Click Read more. Verify the displayed values.
165733When the Service Request (SR) ID hyperlink was clicked in My Company Service Requests, an error message Access to this record is restricted was displayed.


  1. Log in to the Apex application.  
  2. Navigate to Service Request > My Company Service Request. The My Company Service Request List page is displayed.  
  3. Click any SR ID hyperlink. 
When the SR ID hyperlink is clicked, the page is displayed without any error in My Company Service Requests.

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