Role Mapping
  • 03 Apr 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Role Mapping

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Article summary

Empowering Security: Role Mapping for Controlled Access Excellence!

Role mapping ensures that users have access only to the resources and information relevant to their roles and responsibilities. This streamlines the process of assigning, modifying, and revoking access, making it more efficient for administrators.

User persona: Administrator or Application Designer

Let's explore the following Use Case for configuring Role Mapping!

Use Case

User persona:Application Designer

Sandra at NovaTech wants to assign Users belonging to the IT BLR static group with Analyst Role. They should be able to view transaction records logged by IT and HR tenants.

Sandra can implement Role Mapping functionality, facilitating seamless role management. She performs the following steps to achieve the requirements.
  1.  Access Details - Defines restrictions on Tenants.
  2. Publish To - Defines users that have access to this Role.
Sandra can view all the Incidents that are logged for IT and HR tenants for the ACME Solutions customer. Role Mapping not only streamlines administrative tasks but also enhances the overall efficiency of user interactions within the system.

User Role Mapping

It is essential to map a Role and Role Template to a Domain since they are connected to a group of Modules and Tenants. Mapping users to the same Domain as specified by the Role Template enables their access to the Modules and Tenants based on the configuration settings defined within the Role Template.


  • Select the specific Domain and Sub Domain for configuring the Role Mapping.Figure: Selection of Domain and Sub Domain

To configure Role Mapping, perform the following steps:

  1.  Navigate to Design Studio > Access Control Center > User Role Mapping. User Role Mapping is displayed on the mapping list page.
  2.  Click New to User Mapping tab to view the new mapping screen.

You can view the following tabs for mapping control:


This section contains the list of properties using which the Application Designer can configure the respective control's Name, Domain, Sub Domain, Description, Role etc.Figure: General
To know more about the fields that are available under the General section, see the Field Description given below.

Field Description

Name Description

Type the name of the Role Mapping that is to be configured.
Describe the User Role mapping that is being configured.
DomainDomain is selected by default.
Sub DomainSub Domain is selected by default.
RoleChoose a role for which the mapping is to be established from the Role dropdown.

If there is no Role created in the selected application, then an option to navigate to the Role creation screen is displayed.
ActiveToggle the switch to make the current mapping configuration in an Active or deactivated state.
In the User creation screen’s, Role Mapping tab the admin/super user can only view End-user and Analyst Roles.

Define Access

This section contains the list of properties using which the Application Designer can configure the condition to define the access and build condition on Tenant control.

Figure: Define Access

To know more about the fields that are available under the Define Access section, see the Field Description given below:

Field Description

Name Description

Tenant is specified as a value under the field by default.
OperatorSelect the operator type from the dropdown list.
Figure: Operator Type
ValueSelect the values from the list. Here Information Technology is selected from the list.Figure: Value

 The field dropdown can be expanded to view and select the desired option. You can add a new condition row by clicking on the +icon. If you want to delete any row, click the delete icon.

Publish To

This section contains publish components using which the Application Designer can publish based on User properties and user list. To know more about the fields that are available under the Publish To section, see Field Description given below.

Figure: Publish To

To know more about the fields that are available under the Publish To section, see the Field Description given below.

 Field Description

Name Description

Select the user attribute from the drop-down list.
Figure: User Attributes
OperatorSelect the Operator type from the dropdown list.
Figure: Operator Type
ValueSelect the values from the list to publish the mapping. Here mail ID of the admin is entered in the Value column. The value populates based on the Role access of the App Designer designing the component Figure: Value

Once Role Mapping is published, click GO TO LIST. The list displays the Role Mapping under Access Control Center.

Figure: Role Mapping list

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