Screen Selection
  • 27 Nov 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Screen Selection

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Article summary

Access Level - Platform

Screen Selection

The Screen Selection page is used to define and grant permissions to the newly created Role Template. There are two tabs present here.

  • Platform Level
  • Landing Page

Figure: Screen Selection page

Access to the screen is restricted based on the Domain, Sub-Domain, & Tenant configuration.  

Platform Level 

Platform Studio

In the Platform Studio, we define the required permissions allowed to the specified Role. This section gives a macro view of the Platform so that desired permissions can be set at Application, Module, Domain, Sub Domain, Tenant and Mapping. There are three toggle buttons for Create, Edit, and View which can be configured for setting the required level of accesses. 

Figure: Platform Studio

Top Panel

This tab has a few features that can be selected using a Toggle Button. The Features that can be configured on this page are Custom CSS, Messages, Settings, Notification, and Profile. 

Once configured, it will be available on the Top Panel of the screen as displayed below. 

Figure: Top Panel view

Landing Page

This section has a drop-down for selecting the Landing Page. This is the option to select the landing page for the selected role template. 

Figure: Landing page

If a user is mapped to multiple role templates, the landing page can be configured as desired. 

Access Level - Application 

The Screen Selection page is used to define and grant permissions to the newly created Role Template. There are two tabs present here.

  • Application Level
  • Landing Page

Figure: Application Level

The modules are displayed in different tabs. The required permissions can be set by accessing the required modules. 

Application Level 

The chosen Application and Modules are displayed at this level based on the application selected in the previous screen. Here the admin can set the required accesses for each of the chosen roles. There are three toggle buttons for Create, Edit, and View which can be configured for setting the required level of accesses.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.