Set Frequency
  • 05 Feb 2025
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Set Frequency

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Article summary


The second step in the Scheduler process is to define its frequency. To configure the Scheduler Frequency, define the Schedule Type, Start Date, Schedule Time, Time Zone and End Type. For more information, refer the field description table below. 

Figure: Frequency configuration - One Time

If the Scheduled Type is selected as One Time, the following are the configurations required.

One Time

When the scheduler is selected to run one time, define Schedule Type, Schedule Date, Schedule Time and Time Zone. For more information, refer the field description table below. 

Field Description 
Start Date*Choose the day, month and year when the scheduler needs to be activated.
Schedule Time*Select the time when the scheduler has to be set by defining the time in 24-hour format or in the hour and minute format.
Time Zone*Specify the time zone from the drop-down list. The default time zone is set as per the logged in user.

An asterisk(*) represents mandatory field.

If the Scheduled Type is selected as Recurring, the following are the configurations required.  


When the Schedule Type is selected as Recurring, configure the Frequency, Start Date, Schedule Time, Time Zone and End Type. For more information, refer the field description table below. 

Figure: Frequency configuration - Recurring

Frequency and End Type


Frequency set to Daily

Daily FrequencySpecify the number of times the scheduler has to run daily. For example,
One Time - Once a day
After Every - Multiple Intervals in a day
One Time
Start Date*
Choose the day, month and year when the scheduler needs to be activated.
Schedule Time*
Select the time when the scheduler has to be set by defining the time in 24-hour format or in the hour and minute format.
Time Zone*
Specify the time zone from the dropdown list. The default time zone is set as per the logged in user.
After Every
Choose the time lapse after which when the scheduler has to run.
Specify the time duration.
Start Date*
Choose the day, month and year when the scheduler needs to be activated.
Schedule Time*
Select the time when the scheduler has to be set by defining the time in 24-hour format or in the hour and minute format.
End TimeSpecify the End Time to stop the scheduler run. 
Time Zone*

Specify the time zone from the dropdown list. The default time zone is set as per the logged in user.
Daily Frequency*
End Type*Choose when the scheduler needs to be deactivated. For example, Never, Date, After.
Never - Choose the option to not deactivate the scheduler.
Date - Choose the date after which the scheduler will be deactivated.
After - Choose the option to deactivate the scheduler after a specific number of runs

Frequency set to Weekly 

Start Date*

Choose the day, month and year when the scheduler needs to be activated.
Schedule Time*

Select the time when the scheduler has to be set by defining the time in 24-hour format or in the hour and minute format.
Time Zone*

Specify the time zone from the dropdown list. The default time zone is set as per the logged in user.
On These Days*Specify the days on which the Scheduler has to run. 
End Type*
Choose when the scheduler needs to be deactivated. For example, Never, Date, After.
Never - Choose the option to not deactivate the scheduler.
Date - Choose the date after which the scheduler will be deactivated.
After - Choose the option to deactivate the scheduler after a specific number of runs

Frequency set to Monthly 

Start Date*
Choose the day, month and year when the scheduler needs to be activated.
Schedule Time*

Select the time when the scheduler has to be set by defining the time in 24-hour format or in the hour and minute format.
Time Zone*
Specify the time zone from the dropdown list. The default time zone is set as per the logged in user.
Set ByChoose the option of Date or Week
Set By Date
Select DateSpecify the date for which the Scheduler has to run. 
Select MonthChoose the month for the selected date.
End Type*
Choose when the scheduler needs to be deactivated. For example, Never, Date, After.
Never - Choose the option to not deactivate the scheduler.
Date - Choose the date after which the scheduler will be deactivated.
After - Choose the option to deactivate the scheduler after a specific number of runs
Set by Week
Week of the MonthChoose the week of the month in the order. For example, 1st, 2nd, etc. 
On These DaysChoose the specific days in the month in which the scheduler will be set to run. For example, Saturday, Monday, etc. 
On These MonthsSpecify the Months for which the scheduler needs to be set to run. For example, January, February, etc. 
End Type*
Choose when the scheduler needs to be deactivated. For example, Never, Date, After.
Never - Choose the option to not deactivate the scheduler.
Date - Choose the date after which the scheduler will be deactivated.
After - Choose the option to deactivate the scheduler after a specific number of runs

An asterisk (*) represents mandatory field.

A system message is displayed at the end of the page as given below once the configurations are completed. 

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