Single Choice
  • 04 Jul 2024
  • 9 Minutes to read
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Single Choice

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Article summary

The Single Choice control is used to make a single selection on a form. It can be displayed as a drop-down or as multiple chips. and the selected option will be displayed in the search text box. A sample screenshot is shown below: 

Figure: Single Choice Control - Drop-Down

Let's explore the following use-case.
Use Case

User Persona: Application Designer

The Application Designer Sam wants to create an interface for their application where he can convert an SR to an Incident with the following two scenarios:

  • The SR is cancelled automatically when the Incident is created.
  • The SR is resolved automatically when the Incident is created.  
Also, he should have the flexibility to make this functionality available on either on New Incident page or New Incident for User page. 

To achieve the first functionality, he can drag and drop the Single Choice control on the Form page. Configure the control with labels as Auto Cancel Service Request and Auto Resolve Service Request in chip format.
To achieve the second functionality, configure the control in drop-down format with options as New Incident and New Incident for User.
Let's explore the following use-case.
Use Case

User Persona: Application Designer

The Application Designer Sam wants to create an interface for their application where he can display the list of all available Tenants such as Information Technology, Human Resources, It Operations and Hardware for a specific module.
He should be able to select one of the required options from the list.
To achieve this, he can drag and drop the Single Choice control on the Form page. Configure the control with label as Tenant. Render it as drop-down and configure the options of the drop-down list as Information Technology, Human Resources and IT Operations.

Configure Single Choice Control

Let's configure Single Choice Control!

  1. Navigate to General tab of Form Designer. Enter all mandatory details required for the Form.
  2. In Design Form tab, from the left pane select Controls > Form Controls > Single Choice.
    Drag and drop this control inside a panel to create a multi choice field. Click Settings icon to view Properties pop-up.

You can view the following tabs for Singe Choice control:

    • Properties
    • Advance
    • Validations
    • Appearance
    • Security
    • Data Source


This section contains the list of properties using which the Administrator can configure the respective control's name, subtitles etc. To know more about the fields that are available under the Properties section, see Field Description given below.

Figure: Properties

Field Description
This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Properties section: 

Field Description
TitleSpecify the name for the Single Choice control. This name identifies the Single Choice control in the form.
For Example: Email Notification for Incident
SubtitleSpecifies the text which you want to display just beneath the control. You may use it to describe the purpose of the control or the way it should be used etc.
For Example: As shown in the following screenshot "Send email notification for incident status update" is the subtitle for the Single Choice control named "Incident Status Email Notification".
 Figure: Subtitle
Render AsThe Single Choice control can be rendered as one of the following available options:
  • As Status
  • As Sub Status
  • As Tenant
Render TypeThe Single Choice control can be rendered as one of the following types. Available options are as follows:
  • Chip - It displays the selectable options in a specific scenario.
  • Dropdown - It displays the drop-down list of various options.
Hide LabelIf this toggle button is enabled, then the configured label will not be displayed on the form.
Help TextDisplays the information about the UI control in the form in a textual format to guide the user.
Rich TextSelect it to enable the text as rich text format and interpret as rich text.
TooltipDisplays the information about the UI control in the form in the tooltip format to guide the user.  The tooltip is displayed when the user hovers the mouse cursor over the control.


This section contains the advance section  To know more about the fields that are available under the Advance section, see Field Description given below.

Figure: Advance

Field Description
This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Advance section: 

Include as FilterIf this toggle button is enabled, then the respective control is available as a filter option on the Form Designer list page of the application.
Include as a column in grid viewIf this toggle button is enabled, then the respective control is available as a column on the Form Designer list page of the application.
Is ClickableIf this toggle button is enabled, then the respective control is clickable.
Show Clear IconIf this toggle button is enabled, then a cross mark (x) is displayed against all the drop-down values selected from the respective control using which the user can clear the individual value.


This section contains the list of validation setups using which the Application Designer can configure the respective control as mandatory, based on condition, and so on. To know more about the fields that are available under the Validations section, see Field Description given below.

Figure: Validations

Field Description
This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Validations section:

Title should beSelect one of the following options as per your requirement:
  • Mandatory - Select the Mandatory from the drop-down to make the control as mandatory control.
  • Disabled - Select the Disabled from the drop-down to make the control as disabled control.
  • Hidden - Select the Hidden from the drop-down to make the control as hidden control. 
  • Editable - Select the Editable from the drop-down to make the control as editable control
  • Unique - Select the Editable from the drop-down to make the control as unique control. 
Below Conditions MeetSelect it if you want to display this control based on certain conditions. The following fields are displayed to configure the conditions:
Field - Select the field from the drop-down list on which the condition is to be applied.
Operator - Select the required operator from the displayed drop-down list.

Figure: Validations
Use icon to add more conditions.
Every TimeSelect it if you want to display this control always without any specific conditions or validations.


This section contains the appearance setups using which you  can configure the look and feel of the respective control such as font type, color, size and so on. To know more about the fields that are available under the Appearance section, see Field Description given below.

Figure: Appearance

Field Description

This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Appearance section:

Font TypeSelect the type of the font from the drop-down list of available options of font type.
Font ColorSelect the type of the font color from the color widget from the provided set of color options. Click  option to select the required color from the displayed color widget. A sample screenshot is shown below:
Figure: Color Widget
Font SizeSelect the size of the font from the drop-down list of available options of font type using upwards or downwards arrows. A sample screenshot is shown below:

Figure: Font Size Drop-down
You can also use a horizontal slider to increase or decrease the font size. A sample screenshot is shown below:

Figure: Font Size Slider

Font StyleSelect the type of the font from the drop-down list of available options of font type.


This section contains the security measures that can be configured for the respective control.  It will allow you to control the form usage based on the restricted configured access. Configure view and edit permissions at the field level.Figure : Security

For more information on Security tab, refer here.

Data Source

This section contains the data source details. To know more about the fields that are available under the Data Source section, see Field Description given below.

Figure: Data Source - Table

The following screenshot is displayed if the Data Source is selected as API.

Figure: Data Source - API

The following screenshot is displayed if the Data Source is selected as Manual.

Figure: Data Source - Manual

The following screenshot is displayed if the Data Source is selected as Status.

Figure: Data Source - Status

This section contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Data Source section. To know more about the fields that are available under the Data Source section, see Field Description.

Data Source

Select one of the following options to select the data source. Available options are as follows:

  • Manual
  • Table
  • API
  • Status
ParentIf selected, the control will take the data from the parent table.
For Example: If you create a multi-choice control named State, then the Parent Data Source for this can be Country table.
Is Parent Encrypted ?If selected, then the Parent field value is encrypted at database level to maintain the security.
Example: If Parent field is SSN of a citizen and it needs to be secured at database level, enable Is Parent Encrypted button.
OriginThis field is visible only if Data Source is selected as API.
Select the origin for the API request. Available options are as follows:
Same Origin - Select it if the API request is from same origin.
Cross Origin - Select it if the API request is from different origin.

For Example:
Scenario I
Origin I =
Origin 2=
In this case, Origin I and Origin 2 are same Origin.

Scenario II
Origin I =
Origin II =
In this case, Origin 1 and Origin 2 are cross Origin.

TypeThis field is visible only if Data Source is selected as API.
Select the type of the API. Available options are as follows:
Get - Select it to fetch data from a specified resource.
Post - Select it to send data to update a resource.
AddressThis field is visible only if Data Source is selected as API.
Specify the API URL.
ParametersThis field is visible only if Data Source is selected as API.
Select the Parameters from the drop-down list.
Label FieldLabel is the text that appears to the user for that choice. Use short phrases in your choice lists.
Value FieldValue is a string that is stored in the variable when that choice is selected.
BodyThis field is visible only if Data Source is selected as API.
Font ColorThis field is available when the Data Source only if the Data Source is selected as Manual.
Click on the colored box under Font Color to select the required color for the respective configured status text.
BackgroundThis field is available only if the Data Source is selected as Manual.
Click on the colored box under Background to select the required color for the respective configured status background.
DefaultThis field is available only if the Data Source is selected as Manual.
Enable it to make the respective status as default status.
System StausThis field is available only if the Data Source is selected as Manual.
Map the manual status values with system status. Select one of the options available under System Status drop-down to map it with corresponding manual status. The available options are as following:
  • New
  • In-Progress
  • Resolve
  • Closed
  • Cancelled
Status Transition This field is available only if the Data Source is selected as Manual.
Configure the future status values to move the status from one status to another. Select the options available under Transition Status drop-down to configure the status to which the manual status can be moved to as per requirement.

Case I - Sequential
When only one manual value is added, the Transition Status drop-down does not display any option.
When two manual values are added, the Transition Status drop-down displays the first manual value in the option list. Similarly, once the manual status is added, correspondingly Transtition Status drop-down displays all manual values as options before the current value. The following depicts the above case.
Figure: Sequential - Transition Status

Case II - Refer Back
In this case all added manual values are displayed in the Status Transition drop-down except the current value. 

Figure: Refer Back - Transition Status

When the Transition Status is not configured, the consumer will not have option to move from one status to another. Also, the records for which the Transition Status is not configured will be in display mode or read only mode. 

For Example - For the manual status Closed, the Transition Status is not configured and hence the consumer will not have any option to change the status from Closed to any other status.  

ActiveThis field is available only if the Data Source is selected as Manual.
Enable it if you want to display the status as one of the columns on list page.
ActionsThe following actions are available:
Use it to drag up or down to reorder the labels.
Use it to disable a label.
Use it to add more labels.
Use it to delete any label.


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