• 20 Dec 2024
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Article summary

The SLA Widget is a component in the form designer. SLA is added as a widget on the Form Builder page of the Form Designer for the consumer to view the SLA of a record for display time such as Actual Time, Elapsed time, Deadline, etc. The Application Designer will configure the widget and define the various properties such as Display name, for which SLA Type this applies, and how this should be rendered in terms of hours, minutes, and seconds.

A glance at SLA on Form Designer under Widgets for an Application Designer.

Figure: SLA Widget Component

Let’s Explore more on SLA Widget:

Configure SLA Widget

Introducing this feature to activate an SLA for the transaction records created for the form.

To Configure the SLA Widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Form Designer > Design Form > Widgets.

  2. Search in widgets to locate the SLA control.

  3. Drag and drop the SLA widget on the design canvas. Hover over the added control to access the Settings and Delete icon.

    Figure: SLA Widget



    The settings icon will enable the Application Designer to configure the SLA Widget in the transaction form.

    The delete icon will delete the SLA Control from the transaction form.

    Control for adjusting the size of the SLA Widget.

  4. Click the Settings icon to configure the SLA Widget.
    On the Settings pop-up window, the following tabs can be configured.


By default, when the pop-up opens the system will display the Properties tab. This further has two sub-sections as follows:


Enter the Label name, the entered text will be the heading for the SLA control, and this is a mandatory field. The default name present in the field will be displayed as SLA, however this can be changed.


An info icon is provided next to the Label on mouse hover the below information displayed:

The entered Label Name will be displayed as the heading for the SLA.

Example: You can rename this based on the SLA Type like Response SLA, Resolution SLA, etc.

Figure: Properties


The information section has fields such as Help Text, Rich Text, and Tooltip.

Figure: Informative

Refer to the following field description table for more details:



Help Text

Enter Help Text information, the entered text here will be shown as a Help Text when the mouse is hovered over the SLA control.

Rich Text

Enabling this will display a rich text editor for Help Text.

Figure: Rich Text Editor


The entered text here will be shown as a Tooltip when the information icon for the SLA is clicked.


In the Appearance, the Application Designer can design the look of the SLA Widget on the Transaction Form. The Header and Container of the Widget is designed here.

To configure Appearance settings, click the Appearance tab and the following sections are displayed.

Figure: Appearance

  • Header: The header is the top part of the SLA Widget as displayed below.

    Figure: SLA Widget Header

  • Container: This is the body part of the SLA Widget as displayed below.

    Figure: SLA Widget Container


This section will enable you to design the look and view of the header.

Figure: Header Appearance

Refer to the following table for the field description:



  1. Background

Background Color

Select the background color for the SLA Widget Header.

Figure: Background Color

You will be able to see the configured color on the Form.

Figure: Background Color Preview

  1. Label

Font Type

Select the Font Type of the Header from the available fonts in the dropdown.

Figure: Font Type

Font Color

Select Font Color as RGB, HSL, or HEX code.

Figure: Font Color

Font Size

Select Font Size ranging anywhere from 1 to 100. Move the slider to set the size or use the Up and Down control to set an accurate value.

Figure: Font Size

Font Style

Font Style allows formatting of header text using Bold, Italic, and Underline


This section will allow the Application Designer to design the look and view of the remaining space within the SLA Widget.

Figure: Container

Refer to the following table for field description:



  1. Background

Background Color

Select the background color for the SLA Widget Container.

  1. Label

Font Type

Select the Font Type of the Container from the available fonts in the dropdown.

Figure: Font Type

Font Color

Select Font Color as RGB, HSL, or HEX code.

Figure: Font Color

Font Size

Select Font Size ranging anywhere from 1 to 100. Move the slider to set the size or use the Up and Down control to set an accurate value.

Figure: Font Size

Font Style

Font Style allows formatting of header text using Bold, Italic, and Underline.

SLA View

The SLA View tab provides the look of the Widget on the transaction form. This configuration consists of the following sections:

General Configuration

In the general properties, the Application Designer can configure the SLA Widget specific to the SLA Type and how that should be rendered as Time and displayed on the transaction form.

Figure: General Properties - SLA View

Refer to the following for the General configuration.

SLA Type

Select the SLA Type from the dropdown.
Example: Response SLA, Resolution SLA, and Turnaround Time SLA.

Figure: SLA Type - SLA View

For more information, hover on to the provided tooltip.

Tool Tip

Select the SLA Type that needs to be applied for the form. The selected SLA Types will be applied based on the Tenant selected for the record.

Information about SLA Type Field:

  • All the configured SLA Value, SLA Window, SLA Criteria are mapped to an SLA Type. So, if an SLA Type is selected for the form, then all these SLA related configuration will be applied to the records created from the Form.

  • The SLA Type dropdown will consist of all the SLAs configured and will be available for selection based on the Doman, Sub-Domain and Tenant combination selected at the form designer level.

  • Multiple SLA Types can be selected for the form.

Functionality of SLA Type Field

All the SLAs will be grouped together based on the Tenants it is configured for.

Following are the combinations of mapping of SLA Types to Tenants that gets displayed.

  • If an SLA Type is mapped to a single tenant, then the SLA Type displayed will belong only to that particular tenant.

  • If the SLA Type is mapped to multiple tenants, then the SLA Type will be displayed under those tenants.

  • If the SLA Type is mapped to multiple tenants, and the SLA Types are shared between multiple tenants then the SLA Type dropdown will display the shared SLA in the grouping.

The logic of applying the selected SLA Type for a record in the consumer view.

  1. A Form is designed based on a Domain & Sub Domain.

  2. All the SLA Types matching the Forms of the Domain & Sub Domain will be listed out in the SLA Type dropdown irrespective of the Tenant.

  3. Single or Multiple SLA Types can be configured for a Form irrespective of the Tenant of the SLA Type.

  4. Now, when a record gets created for the Form and if the Tenant selected for the record is not matching with any of the SLA Types configured for the form then the SLA Types will not be applicable for the record created.

  5. But if the created records Tenant matches with any of the selected SLA Types record then the system will display those matching SLA Type in the record in consumer view.

Render As

Select the Render As option from the dropdown, this is used to define the look of the SLA Time in the consumer view of the record.

There are three options based on which the time will be displayed.

  • Days : Hours : Minutes

  • Hours : Minutes

  • Minutes


This field is used to control the view of details that will be displayed in the SLA Widget in the record, which was created from the Form.

Following are the dropdown values:

  • Actual Time

  • Deadline Time

  • Remaining SLA Time

  • Total SLA Time

  • Elapsed Time

Figure: SLA View

By default, Deadline Time, Remaining Time and Actual Time is auto selected. These default values cannot be cleared.

Figure: Display


Selected values are displayed on the SLA Widget in the Form.

Figure: Preview


The Preview section will display the look of SLA Widget on the transaction form in real time. This section will dynamically display the preview of the SLA based on the field values selected from the Properties and SLA View tab.

The preview will work in a dynamic way. Whenever a field is selected with a value the same will be displayed in the Preview section.

Figure: Preview

Preview Details

  1. If an SLA Type is added then the preview should display it.

  2. If the Render As field is selected with a value, then the preview should display the value in the preview.

  3. The values selected in the Display field will be displayed in the Preview section accordingly with a dummy data.

  4. Also, the preview will display the configured properties of the SLA if any such as: Label, Help Text, and Tooltip.

Click Save, to complete the configuration and return to Form Builder page else click Cancel to discard the configuration.
Figure: SLA Widget

SLA Widget Logic and Validation

If the SLA widget is deleted or removed from the form designer at a later stage, then the following validation apply:

  • All the existing the records will continue to have the SLA widget displayed.

  • However, the new records will not have the SLA widget.

If the property of SLA is changed in the later stages, then the following validation apply:

  • All the existing records and new records will reflect the changed properties.

  • However, if the SLA Type is changed or updated it will not be applicable for any of the old and existing records.

  • The SLA Type change will be applicable only for the new records created post change.

SLA Widget Design for Consumer View

The consumer should be able to view the SLA widget as configured in the Form Designer.

The details displayed in the SLA Widget are as follows:

  • SLA Type

  • Deadline SLA

  • Total Time

  • Elapsed Time

  • Actual Time

  • Remaining Time

  • Total Time Taken

  • SLA Status

All the above mentioned details are displayed in the SLA Widget based on various factors and conditions.

Figure: SLA Widget Consumer View

SLA Type

The SLA Widget is configured for the SLA Type and the details is displayed on the Top of the SLA Widget as displayed below:


The consumer should be able to view the Deadline ( SLA End Time ) displayed in the SLA Widget in the Record. The deadline will be defined based on the configured SLA Window.


  1. For Priority P1 the deadline is 300 minutes.

  2. Priority P2 the deadline is 500 minutes.

  3. Priority for the record is changed from P1 to P2

  4. Now the Deadline will be based on Priority P2 which is 500 minutes.

Total Time

The Total SLA Time is the nothing but the configured SLA Value for the selected SLA Type. This time will be constant.

The display of Total SLA Time will be based on what Render As option selected from the SLA Properties page in the Form Designer.

The Time is displayed in Days, Hours and Minutes.

Elapsed Time

  • The Elapsed Time is displayed by the system based on its calculation.

  • The calculation of the Elapsed Time starts when the SLA changes to Active.

  • The Elapsed Time is calculated based on the Deadline time and the Total Time.

  • The Elapsed Time is the overall time taken by the SLA during its entire course.

  • If the Elapsed Time goes beyond the Total Time then the SLA is Violated.

Actual Time

  • The Actual Time is displayed after the SLA is Completed.

  • The Actual Time is the Date and Time of the SLA Completion.

  • The Actual Time is displayed in the Date and Time format.

  • The Render As values configured in the SLA View properties on the Form Designer will not be applied here.

Remaining Time for the SLA captured in the SLA Widget

The Remaining Time Display is represented by a timer icon

The calculation of the Remaining Time is based on the following:

  • Remaining Time = Total TimeElapsed Time.

  • This field is populated based on the calculated time by the system. It will determine the Violation Status of the SLA.

  • The SLA is Violated if the Remaining Time exceeds Total Time.

  • The Remaining Time displays the SLA Type with a graphic icon based on the Status of the SLA Timer as follows:

    This also determine:

    • Time Transition

    • Paused Status

    • SLA Completed Status


      If the SLA is Completed within SLA the defined time or completed but violated, then the Remaining Time is not displayed but the Total Time Taken is displayed.

    • SLA Violated Status

  • The above mentioned details is represented by the Remaining Time in the form of different colors and graphic icons.

    1. The Remaining Time is displayed in a Light Blue color at the beginning of the SLA.

    2. As the SLA time increases the system will gradually change the color from Blue to a Yellow.

    3. As the Remaining Time nears the Total Time, the system will further change the color of Yellow to Light Peach.

    4. If the Remaining Time exceeds the Total Time, then the system considers it as SLA Breach the color changes to Red.

  • This color transition indicates if the time is less, more or breach for the SLA Type.

Total Time Taken

This field is displayed with the total SLA time taken for the Record on the SLA Widget when the SLA is completed. It is replaced by the Remaining Time.

SLA Status, Graphic Icons and Color Codes

Based on the SLA Status, the SLA Type on the SLA Widget is displayed with certain icons and colors.


SLA Types with In-Progress condition is represented with Start icon.


Color Codes for In Progress SLA are as follows:

  • Green: Within SLA

  • Yellow: About to miss SLA and has considerable time

  • Orange: About to miss SLA and has very short time

  • Red: Paused but SLA Violated

SLA Percentage Logic for In-Progress

  • SLA In Progress (< 50%) is displayed as Green color Start button

  • SLA In Progress (50 - 75%) is displayed as Yellow color Start button

  • SLA In Progress (75% - 100%) is displayed as Orange color Start button

  • SLA In Progress (> 100%) is displayed as Red color Start button


SLA Types with Pause condition is represented using Pause icon.

  • If the SLA is paused, then the timer for the SLA will not be active and will be in a paused state.

  • The same is represented on the SLA Widget.

  • Whenever an SLA is paused the SLA Type is represented using a Pause icon.

  • The pause icon is changed once the SLA is active again.


Color Codes for Paused SLA are as follows:

  • Green: Within SLA

  • Yellow: About to miss SLA and has considerable time

  • Orange: About to miss SLA and has very short time

  • Red: Paused but SLA Violated

SLA Percentage Logic for Pause

  • SLA – Pause (< 50%) is displayed as Green color Pause button

  • SLA – Pause (50 - 75%) is displayed as Yellow color Pause button

  • SLA – Pause (75% - 100%) is displayed as Orange color Pause button

  • SLA – Pause (> 100%) is displayed as Red color Pause button


As the SLA time is completed then the Remaining Time will stop and is represented as Total Time Taken on the SLA Widget. The SLA Type is represented with a checkmark.

  • If the SLA is Completed within the defined SLA Time without any time violation, then it displays with green checkmark for the SLA Type on the widget.

  • If the SLA is Completed but violated, then it displays with red checkmark for the SLA Type on the widget.

SLA Logic for Complete

  • SLA – Completed (when SLA < 100%) is displayed as Green color checkmark

  • SLA – Completed (when SLA > 100%) is displayed as Red color checkmark

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