- 25 Oct 2024
- 3 Minutes to read
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SLA Completeness Matrix
- Updated on 25 Oct 2024
- 3 Minutes to read
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When we configure SLA it’s a multistep process, majorly it involves configuration of SLA Type, configuring suitable SLA rules (Under this SLA Type), and updating values for the defined rules (this value is the actual time component of any SLA)
The inter dependency is according to following representation.
Figure: SLA Inter Dependency
In the above dependency order, if the next state is not defined then, the entire SLA is unusable hence it will not be applied to any record.
However, as it’s a multistep process and designer may not be in a situation to determine the completeness of SLA configuration. As the SLA configuration state remains undetermined, like the level of configuration and pending tasks. To overcome this challenge for the Application Designers, SLA Completeness Matrix is introduced and is available across SLA Designer list pages.
SLA Type
Configure SLA Type in the SLA Designer and click SLA Completeness Matrix icon on the SLA Type list page.
Example: Configured SLA Type is Turn Around Time (TAT) SLA.
Figure: SLA Type List
As that you have configured only SLA Type Turn Around Time (TAT) SLA, let us view it’s SLA Completeness Matrix. As you click on SLA completeness Matrix icon a pop window is displayed with what needs to be configured next to complete the SLA configuration.
Figure: SLA Completeness Matrix
For the description about the above SLA Completeness Matrix, refer to the following:
SLA Type
All the SLA types as accordions will be displayed in collapsed mode except the first one.
By default, Five SLA rules will be showcased under the SLA types and to view the remaining scroll down.
When we expand another SLA type accordion, the one accordion that is opened closed and the new one opens.
Example: when you expand TAT SLA, the first SLA Type which is Response SLA accordion collapses.
How to determine overall Completeness of Matrix?
Every SLA Type on the Completeness Matrix is represented using green and orange check mark.
Completeness icon | Description |
Indicates that the SLA Type is configured completely with SLA Rules and its Values. It is displayed next to the SLA Type on the accordion as displayed below: | |
Indicates that the SLA Type is partially configured and is pending completion of configurations associated to this Type. It can be either be SLA Rule or Value. It is displayed next to the SLA Type on the accordion as displayed below: |
As a system, the SLA Completeness Matrix should be displayed as Completed only after a Default SLA is defined, until then it will display the status as Pending. Default SLA Rule is configured in the SLA Rule.
Let’s Configure SLA Rule for the configured SLA Type.
SLA Rule
To configure SLA Rule, you can achieve in two ways, either navigate through SLA Completeness Matrix or go to SLA Rule list page and click New.
If you navigate through SLA Completeness Matrix, the details such as SLA Type, Domain, Sub Domain and Tenant details is auto populated.
Click add icon
in the SLA Type of the Completeness Matrix.
Figure: SLA Completeness Matrix
SLA Rule configuration screen is displayed.
Figure: SLA Rule Configuration screen
Complete SLA Rule configuration and click SLA Completeness icon
on the List page to view the configured SLA Rule on the Matrix.
Figure: SLA Rule Completeness Matrix
SLA Value
SLA Matrix is not complete because SLA Values are not assigned to the configured SLA Rule and Type. To configure SLA Value, you can achieve in two ways, either navigate through SLA Completeness Matrix or go to SLA Value list page and click New.
If you navigate through SLA Completeness Matrix, the details such as SLA Type, SLA Rule, Domain, Sub Domain and Tenant details is auto populated.
Click add icon
in the SLA Rule of the Completeness Matrix.
Figure: SLA Completeness Matrix
SLA Value configuration screen is displayed.
Figure: SLA Value
Complete SLA Value configuration and click SLA Completeness icon
on the List page to view the configured SLA Value on the Matrix.
Figure: SLA Completeness Matrix
SLA Matrix Status is now complete in the Matrix which indicates that it is ready to use across the application.
As a system, the SLA Completeness Matrix should be displayed as Completed only after a Default SLA is defined, until then it will display the status as Pending.
The SLA Completeness Matrix displays the name of the Module for which the SLA is configured. This remains constant across the Completeness Matrix screens.
Figure: Module on SLA Completeness Matrix
The Search box enables you to search for any configured SLA Rule within the the SLA Completeness Matrix. This search is performed across all the SLA Types.
Figure: SLA Completeness Matrix Search