- 14 Oct 2024
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- Updated on 14 Oct 2024
- 1 Minute to read
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The restart time SLA rules are typically tied to specific conditions, the SLA must pause once the specified conditions are met. This is typically defined for the columns from the selected transaction table.
Configure Restart
To configure Restart SLA condition, perform the following steps:
Select Restart.
The filter add option is displayed for the Application Designer to configure the condition.
Figure: Restart SLA
Select a value on Restart When dropdown field. This allows you to configure the SLA Restart condition when it’s either Active or Completed or any one of the value.
Figure: Restart SLA
Following are the listed options in the dropdown:SLA is Active: SLA will Restart if SLA is Active.
SLA is Active/Completed: SLA will Restart of SLA is Active or Completed.
SLA is Completed: SLA will Restart if SLA is Completed.
Configuration of Restart SLA and changes on a Record
Consider you have Configured Response SLA Type for which you will set the following conditions:
SLA Restart Condition is set to Restart when the SLA is Active / Completed and the status is changed to In-Progress for the Zacme Customer in the SLA Designer.
Consider the following Incident ticket:Analyst will change the Status to Pending.
According to the configured Rule, the SLA is Completed- Within SLA.
Figure: Incident Ticket Response SLA - Previous to Restart SLA
Status of the ticket is changed to In-Progress.
The SLA is re-started with the new and updated SLA Deadline.Figure: Incident Ticket Response SLA - After Restart SLA
Click Add Filter Set.
Field values are mapped here using the conditional operators.
Figure: Restart Condition
Select the column name from the transaction table.
Select the conditional operator, the list is populated based on the field selection. For more information, refer to Field Operator List.
Enter or Select the value based on the Field and Operator.
If the Field contains user attribute then, based on the selected Operator Role or User based Value must be selected.
Figure: Filter Set
These defined conditions can be grouped using logical operators.
Figure: Group Filter Set
Once you define Restart Condition you can either configure other Conditions or Publish the configured SLA Rule Condition.
For more information, refer to the following: