SLA Time
  • 24 May 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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SLA Time

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Article summary

Upon certain conditions SLA actions such as Start, Stop, Pause, Restart and Cancel conditions are executed. Using these SLA Actions there are two ways that the SLA is captured.


All the custom date type attributes on the chosen table are displayed in the column set. (Example: Manage Incidents, Manage Service Requests).

Condition Met Time

There are two scenarios where the SLA is calculated based on Condition Met Time.

The configured field is blank and SLA is calculated based on the Condition Met Time.

In a Priority SLA where the Start condition is selected as Condition Met Time and SLA calculation should Start when the Priority is P2. This is defined in Filter Set of the Start Condition.

An Incident (INC00001) is logged with Priority NULL value, then Condition Met Time is considered for calculating SLA.

The selected Date field is greater than the creation time and the SLA is calculated based on the Condition Met time.

If Custom Date is Reported Date from the selected Table and is Start Time value. Then the INC00001 with field Reported Time is NULL then Condition Met Time is considered for calculating SLA Deadlines.

Retrospective SLA

Retrospective SLA is captured for an event that has already been resolved. The SLA is calculated based on Reported Date and Resolved Date if this meets the SLA Value, then it is considered as SLA has Met.

Use Case depicting Retrospective SLA

The Analyst receives a call in the morning at 09:00 Hours on 10th April regarding user access issue, and he takes some time to analyze the issue. Finally he resolves the issue by resetting the password at 12:00 Hours on the same day. For the same issue an SLA is calculated by logging an Incident by evening 18:00 Hours.

Incident Details:

ID: INC00002   Created Date: 10-04-2024 18:00:00 IST

Reported Date: 10-04-2024 09:00:00 IST

Resolved Date: 10-04-2024 12:00:00 IST

If the Start Time Equals value is selected as Custom Due Date, then Start Time value is available before the ticket’s Created Date.

  • SLA Start ▶ Condition should consider Reported Date for SLA Start Time Equal value.

  • If Start Time value is NULL on the record then Condition Met Time is considered for calculating SLA.


  • SLA Stop ⏹ Condition should consider Resolved Date for SLA Stop Time Equal value.

  • If Stop Time value is NULL on the record then Condition Met Time is considered for calculating SLA.

Tabulated Use Cases

The following use cases pertaining to Reported Date as SLA Start Time and Resolved Date as SLA Stop Time are represented in a tabular format which explain about the Retrospective SLA in detail.

  • Reported Time: SLA Start Time

  • Resolved Time: SLA Stop Time, If the Issue Fulfilled Time is greater than Resolution time, the SLA clock is stopped based on Resolution time.

Reported Time

The following Table provides various Use Case scenarios for different Incidents that explain when the Start Time Equal value is Reported Time.


SLA Rule

SLA Start Time Condition


Status = Assigned

Reported Time

Incident ID

Reported Time

Log Time

Condition Met Time

SLA Calculated


10-04-2024 09:00:00 IST

10-04-2024 18:00:00 IST

11-04-2024 00:00:00 IST

Reported Time + SLA Value



10-04-2024 18:00:00 IST

11-04-2024 00:00:00 IST

Condition Met Time + SLA Value


12-04-2024 00:00:00 IST >

10-04-2024 18:00:00 IST

11-04-2024 00:00:00 IST

Condition Met Time + SLA Value

Resolved Time

The following Table provides various Use Case scenarios for different Incidents that explain when the Stop Time Equal value is Resolved Time.


SLA Rule

SLA Stop Time Condition


Status = Assigned

Resolved Time

Incident ID

Resolved Time

Log Time

Condition Met Time

SLA Calculated


12-04-2024 09:00:00 IST

12-04-2024 18:00:00 IST

13-04-2024 00:00:00 IST

Resolved Time + SLA Value



12-04-2024 18:00:00 IST

13-04-2024 00:00:00 IST

Condition Met Time + SLA Value


14-04-2024 00:00:00 IST >

12-04-2024 18:00:00 IST

13-04-2024 00:00:00 IST

Condition Met Time + SLA Value

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