• 25 Jul 2024
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Article summary

An SMS Gateway is configured at the application level settings. This gateway uses an SMS Gateway API as part of the configuration. Which allow the Application Designer to utilize this to send an SMS Notification.

User Persona: Application Designer

Configure SMS Gateway

To configure an SMS Gateway, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in as Application Designer.

    Figure: App Portal

  2. Click the Application Group tab and select an Application.

    Example: Application Groups will be configured as IT, HR, Finance, etc, and Applications are Asset Management, Service Management, etc.

    Figure: Applications

  3. Click the settings gear icon on the top panel, navigate to Design Studio > Applications > Notification Type > SMS and click New.

    Figure: SMS Gateway

  4. Enter the appropriate details in the required fields. Refer to the following sections about the configuration details.

    Figure: Add SMS Gateway Configuration


This section allows to configuration of SMS Gateway at the platform levels such as Global, Domain, Sub Domain, and Tenant.

Configure for Platform Components

SMS is configured from the platform level, Configure for* provides the following options:


A Global gateway will cater to the entire Domains, Sub Domains, and Tenants that are under the Global configuration. So,  whenever Global option is selected then the SMS will be sent to the entire organization.

Figure: Global SMS Gateway


If a Domain is selected from the dropdown, a new field appears titled as Domain. This is a dropdown with the list of available Domains. This is a multichip selection-based option, multiple or a single Domain can be selected. When a Domain is selected then all the Sub Domains and Tenants within the selected Domain will be applicable to receive SMS through the gateway.

Figure: SMS Gateway in Domain

Sub Domain

If a Sub Domain is selected, a new field appears titled as Sub Domain along with the Domain field. The Sub Domain field is a dropdown displaying a list of all Sub Domains within the selected Domain. Multiple or single Sub Domains can be selected using the multichip-based selection option. When a Sub Domain is selected then all the Tenants within the Sub Domain will also be able to receive SMS from the gateway.

  • A Domain must be selected first.

  • Only the Sub Domains under the selected Domain are displayed within the Sub Domain dropdown.

If two Domains are selected, then Sub Domains under the selected Domains will be displayed in the dropdown.

Figure: SMS Gateway in Sub Domain


If a Tenant is selected, a new field appears titled as Tenant along with the Domain and the Sub Domain field. The Tenant field is a dropdown that displays a list of all Tenants. Multiple or single Tenants can be selected using the multichip-based selection option. When a Tenant is selected only the selected Tenant will receive SMS from the gateway. To select any Tenant, the Domain and the Sub Domain must be selected.

  • A Domain needs to be selected first.

  • Only the Sub Domains under the selected Domain are displayed within the Sub Domain dropdown.

  • Only the Tenants listed under the selected Sub Domains and Domains are displayed in the Tenant dropdown.

Figure: SMS Gateway in Tenant

Primary and Secondary Gateways

The SMS API field will be shown in the both Primary and Secondary configuration sections.

To configure the primary section, perform the following steps:

  1. Select API from the dropdown, the selected API here is configured at the Module Level. To configure SMS API refer to API Configuration.

    Figure: Primary API


    The Primary API is mandatory to complete the SMS Gateway configuration.

    Configuration Precedence and Fallback Scenarios

    Configuration Precedence

    The system should consider the triggering of SMS based on Primary and Secondary gateways and also on the levels it represents.

    Below would be the configuration precedence:

    1. When an SMS needs to be triggered for a Global Level

      1. The system checks for Global Level SMS configuration:

        1. If configuration is available, then SMS is triggered successfully if not SMS will not be triggered.

    2. When an SMS needs to be triggered for a Domain Level

      1. The system checks for Domain Level SMS configuration:

        1. If available SMS is triggered.

        2. If not available, the system checks for Global Level configuration.

        3. If Global level is present, the SMS is triggered through that gateway, if not SMS will not be sent.

    3. When an SMS needs to be triggered for Sub Domain Level

      1. The system will check for Sub Domain level SMS configuration:

        1. If available SMS is triggered.

        2. If not available, then the system will check for Domain Level configuration and if available SMS is triggered.

        3. If Domain level is not available, then the system will check for Global Level configuration.

        4. If Global level is present, the SMS is triggered if not SMS will not be sent.

    4. When an SMS needs to be triggered for a Tenant Level:

      1. The system will check for Tenant level SMS configuration:

        1. If available SMS is triggered.

        2. If not available, the system will check Sub Domain Level configuration and if available SMS is triggered.

        3. If Sub Domain level is not available, then the system will check for Domain Level configuration and if available SMS is triggered.

        4. If Domain level is not available, then the system will check for Global level configuration.

        5. If Global level is present, the SMS is triggered if not SMS will not be sent.

    Fallback Scenarios

    The system will trigger SMS according to the configured Primary and Secondary gateways. Whenever an SMS gets triggered at any level, the system will first check the availability of configurations for the levels and based on that the SMS gets triggered from the Primary or Secondary gateway.

    1. If configuration available for any Level

      1. Check for Primary Gateway

      2. If Primary Success, then OK.

      3. If Primary fails, check for Secondary.

      4. If Secondary Success, then OK.

      5. If Secondary fails, then Exit.

    2. The system will not roll over to the previous levels in case of failures.

    3. If no configuration is available, then the system will check for previous level configurations and follows the same steps as mentioned in step 1.

  2. Enter appropriate details in the required Fields. For more information, refer to the following:




    Select an API from the dropdown. The APIs listed in the dropdown will be the already configured in the API Designer for SMS Gateway.


    If Encode is selected, the sent SMS will be Encoded.

    The functions of the field Encode are as follows:

    • If selected the message sent via SMS will have special character in the place of spaces.

    • If not selected the SMS will be sent as a normal message.


    To make the configured SMS Type Active, enable the toggle button. By default, this switch control is enabled for the Primary gateway.

  3. Click Submit to save the configuration and generate an SMS configuration ID on the List page. Click Cancel to return to the list page.
    A success message as Gateway Configuration saved successfully is displayed. Along with clickable link to return to the list page.

Edit SMS Gateway

To Edit an SMS Gateway, perform the following steps:

  1. Select required SMS ID on the list page.

    Figure: SMS Gateway List

  2. Make the required changes and click Update.
    Upon updating, you will be navigated to the List page.

    Figure: Update SMS Gateway

Send Test SMS

To check the configuration of SMS Gateway, you can always test using Send Test SMS option on the Update Screen.

To Send Test SMS, perform the following steps:

  1. Click ID on the SMS list page.

    Figure: SMS Gateway List

  2. Click Send Test SMS to check the SMS functionality.

    Figure: Send Test SMS

  3. Enter the appropriate details in the required fields.

    Figure: Test SMS

    For more information, refer to the following Field Description.



    Test For*

    Select the type of gateway configuration for which it should be tested for within the selected SMS Gateway.

    • When Primary is selected, the system sends the test SMS from the Primary Gateway.

    • When Secondary is selected, the system sends the test SMS from the Secondary Gateway.

    • Either Primary or Secondary can be selected at a time.

      Figure: Test SMS


    This Field is not editable, the number displayed here is hard loaded from the Platform User Access Management. To change the number, refer to Manage User(s).


    Sending SMS from here is only for testing purpose and no official communication must be done from here.

    Country Code*

    Select the Country Code of your phone number. The dropdown will have all the Country Codes mentioned.


    To avoid any misuse of this function the system will pre-populate a message in the Subject textbox as: “This SMS is for testing the SMS Gateway. Please Ignore”.


    The name and mail ID of the sender will be captured in the message.

    Response and Validations

    Response for Test SMS is logged in the provided section, this will help for capturing the Test History on the List page.

    Display Type

    Select the display type of SMS Notification. By default, Text is selected.

    Figure: Display Type


    The Status of Test SMS is displayed here, there are two Statuses that get displayed here.

    • Success: When Test SMS is sent successfully, then the Status is displayed as Success.

      Figure: Success Status

    • Failed: When the Test SMS fail due to configuration issues, then the Status is displayed as Failed.

      Figure: Failed Status


    The description contains the details that are configured in the selected API configuration, for more information, refer API Body.

  4. Click Send to test the SMS, or click Cancel to exit from the Test SMS pop-up screen.

View Test SMS History

Upon testing SMS, the Success or Failed responses are saved under Test History on the SMS Gateway Configuration. The History details are captured and presented in a list format where simple filters can be applied to view the required results.

To view the Test History, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the List page and select the configured SMS ID.

    Figure: SMS Gateway List

  2. The SMS Gateway configuration screen is displayed, click Test History icon on the Top Panel.

    Figure: SMS Gateway Configuration

  3. The SMS Gateway configuration screen is displayed, click Test History icon on the Top Panel.

    Figure: SMS Gateway

  4. Test Mail History pop-up window is displayed along with all the details where simple filters can be applied.

    Figure: Test SMS History

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