  • 02 Jan 2025
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Closure Codes are used to document the reason for closing an SR. These codes provide a standardized way to classify and track the resolution of SRs, allowing the teams to analyze trends, measure performance, and generate reports.

Closure Codes can be used to indicate whether an SR is completed, or canceled. They can also be used to provide additional details about the SR, such as the reason for cancellation or any issues encountered during the SR fulfillment. Closure Code make it easier for Analysts or Workgroups engaged in the Service Request management to understand why the SR was closed.

Let's explore the following use case.

Use Case
User Persona: Administrator


NovaTech is facing the challenge to track and analyze reasons of closing the Service Requests.
NovaTech's Administrator Sandra can configure Closure Codes that the Analysts can use while changing the status of an SR to ClosedClosure Codes provide a standardized way of communicating the reason behind closing of an SR to different teams involved in the process, enabling them to take appropriate actions quickly. Some of the common Closure Codes used are:
  • Resolved
  • User error
  • Duplicate
  • Unable to reproduce
  • Workaround implemented
  • Information provided
  • No further action required

Configure Closure Code

Configure the Closure Codes to easily track the reasons behind the closing of SRs. The Closure Codes enable efficient analysis of request resolution trends and performance.

To configure Closure Codes, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Service Management.
  2. Click Settings > Design Studio.
    Figure: Select Design Studio
  3. Navigate to Module > Service Request > Configurations > SR Masters > Closure Code. The list page of Closure Code is displayed.
    Figure: Closure Code list page

  4. Click New to configure a new Closure Code. The Closure Code ID page is displayed.
    Figure: Closure Code ID page

  5. Enter the required details as described in the following table and click Save.
    Select the tenant for which you want to configure Closure Code for Service Requests from the dropdown menu. This is a mandatory field.
    Give a brief description about the Closure  Code. This provides the necessary context to accurately apply the Closure Code to a Service Request while changing the status of the Service Request to 'Closed'.
    SR Closure Code*
    Enter the name of the SR Closure Code. The SR Closure Code name should be a clear and identifiable label for specific SR closure, aiding in accurate tracking, reporting, and analysis of SR closure.
    Sort Order
    Select the sort order in which the Closure Codes are displayed or listed within the ITSM system when Analysts are selecting or viewing them.
    Select the check box to display the SR Closure Code for the selected Tenant, by default.
    Select the check box to make the SR Closure Code available on the other pages of the application.
    An asterisk (*) represents mandatory field.
  6. Click Save to configure the new Closure Code. Click Reset to clear all the inputs in the Closure Code ID page. If you do not want to save the details and configure the Closure Code, click Cancel.

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