Star Rating
  • 19 Dec 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Star Rating

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Article summary

Analyzing customer reviews is one of the major steps in understanding customer satisfaction. With this insight as an input, it is possible to improve customer service quickly. Star Rating Control is one such control in Apex which allows users to provide feedback or rate the services based on predefined scales.

Let's explore the following use-case to better understand Star Rating control in Apex:

User Persona: Application Designer
NovaTech wants to know about customer opinion on its recently released new feature in the product.
However, collecting meaningful feedback is challenging. The lack of an intuitive and user-friendly feedback mechanism hinders the NovaTech team's ability to identify areas of improvement and deliver better services.
Application designer Sam can configure star rating control while designing the form in Apex with a Star rating of scale 5.
This aims to enhance the user experience by providing a visually appealing and straightforward method for users to express their satisfaction levels.
By incorporating a user-friendly Star Rating Control into the forms, you can gain valuable insights for continuous service improvement.

Configure Star Rating Control

Effortlessly drag and drop Star Rating Control on to the form canvas and configure it as per organizational needs.

To configure Star Rating Control, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Form Designer > Design Form > Controls.
  2. Expand Survey Controls. The following options are displayed:
    Figure: Survey Controls
  3. Drag and drop Star Rating control on the design canvas.
  4. Hover over the added control to access Settings and Delete icon.
  5. Clickto configure Star Rating control.

On the Settings pop-up window, the following tabs are there where you can configure the Star Rating control:

  • Properties
  • Appearance

Figure: Star rating control - Settings


This section contains the list of generic properties using which you can configure the Star Rating control's name, scale label layout, shape, and much more.


Figure: General properties settings

Refer the following table for the different fields and their descriptions in the General section:


Enter the question for which you seek feedback using the Star rating control. For example, if the Star Rating control is used to collect feedback on a product, the label could be "Rate Your Experience" or "Customer Satisfaction Rating."

Sub Title

The sub title text is useful to give the user a better idea of what kind of information they need to fill in. Sub Title text appears directly beneath the control. Use it to explain why a piece of information is being requested, address security and privacy concerns, or suggest ways of providing answers.

Select the shape of the Rating symbol to be displayed to the users:

Figure: Shape dropdown menu

  • Star
    Figure: Star rating
  • Smiley
    Figure: Smiley rating
  • Heart
    Figure: Heart rating
  • Thumbs up
    Figure: Thumbs up rating

Define the range of values or options available in the Rating control for users to provide their feedback.

ControlScale range
Thumbs up2-3
Scale field is displayed only after selecting Shape of the Rating Control.

An asterisk(*) represents a mandatory field.

Customize the rating experience

Shape of the Rating Control can be chosen based on the customer need and the platform for which the feedback form is being built for.

  • Star Rating controls are commonly used for gathering feedback on products, services, or experiences where users can rate on a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 10.
  • Smiley Rating controls are often used in customer satisfaction surveys, providing users with options like happy, neutral, or sad faces to express how they feel about their experience.
  • Heart Rating controls are suitable for gauging emotional responses or preferences.
  • Thumbs up Rating controls are ideal for simple approval or agreement scenarios, commonly used in feedback forms.

You can configure below properties to add more context to the feedback question being asked in the Rating Control by choosing the right rating scale, shape, and label.

Refer the following section for more information:


The number of Rating rows are displayed on the basis on the selected range.

By default, a ‘No Rating’ row is added for each rating scale.
Figure: No Rating

'No Rating' is useful, in case you want to allocate a negative score to all those questions where a feedback is not provided. Refer the following example to better understand how No Rating works:

During configuration of a survey form for Average employee confidence, no score is provided for No Rating. So, if an employee does not provide any rating, by default, zero score is assigned to that feedback.

Employee IDProvided RatingRatings
Average Score(0+4+4+0)/4=2

Suppose, -1 score is provided for No Rating, then if an employee does not provide any feedback, -1 score is assigned to the feedback.

Employee IDProvided RatingRatings
Average Score((-1)+4+4+(-1))/4=1.5

Rating Label

Figure: Rating Label

Rating label option is only displayed upon enabling the Add Rating Labels switch.

Provide a meaningful label for each rating level. The labels have default values. However, you can customize them based on the need.

The following figure describes the scale and rating labels associated with the different Rating Controls:

  • Star and Heart Rating Control

  • Smiley Rating Control
  • Thumbs up Rating Control


Figure: Score

Give a score to each rating level to measure feedback fairly and compare it over time. This helps identify areas for improvement and set standards to aim for.


Select the color code for each rating scale to enhance visual clarity and intuitiveness. This makes it easier for users to understand and respond to feedback questions effectively.

Each score has a default color based on the chosen scale and rating labels. You can customize the color as per the requirement. Click on the color box under Color column to open the color palette. Refer the following figure:

Figure: Color code

  • The color of thumbs in Thumbs up Rating control are predefined and cannot be modified. Refer the following sample figure:
  • The color of the emojis in Smiley Rating control are predefined and cannot be modified. Refer the following sample figure:


Help Text
Provide a help text that gives the end users guidance on how to use the rating control to provide their feedback correctly. For example, 'Rate your experience by selecting a star rating from 1 to 5.'
Rich Text
This is a switch to enable the Rich Text editor for the Help text.

Figure: Rich Text switch

Rich texted ‘Help Text’ improves user understanding by allowing formatting of the Help Text like bold text, images, and clickable links. This makes the Help Text information clearer and more interactive for users.
 Figure: Rich Text editor
Add a Tooltip that is displayed when the user hovers over the Star Rating control and explains about the control.


The Appearance tab contains fields where you can configure how the feedback question for Star Rating will appear in the form.


Configure how the name of the Star Rating will appear in the form under Label section.

Figure: Label section - Appearance

Following table explains the different fields and their description present under the Label section in Appearance tab:

Font TypeSelect the desired font from the drop-down menu to customize the feedback question of Star Rating.
Figure: Font type
Font ColorSelect a font color from the color palette to enhance the visibility and aesthetics of the feedback question of the Star Rating.Figure: Color palette
Font SizeSelect the desired font size as per your preference for better readability and presentation of the feedback question of Star Rating.Figure: Font size
Font StyleSelect either Bold, underlined, or Italic font style to emphasize the feedback question of Star Rating.Figure: Font style

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