  • 24 May 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

The Summary is the fifth stepper in Form Designer. A form summary page will provide a clear and concise overview of the key configurations of the form completed so far at every step. It will filter and summarize the essential configurations, eliminating the need to read through the detailed configurations. 

Let's explore the following use-case.

User Persona
 Application Designer
The Application Designer Sam wants to create an interface for their application where a page should display the list of all the logged incidents with details such as Incident ID, Logged Time, Status, Caller, Description.
It should be flexible to display them in list view or grid view, however the default view should be list view. It should have option to filter the records based on status.
Also, it should be able to display the list of records grouped by Tenant Type for the available Tenants for Incident module.

To achieve this functionality, Sam will navigate to the third stepper Design List View of the Form Designer.
Configure the properties on the page such as enable List View and Tile View options under Grid View Styles. Select Default View as List View.
Select Incident ID, Logged Time, Status, Caller and Description from the Available Columns list and move them to Default Columns.
Select Default Filters and define the Field, Operator and Value condition.

View Summary

To view the Summary page, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Design Studio > Form Designer.

After configuring the first four steppers General, Design Form, Sequence Generator, and Design List View the Summary tab gets displayed for any new form. You can directly navigate to the Summary tab for an existing form. A sample screenshot is shown below:

Figure: Summary 

The following table contains a brief description of Summary screen fields.

Field Name

Form NameDisplays the name of form configured.
Displays the brief description of the form specified 
Table Name
Displays the table name to which this form is associated. 
Form LayoutDisplays the form layout configurations, if any.
List Page Properties
Custom ViewDisplays if Custom View is enabled or disabled.

Displays if Simple or Advanced filter is enabled or if both filters are enabled. 

Refresh Interval
Displays if Refresh Interval is enabled. 
Grid View Styles

Displays the grid view styles. It can be List View or Tile View. It will also display which view is set as the default view. 

Default Columns in Grid View 
 Displays if default columns are enabled.

Placement of Actions

Displays if any actions such as Import, Export, Bulk Approval are configured 

Export OptionsDisplays if the Export option is enabled. 
Default Records in Grid View
Displays the count of the default records getting displayed in Grid view.
Default ViewDisplays the default view of list page as Pagination or Grid. 

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