Troubleshooting guidelines for Access Management
  • 16 Aug 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Troubleshooting guidelines for Access Management

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Article summary

The following section delves into the comparison between accessing multiple applications versus a single application, having multiple Roles compared to a single Role, and the process of Role switching from within the user profile.

Refer to the table that summarizes the various scenario under Login User Experience for User with No Roles and User with Roles.

SL NoScenarioDescription


User assigned with no Role
Upon logging in, users without assigned Roles get a toast message stating, "You have not assigned any Roles, please contact the administrator”.

The user is directed to the user dashboard with no access to applications or settings.


User assigned one Role and one Application

The user is directed to the End User dashboard based on the Role Template.

Bob, the End User, is directed to the End User dashboard, and Adam, the Admin, can access the Administrator dashboard.

User with multiple Role and one Application
The user is redirected to the user dashboard. Once the user selects an application, he or she has the ability to select a role.
Example: Adam the Administrator selects the ITSM- Administrator or Analyst Role based on the selected application.
User with one Role and multiple Applications
The user lands on the user dashboard and can select the application to proceed.
Example: Adam the Administrator selects multiple applications like Service Management, Asset Management, Discovery, etc.
User with multiple Roles and Applications
The user lands on the user dashboard for application selection.
Example: Adam the Administrator accesses different Admin or Analyst dashboards based on the application selection. Bob, the End User, accesses the Service Management or Asset Management application based on the permission granted for screens.
Default RoleIf Role is selected as the default Role, the application directs you to the End User dashboard.
If Role is selected as the default Role, the user is prompted to select the role to proceed.
The user has the ability to proceed with the "All" Role option.
7Change Role Option
The user has the ability to change Roles for an application if the user has multiple Roles.
8Menu access
Depending on the Role, filtered menu options are visible to the user.
9Setting Icon Access
If the user has permission to access any menu from the application or designer, a setting icon appears.
If the user doesn't have access to any Design Studio permission, then this menu doesn't appear.
When user clicks Platform, they are redirected to the first child of the first parent menu.
When user clicks Design Studio, the user will be redirected to the first child of the first parent menu.
10Dashboard Access
If the user is a Super Admin, then they have access to all dashboards such as Platform, Application, etc.
If the user is an App Designer, this user does not have access to the Platform.
For the End User, only the user dashboard is accessible.
11Design Studio
If the user has access to the Application Menus and sub Menu as Application, then only the Application menu appears.
If the user has access to the Application Menus and Sub Menu as Module, then only the Module menu will appear.
12Menu Level Access
A user who doesn't have view access to a particular menu is redirected to an unauthorized screen page.
A user with View access but not having edit options don't have access to the Update button when editing the record.
A user who doesn't have the "create access" option may not find the submit button for submitting the data.
A user who doesn't have the "create access" option isn't able to create the resource from a direct route.
13 Page-level functional access
If the user has view access and doesn’t have create or edit access, then in this case, page-level functional buttons are available based on user permission.
If the user doesn't have edit access, then the update button isn't available. Similarly, if the user doesn't have create access, then the submit button isn't available.
All the buttons with the action ‘create’ are removed if the user doesn't have permission to create a resource, and the same applies to the 'edit' action.
If the user has permission on the Role assigned but is getting an error as an unauthorized page, check if the permission has been granted in the Role template of the Role assigned to the user.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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