  • 12 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

The View option in the Business Rule Designer displays the list of rules configured for the specific Domain and Sub Domain. 

To view the listing page of the Business Rule Designer, perform the following steps. 

1.     Navigate to Design Studio > Designers > Business Rule Designer. 

2.     Enter the Domain and Sub Domain. 

3.     The page displays the list of business rules configured for the chosen Domain and Sub Domain.

Figure: View Business Rules. 


The grid provides a detailed view of the list page of the Business Rule Designer. For more information refer to the table below. 




This is the unique Id given to the Business Rule. 

Business Rule Name

A specific name provided for the Business Rule 


Displays the table in which the rule is configured. 

Trigger Type

Displays the Trigger Type selected while creating the Rule. 

Process Business Rule

Displays if the Business Rule is processed in After or Async mode. 

Business Rule Actions

Displays the action selected while creating the Business Rule. 


The Filter option present in the Business Rule Designer allows the restriction of content based on specific criteria. 

Figure: Filter Icon

To Add Filters, perform the following steps: 

1. Click the Icon and then click Add Filter

Figure: Add Filter 

2. From the dropdown search, select the attribute that you want to filter by. 

3. Click Apply. 

The Search option helps to easily search configured Business Rules from the list page. 

Figure: Search icon

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