Configure Priority
  • 11 Dec 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Configure Priority

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Article summary

Priority in a Work Order is a critical concept used to determine the order in which a Work Order should be addressed. It is a combination of impact and urgency.


In Work Order Management, Priority refers to the importance or urgency of a specific work order. Priority is used to categorize and determine how work orders should be addressed based on their criticality and impact on business operations.

Use Case


Novatech's IT Support Team often experiences high-severity network outages affecting multiple users during peak business hours. They require prioritizing such issues within the same Department.

Sandra an Application Administrator logs in to the application, navigates to WO SLA Configs then selects Priority. Creates a new Priority from the List page using the New button. Then she selects the appropriate Tenant from the dropdown field. Enters "P1" in the WO Priority field. Sets the Sort Order of the Priority to 1 to prioritize the Work Order on the List page. Enables Active option to make it available within the application.

Configure Priority

The Work Order Module is a key component of ITSM that facilitates the management of various tasks essential to maintaining IT services and infrastructure. Assigning the correct Priority to each Work Order is crucial for efficient service management. Priority configuration enables organizations to systematically address Work Orders, ensuring that issues with greater business impact or urgency receive the necessary attention and resources promptly.

To configure Priority in a Work Order, perform the following steps:

  1.  Log in to the Apex application.

  2.  Navigate to Design Studio > Service Management > Work Order > Configurations > WO SLA Configs > Priority.

  3. Click New to configure Priority.

    Figure: Priority List

  4. Select and enter appropriate values for the mandatory fields.

    Figure: Priority Configuration

    For more information, refer to the following Field Description:




    Select Tenant from the field dropdown.

    WO Priority 

    Enter Priority Value for Work Order.


    Hover on the info icon to view the information message about the field. The following message is displayed.

    "Priority is the result of evaluating the intersection of impact and urgency, which allows organizations to effectively prioritize Work Order based on their severity and the level of disruption they may cause."


    Enter Description about the Priority.

    Sort Order 

    Specify a value to set the sort order for the Priority.


    The Sort Order field accepts values from 0 to 999. The Priority is executed alphabetically on the pages irrespective of the number of Priorities that are configured with the same Sort Order or without any sort order.


    • If Priority 1 (P1) is configured with
      sort order value 1.

    • Priority 2 (P2) is configured with
      sort order value 2.

    Priority 1(P1) is placed on top of Priority 2(P2) across all the pages.

    Highlight Color

    Select the color in which the priority is highlighted. By default this is selected as black color. Select color as RGB, HSL or HEX.


    Enable Active control. It indicates that the Priority is Active across all the pages wherever it is used. By default, this is inactive.


    Enable Default control. It indicates that the Priority is set as Default and this value will be considered as Default value when used. By default, this value is set to non-default.

  5.  Click Save.
    The configured priority is displayed on the list page.

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