  • 02 Jul 2024
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Article summary

It is the last stepper of Form Designer. The primary purpose of this section is to configure the status of a form and to decide if the form is published, under maintenance or retired. It allows you to maintain the effective form lifecycle management. Manage the availability and usability of the forms by configuring different status such as Published, Maintenance and Retired, as needed.

Let's understand the overview of Publish Form mechanism.

Publish Form

Let's explore the following use-case.

Use Case

User Persona: Application Designer

The Application Designer, Sam wants to create an interface for their application where a form named Employee Performance Evaluation should be visible in the active list of forms as per requirement. And, once done with evaluation there should be a provision to hide it from the active list of forms.

The interface should allow the Employee Performance Evaluation form to be archived when it is no longer required to reduce the clutter and enhanced user experience. 

To make the Employee Performance Evaluation form available in the list of forms, it can be published with status as Published. And, once done with the evaluation and to hide it, change the status to Maintenance. 
The form can be achieved using Publish Status as Retired.

Configure Publish Form

To configure the Publish Form, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Design Studio > Form Designer
  2. After configuring all steppers in Form Designer, the Publish tab gets enabled for a new form. You can directly navigate to the Publish tab for an existing form. 
    Figure: Publish - Main Form 

    Figure: Publish - Sub Form - Publish To component

Field Description

The following table contains a brief description on Publish tab fields. 

Field NameDescription

Select the published status of the form. Available options are as follows:
  • Published - If the publish status is selected as Published, then the form is accessible to its users to utilize it.
  • Maintenance - If the publish status is selected as Maintenance, then the form is not accessible to its users to utilize it.  
  • Retired - if the publish status is selected as Retired, then the form is permanently deleted and no more accessible to its users.
We have provided different color coding for the above statues. The sample screenshots are shown below:
Publish ToIt provides you the flexibility to make the form available to a specific set of people or to everyone based on different criteria.
The Publish To component is available only for Sub Forms.
Add Filter SetField - Specify the publishing component to be published to a targeted audience based on the criteria selected in Field.
Operator - Specify the operator based on which the publishing should takes place. The options are displayed based on the option specified in Field.
Value - Specify the values based on the which the publishing should take place. The options are displayed based on the option specified in Field and Operator field and role access of the Application Designer.

For more information on available Field, Operator and Values, refer the Publish To section below.
+Add multiple conditions using + symbol.
-Delete any condition using - symbol.

Publish To

Publishing a Sub Form based on the field, operator and value allows users to dynamically control the form accessibility. 

The following table provides more insight on field, operator and values. 



Email IdIsPublish the form to a specific email ID or multiple email IDs.

GenderIsPublish the form to the users belonging to a specific gender.
  • Is
  • Is One Of
Publish the form to a specific department or multiple departments.
  • Is
  • Is One Of

Publish the form to a specific manager or multiple managers.
Employee Type
  • Is
  • Is One Of

Publish the form to a specific employee type or multiple employee types.
  • Is
  • Is One Of
Publish the form to a specific designation or multiple designations.
  • Is
  • Is One Of
Publish the form to a specific grade or multiple grades.
  • Is
  • Is One Of
Publish the form to a specific category or multiple categories.
  • Is
  • Is One Of
Publish the form to a specific customer or multiple customers.
  • Is
  • Is One Of
Publish the form to a specific location or multiple distinct locations.

Relationship between Conditions

Define relationship between conditions using AND or OR operators. Let's consider few use cases for better understanding of the same.

The following use case describes functionality using AND conditions.

Let's explore the following use-case.
Use Case

User Persona: Application Designer

Sam wants to publish a sub form only to the users belongs to the Design department in Bangalore location for a customer named ACME C.

To achieve this functionality, he can compose the following 3 conditions and combine them using AND operator from the drop-down.

  1. Field - Location, Operator - =, Value = Bangalore
  2. Field - Department, Operator - =, Value = Design
  3. Field - Customer, Operator - =, Value = ACME C



The following use case describes functionality using OR conditions.

Let's explore the following use-case.
Use Case

User Persona: Application Designer

Sam wants to publish a sub form only to the users belongs to the Design department in Bangalore location for a customer named ACME C.

To achieve this functionality, he can compose the following 3 conditions and combine them using OR operator from the drop-down.

  1. Field - Location, Operator - =, Value = Bangalore
  2. Field - Department, Operator - =, Value = Design
  3. Field - Customer, Operator - =, Value = ACME C


Let's explore the following use-case.
Use Case

User Persona: Application Designer

Sam wants to publish a sub form only to the users belongs to the Design department in Bangalore location for a customer named ACME C.

To achieve this functionality, he can compose the following 3 conditions and combine the first two conditions with AND operator and third condition with OR operator from the drop-down.

  1. Field - Location, Operator - =, Value = Bangalore
  2. Field - Department, Operator - =, Value = Design
  3. Field - Customer, Operator - =, Value = ACME A


Group with Conditions

Provision to group multiple conditions using the checkbox with AND or OR operator. It allows you to configure multiple conditions together.

Let's understand grouping of conditions with the different scenarios for the following data set. 

Scenario Output
Location = Chennai AND (Department = Engineering AND Customer = ACME A)
Location = Chennai AND (Department = Engineering OR Customer = ACME A)
Location = Chennai OR (Department = Engineering AND Customer = ACME A)

Location = Chennai OR (Department = Engineering OR Customer = ACME A)

Design List Page - Publish Status

The Publish status can be changed from the in the Status column on the Design List page. The Status field displays the status of the record. You can change the status using the arrow next to the status. The status can be changed accordingly. 

Maintenance to Published

The status can easily be changed from Maintenance to Published.

To change status of the form from Maintenance to Published, perform the following steps: 

  1. On the form design list page, click the arrow next to Maintenance status and select the status as Published.
  2.  Once the status is changed from Maintenance to Published, the Publish Status - Summary page is displayed with Publish stepper content.

Published to Maintenance

The status can easily be changed from Published to Maintenance to add mandatory updates.

To change status of the form from Published to Maintenance, perform the following steps: 

  1. On the Form Design list page, click the arrow next to Published status and select the status as Maintenance.

    The system displays the following confirmation message:
    "The *Designer* will not be available for use to the consumer when moved to Maintenance. Do you still wish to proceed?"

    You will also get the following message on the top of the page with each stepper except the last stepper.
    "To edit the record change the publish status from Published to Maintenance. Change Status."
    Click Change Status hyperlink and the a popup is displayed with relevant options of status to select. Click Save Changes after selecting the required status.

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